Asigra announces hybrid cloud backup

Asigra announces hybrid cloud backup

Asigra, a cloud backup and recovery software provider, has announced
the Asigra Hybrid Cloud Backup and Recovery platform. The ninth
generation Asigra platform brings transformational backup
architecture, allowing users to outsource backup to a public cloud,
build a private cloud or select a hybrid of the two models.

The latest generation offering brings industry firsts in automation,
security and efficiency to reduce IT resources spent on mundane
backup jobs, allowing redirection of those resources toward more
strategic initiatives, according to the folks at Asigra.

Traditional approaches to SMB and enterprise backup have not kept up
with the exponential data growth, variances in information value and
complexities within the IT environment as organizations seek to do
more with less. Instead, there has been an unfortunate waste in
brainpower and precious resources on backup and recovery when it
should be a routine task in today's cloud computing era.

Asigra now allows users to leverage the public cloud, build their own
private cloud or integrate both into a hybrid data protection model,
providing the flexibility to alternate between the two approaches for
fast onsite and reliable offsite recovery. Asigra does not require a
choice between whether to exclusively manage the entire company
backup estate or completely outsource it to a trusted cloud services
provider. Asigra allows easy migration of backup data from the
internal data center to a cloud service provider's facility or
vice-versa using an integrated data migration tool, avoiding having
to reinstall the backup and recovery software. As backup strategies
change, whether a user elects to retain the custody of data or
outsource it to a trusted service provider, Asigra ensures total user
control over backup data.

"Asigra continues to show vision as a next generation backup and
recovery software provider with its latest platform, optimized for
cloud computing," said Lauren Whitehouse, analyst for the Enterprise
Strategy Group. "Asigra oozes optimization, from its agentless
approach, built-in data deduplication and lifecycle management, and
standard features such as continuous protection and replication to
the flexibility in deploying the solution. Asigra allows users to
capture, ingest and store less data, effectively reducing the amount
of storage hardware and management overhead required to deploy and
maintain high levels of data protection."

Asigra Hybrid Cloud Backup and Recovery ingests less data by
eliminating non-essential and persistent data at the source and
includes tools that allow users to analyze the entire concentration
of data on the network for the generation of reports that identify
storage inefficiencies like stale or redundant data. The backup and
recovery offering provides a smart and affordable approach to backup
transformation, helping customers to buy less, manage less, and
maintain less - it is a multi-site license and does not require any
agents to be purchased or installed on the existing or newly added
systems under protection. Instead, Asigra reaches out over the
network to perform agentless backup of all leading physical and
virtual operating systems, applications, and databases, using
industry standard protocols and programming interfaces.

"With more than 85 locations to protect, our challenge was the
consolidation of backup and recovery operations across a large number
of geographically dispersed sites," said Grahame McKenzie, director,
IT Infrastructure and Administration, Crawford and Company (Canada)
Inc. "With its single-screen management and architecture designed for
centralized backup and recovery, Asigra has allowed us to refocus our
resources on more strategic projects by eliminating the time, expense
and risk of traditional data protection."

Industry Leadership in Secure Cloud Backup Asigra's Hybrid Cloud
Backup and Recovery platform is the first backup and recovery
software to receive FIPS 140 NIST certification. Whether experiencing
the benefits of Asigra in a public or private cloud, organizations
that are extremely security conscious can take advantage of the new
password rotation feature that provides the option of automatically
generating and changing passwords at random for specific user
accounts so unauthorized persons cannot access the account or the
data. These new security features make Asigra Hybrid Cloud Backup and
Recovery the most secure data protection platform available today.

"According to research by IDC, organizations are adopting cloud
computing on a widespread basis which is a trend expected to continue
over the next five years," said Brad Nisbet, program manager for
storage and data management services at IDC. "In line with the
advantages of cloud computing, Asigra's hybrid approach to cloud
backup and recovery is bringing automation and efficiencies that are
geared toward driving down capital and operational expenses
associated with data protection across an organization."

"In a 24/7, highly connected economy, customer expectations for an
always-on business environment and on-demand data availability are
growing," said John Lindeman, vice president of product management at
SunGard Availability Services. "Asigra Cloud Backup and Recovery
delivers fast, reliable online backup services that complement
SunGard's proven experience in helping organizations protect and
recover data to keep up with information availability needs."

"Backup needs to change - not just incrementally but significantly -
in order to capture the efficiencies of cloud computing. Asigra's
Hybrid Cloud Backup and Recovery platform brings change that is
transformational to help organizations refocus on more strategic IT
initiatives," said Eran Farajun, executive vice president for Asigra.
"Our latest generation product allows users to optimize, economize,
and modernize their backup strategy by addressing today's most
challenging data backup pain-points."

Asigra Hybrid Cloud Backup is available immediately through the
Asigra partner network. Organizations can opt to deploy the software
directly onsite or select a service provider powered by Asigra for
offsite backup or both. Pricing starts as low as $300 and scales
based on environment.

Leading organizations reduce costs by applying cloud computing to
backup and recovery with efficient, cost-effective and
transformational solutions from Asigra. Customers consistently
redirect savings derived from our approach to projects of higher
strategic and personal value, many of which have been on-hold for a
year or more. The positive business outcomes made possible from a low
touch agentless architecture are revealed through Asigra's Day One
ROI - an exercise that delivers enormous value with little up-front
investment.. The company and its products have been widely acclaimed
by leading partners such as CDW, HP and SunGard and renowned
organizations such as Boston Consulting Group, National Weather
Service, Red Cross and T-Mobile. Asigra is headquartered in Toronto,
Canada, with offices globally. For more information, visit

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