Channel Control dialog box

Using the Channel Control dialog box , you can set/modify the channel modes and the channel topic . Some modes require different client levels to work . Sysops can change the modes after becoming hosts / owners in the channel . Channel members that are not owners/hosts , cannot change modes . Also note that the channel modes are case sensitive , servers can introduce a mode , for example +R , which will not have the same meaning as +r .

On non-IRCX servers , the terms "owner" and "host" have the same meaning .

For more about the available channel modes , see the RFC1459 and the IRCX draft .


+i: Only invited users are allowed to enter the channel . Only owners and hosts can issue an invitation when this mode is on .

+k: Only users who use the given key in /join command can enter the channel . Only owners are allowed to set this mode .

+l : Channel member number is limited to the given value .

+m: When a channel is +m , only the members on which +v is applied can speak .

***Note : The above 4 modes limit only channel members . An admin/sysop/owner/host is not limited by those modes .


+n: This mode forces the channel to accept messages only from channel members . An administrator can still send a message to the channel .

+t: Only owners/hosts can change the topic , if this mode is on .

public: Any channel property / mode / topic ( except the channel text ) can be queried from non - members .

+p: Only the name , the topic and the PICS property can be queried from non-members .

+h (IRCX) : The same as public , but the channel name will not be shown in /list , /listx /whois and other commands that return channel names , if queried from a non-member .

+s: If this mode is on , the channel cannot be located by any query .

+r: The channel is registered in the server . Only the admin can set this mode . Registered channel means that once a user joins the channel , the channel revokes the default modes and properties , used for registration . The registration procedure is up to the server . It can be done using server services , or by mailing the administrator . If an owner or a host changes some of the modes/properties , the registered values are restored when the channel closes ( no members in it ) . Note also that there are some channels , which are registered with a way that they keep all of the modes/properties , even if no one is inside .

Registering a channel helps you to get your host or owner status even if the channel is not empty , by using the keys you registered .

+w (IRCX ) : This mode permits the use of /whisper command in a channel . Only owners can set this mode .

+a (IRCX) : This mode permits only authenticated users ( i.e. users who successfully registered with the AUTH or the PASS command ) to join the channel . Only authenticated users can set this mode . Note that on non IRCX servers , +a has different meaning . Usually , Sysops/Admins are authenicated users .

+u (IRCX) : This mode causes the server to send a KNOCK message to all owners and hosts in IRCX mode of a channel , when a user tried to enter and the server denied entrance .

+f (IRCX) : This mode forces IRCX clients not to format channel text , like a telnet session . Only the administrator can set +f using /create .

+d (IRCX) : This mode forces a channel that has +l , to create a clone channel each time the parent channel is full . When a channel is , e.g. #chr , the clones will be #chr1 , #chr2 etc . When a clone channel is created , all channels with the same name are destroyed . Only an administrator can set +d mode using /create .

+e(IRCX) : This mode is applied by the server on a clone channel created by a +d channel. Administrators are allowed to force a clone channel using /create .

+x (IRCX) : When this mode is on , channel owners and hosts see all members , get all messages from the members and their messages are shown by all members . Members see only themselves and the owners/hosts , and receive channel messages only from them , not from other members . +x can be applied only using /create .

+z (IRCX) : This mode is a signal to the client that the server monitors and/or logs the channel text . +z can only be set by the server .

***Note : TurboIRC shows a warning each time you join a channel that has one or more of the above 5 extended modes ( And the appropriate check box in the Preferences Dialog Box Preferences dialog box is checked ) . Also note that all modes that cannot be enabled by /mode , but only using /create , they cannot be removed except the channel is destroyed . Using /create with a registered channel , will not affect the registered modes . /Create also can take the "c" as a parameter , to request for failure if the channel exists . For example using /create #room ntc , will fail if the channel exists . /create will success if the channel is registered , but it is closed . The user who used /create will join , but not take owner/host status .

Channel modes applied on users are :

+v : This gives voice to a member . It is used on a moderated (+m) channel . Nicks that have voice are preffixed with '+'

+o : This gives host status to a member . Nicks that are hosts are preffixed with '@'

+q (IRCX) : This gives owner status to a member . Only an owner can give owner status to another owner . Nicks that are owners are preffixed with '.'


Users are automatically granded :

+v , when their mask matches an ACCESS VOICE entry

+o , when their mask matches an ACCESS HOST entry , or they enter using a host key

+q , when their mask matches an ACCESS OWNER entry , or they enter using an owner key . Users also are granded with +q if they create a dynamic ( a non registered ) channel.

Note that a user that is able to be granded with +o or +q , is granded automatically with +v if the channel is moderated . Depending on the server configuration , IRCops / Admins may get +o/+q when they join a channel also .

When a channel is NOT +m , the users are not taking +v . If the following events occur :

1 -> A Host sets +m in a channel

2 -> The host deops himself ( -o )

This member will not be able to speak because he did not +v himself before deoping him .

See also:

Channel Access Entries

Channel BanList

Channel Properties

IRCX draft