The Channel Window

Channel windows are displayed when you are in an IRC Channel . They have the main view screen , the input window , and the nick list . If you are a channel owner/host , the appropriate buttons are also shown .


Channel Control , BanList , Access List and PropList : These show the Control , BanList , Access , and Prop dialogs .

Whois : This shows the Whois dialog , based on the nick you have chosed from the nick list .

The rest buttons are the same as the Server Window .


This is the window that you see channel messages . To configure how these messages can be appeared , see Appearance .


This is the edit box that you use to enter commands and send messages to the channel . For more information , see Input .

ListBox and buttons

The list box contains all the nicks that they are in the same channel and you have access to view them . Nicks that are operators in your channel have the "@" prefix . Nicks that are owners in the channel ( IRCX servers only ) , have the "." prefix . Nicks that are able to speak in a moderate channel , have the "+" prefix . Check the Channel Control for more about channel modes .

Selecting a nicks and pressing the right mouse button causes the popup menu to appear and enables you to select what you will do to that nick :

For all the above , see Default Aliases .

TurboIRC enables you to drag and drop a file to a nick ... then a DCC send request will be requested.

The buttons below the list box are emulating the same commands the Control Menu has . Note that these buttons appear only if you are host/owner in a channel .

To learn how to size your channel window's controls , see Metrics .

See also :

Server Window

Query Window

DCC Window