Announced 7/12/2202
360Works announces WooF, a JDBC adaptor for using WebObjects with FileMaker
360Works today announced the beta release of their WooF framework for
WebObjects. This software allows WebObjects to utilize FileMaker Pro as a
back-end database for creating high-volume, scalable web applications.
This software will allow FileMaker developers to create Java-based web
sites that will greatly exceed the transaction volumes that would have been
possible with traditional FileMaker web publishing techniques, such as
using the built-in Web Companion software. It is targeted towards advanced
FileMaker developers who have run into limitations on the speed and
complexity that they can achieve using the built-in web publishing tools.
In addition to basic insert/edit/delete operations, WooF supports these
FileMaker-specific features:
* Support for FileMaker Pro calculations.
* Support for all FileMaker Pro data types - text, number, date, time,
and containers.
* Support for FileMaker Pro's built-in serial number generation for
primary keys.
* Supports spaces and special characters in FileMaker databases and
field names.
* Optionally specify layouts in FileMaker for even better performance.
* Easy installation - works fine with existing WebObjects applications.
For more information on WooF, visit the 360Works product page at or contact Jesse Barnum at
(770) 234-9293. 360Works is a software consulting & development company
specializing in development for FileMaker Pro, WebObjects, AppleScript, and
Mac OS X. They were established in 1996 and are located in Atlanta,
Georgia, USA.