Default Aliases

Default aliases are aliases reserved for special use . You cannot create an alias that it has the same name with a default alias .

Note that not all default aliases are available within all windows . For example , default aliases that show dialog boxes are valid only if those dialog boxes have a meaning in the activated window . Default aliases that require a window target name are not valid under DCC Windows .

The default aliases are :

// or /eval : This allows TurboIRC to process a line , as if it was a script . For example . /eval /display $channel Hey there , my nick is $mynick , will display in your current channel the message , and $mynick will be changed with your nick . Don't use dynamic variables , as they are destroyed once the /eval returns processing . This alias should *ONLY* be used from the command line : using it from a script causes it to be slow , and may result in a stack overflow . /eval or // is not available from DCC Windows .

* TurboIRC might deny the evaluation of a script command with /eval , when your system currently runs a script , to prevent a stack overflow .

/clear : This clears the screen text of the activated window . /clear can also used with a parameter to describe which windows should be cleared .

If /clear takes any other parameter , it will match from the active server the windows to be cleared , for example /clear #Eng* will clear all channels starting with #Eng ( case insensitive )

/query : This creates a query window , taking the parameter of the alias as the nick to be queried . Form : /query <nick> . /query can also be used to open a channel window . If a channel has not +n , then you may send messages without joining the channel . /query basically will open any type of window , for example you can /query #vvvs%%@@894 . If /query takes another parameter, it will pass that message to the query window , e.g. /query Michael hi there . If the window already exists , /query does not create another /query window but it still passes the message to the window.

/query is not available from DCC Windows .

/mquery : : This allows you to add or remove nicks from an existing query , to make it multiquery . /mquery activequery +|- nick . For example , /mquery George +Michael , will make the multiquery from George , to George,Michael . For more information , see Multi Query Sessions.

/destroystaticvariable <variable> : This will destroy a static variable you created within a script . E.g. /destroystaticvariable IsMe

/timer : This allows you to create a PIRCH - type timer . /timer <name> <iterations> <interval> <command> . <name> is a timer name ( w/o spaces ) , <iterations> is the number of the times the <command> will be executed ( -1 if forever ) , and <interval> is the number of seconds to be passed between the commands . /timer w/o parameters shows all timer status . /timer <name> on|off enables or disables a timer . /timer <name> die kills a timer . The <command> can be any IRC command or TurboIRC alias .

/firescript script [timeout] parameters : This allows you to start a new script . The script is the script text file , not including the TXT extension , and to be found in the SCRIPTS turboirc directory . For example , if you want to fire an alias /MYF , you would enter AMYF as the script value ( A for aliases ) . Timeout is the number of milliseconds that should pass before the new script is executed . If you specify 0 , the script begins immediately . Parameters are parameters passed to the script . Remember that an alias should have also its name passed as the first parameter $0 . You can create up to 100 user timers with /firescript , the preffered method to call scripts . If you directly call a script from a script , or fire a script when another script is sleeping from #sleep , you waste more memory and your system may crash . Check the TempBan in Scripts to see a test of the /firescript .

/sendkey : This sends a key to a secure dcc or to a query . The same as pressing the button "Security"

/hidetoicon : This hides TurboIRC and shows a small icon in the tray . The same with Ctrl+F5.

/nickmode : This shows the NickMode dialog

/list : This shows the Channel List dialog

/lastchannels : This shows the 10 channels you visited last .

/attribcopy : This copies text with attributes , see Menus .

/control : Shows the Control Dialog Box . The same with the menu command .

/banlist : Shows the BanList Dialog Box . The same with the menu command .

/prop : Shows the Properties Dialog Box . The same with the menu command .

/msg : This sends a message to a nick . This is the same as opening a query and type the message . Form : /msg <Nick> <Message>

/msg is not available from DCC Windows .

/dccmsg : This types text to a DCC Window . This alias is your only choise to type messages from a script that ran from OnDCCMessage Special Event . /dccmsg accepts the number of the DCC box ( the $0 of the OnDCCMessage ) , and then the command to execute ( which might be a popup or alias as well ) .

/dccmsg can accept a file as input , in that case start the message with ? . For example /dccmsg 0 ?C:\TURBOIRC\hi.txt

/connect : This shows the Connect dialog box .

/soundmanager : This shows the Sound Manager

/aliaseditor , /eventeditor , /speventeditor /alarmeditor , /addressbook : These show the alias/event/special event /alarm editors , or the address book .

/font : This enables you to temporary change your activated window's font . You will be asked also to say if you want the font to be applied to all currently active windows . You will asked then if you want to make the font change permanent . Font changes always apply after you restart TurboIRC .

/lbfont : The same , for the list box font .

/color : This enables you to temporary change your activated window's bg color . You will be asked also to say if you want the color to be applied to all currently active windows . You will asked then if you want to make the color change permanent .

/lbfgcolor : The same , for the list box foreground color .

/lbbgcolor : The same , for the list box background color .

/infgcolor : The same , for the input box foreground color .

/inbgcolor : The same , for the input box background color .

/logging : This is the same like pressing the "Logging" button . If /logging takes parameters , it cannot act to DCC's : /logging <window> <file> <mask> . <window> is the window name to modify logging options . <file> is the file to use for logging . If <file> is an asterisk , the logging is terminated , otherwise this file replaces the currently log file used , if any . <mask> is a combination of the following:

E.g. value of 5 is Date+Colors .

/writetofile : This saves the text of the window to a file . If /writetofile takes parameters , it cannot act to DCC's : /writetofile <window> <file> . <window> is the window name to save the buffer . <file> is the file to use for saving . The file must not exist , otherwise the alias fails .

/play : This accepts a window name and a file name . It copies the first 4096 bytes of the file to the input buffer and passes them to the server . E.G. /play #chat mychat.txt .

/locking : This is the same like pressing the "Locking" button . If locking takes a parameter , it locks the keyboard with that key .

/close : This closes the activated window . If you provide a parameter , this will be handled the same way that /clear handles parameters , with one exception : /close * will NOT close DCC windows .

/display : This is used to display a message like you enter it . /display <target> <message> , for example /display #MyChannel Hi there . It is used basically in scripts , when the activated window is not always known . The <target> can be one of the following :

If /display takes any other parameter , it will match from the active server the windows to be processed , for example /display #Eng* will /display something in all channels starting with #Eng ( case insensitive )

/addtext : This is used to add text to a window . The text you will add is not passed to the server , so /addtext is only for informational purposes for scripts . The parameters are the same with /display .

/achan : Sends a message to all the channels you are in . Same as in PIRCH , or /display # .

/awin : Sends a message to all the channels and queries you are in . Same as in PIRCH , or /display * .

/emulateserver : This forces the program to function as it has taken a server reply , described by the parameter . For example , assuming that your nick is "John" and the server you are in is "" , then /emulateserver :John JOIN #a , will cause the program to open a new channel window . This command is used when you want to extend the program if more IRC features are added . Be extremely careful ! This command requires good knowledge of the RFC1549 and the IRCX protocols . Mistaken commands can result in crash !

/access : Shows the Access Dialog Box . The same with the menu command . If used on a server window , it takes the access * . See the IRCX draft for details .

/silence : Shows you the Silence Dialog Box . The same with the menu command . If you give parameters , the SILENCE command will be directly passed to the server . See Silence dialog .

/target : This enables you to manually assign/remove targets from the IRCX compatible PRIVMSG command for a window . For more information , see MSG Targetting .

/run : This will run an application . /run application [parameters] . If the application is not an EXE file , TurboIRC will use the default associated program , for example /run here.txt will probably open notepad .

/shellexecute is almost the same , /shellexecute application [action] [parameters] . With /shellexecute , you can specify the action . If you specify "open" , it is the same like /run . You can also specify "print" and other registered actions .

/fetch : The /fetch command is under developement . It currently supports transferring only from HTTP sites , not from FTP . /fetch http://address targetfile . The address might include a port number ( the same syntax as the known browsers ) .

/send , /tsend , /ksend , /chat , /schat , /chess , /tvoice /fserv : These are just shortcuts to the following /dcc .

/dcc : This starts a dcc . With /DCC , you must also provide the recipient's name and the type of the dcc , for example /DCC Michael CHAT , or /DCC Michael TSEND file.ext . See DCC Sessions .

/ctcp: This sends a CTCP to a nick , see CTCP Messages messages . Form : /CTCP <Nick> Message

/msgtarget : Shows the Message Target Dialog Box . The same with the menu command .

/note or /notice : This sends a notice to a nick . Form : /note <Nick> <Message>

/topic : This changes the topic of the target channel : /topic #myChannel NewTopic .

/kick : This allows you to kick a user from a channel . /kick #channel nick reason

/me , /mme or /action : These sends an ACTION CTCP to a channel , query or DCC window . See CTCP messages . The parameter(s) for /me and /action are the message . /me and /action sends messages only to activated window . By contrast , /mme 's first parameter is the window name to send the action and the rest are the message to send . /mme cannot send actions to DCC windows . Use /mme to forward a /me to many windows with /display .

/mme : This sends an ACTION CTCP

/sound : This plays a sound to the target ( sends a CTCP Sound , PIRCH-compatible ) /sound <target> <soundfile> [soundmessage] . /sound offers the following extensions :

/sound is also available within DCC sessions , without the <target> ( i.e. /sound <soundfile> [soundmessage] )

/playsound : This adds the given argument to TurboIRC Sound Queue . The * and ? extensions of /sound are also supported . The difference with /sound is that /playsound will NOT send any CTCP to the IRC server .

/playtrack : Adds to the queue a CD track number .

/playstop : Stops any sound playback .

/playflush : Resumes sound playback

/playclear : Removes an item from the sound queue . The first item is 0 , the second 1 etc . If /playclear gets no parameters , it removes all the entries from the queue . The current playback , if any , will not be affected .

/quit : This emulates the QUIT IRC command , asking you for a quit reason .

/whois : This asks information of a nick . Form : /whois <nick>

/who : This shows the Who List dialog

/away: This places you in away status , giving the parameter as a message . If you enter /away without parameters , your "away" status is released .

/raw : This passes to the server the parameters , without formatting them or checking for aliases . Useful when you want to pass a command that has the same name with a default alias .

/setuserlevel : This command enables you to set a user level . User levels have no meaning in TurboIRC , but you can use them to separate users in scripts . /setuserlevel takes the nick , the level , and the new value . The level can be 1 for an independend level , 2 for an "Enemy" level , and 3 for a "Friend" Level . The value is the new level value . If the value is + , the level is increased . If the value is - , the level is decreased .

This function is provided for you if you want to create a simple level structure for nicks . For enhanced leveling and customizing , it is better to use the /setuserdata

As TurboIRC updates the user lists if a user changes his nick , the levels you created are still in use if a user changes its nick .

/setuserident : This command sets a temporary ident for a user . It takes the nick and the new ident value . This is used only in scripts . After TurboIRC gets a message from the user , it restores the original ident value , so if you change a user's id , you must use the changed version as soon as possible .

/setuserdomain : This command sets a temporary domain for a user . It takes the nick and the new domain value . This is used only in scripts . After TurboIRC gets a message from the user , it restores the original domain value , so if you change a user's domain , you must use the changed version as soon as possible .

/setuserdata : This allows you to set an integer value for a user . These values has no meaning in TurboIRC , but you can set them to enhance your scripts . Up to 100 integers can be set as follows : /setuserdata user index value . User is the user to set data , index is a number 0 - 99 , and value is the new integer value . You can get then these values with GetUserData from scripts .

/setuserstring : This allows you to set a string value for a user . These values has no meaning in TurboIRC , but you can set them to enhance your scripts . Up 4096 bytes can be set as follows : /setuserstring user index value . User is the user to set data , index is a number 0 - 4095 , and value is the new string value . You can get then these values with GetUserString from scripts .

Warning : Remember that when you place strings , you should remember that a string is NULL-terminated ( i.e. terminates with the 0x0 character ) , and therefore , you must remember to give to a string one character more than its actual lenght . For example , if you want to save "here" and "there" , you can save "here" in position 0 , but then you must save "there" in position 5 , and not in 4 , because "here" will take 5 bytes actually . ( 4 for "here" and 1 for the null terminator ).

/define : This defines something to use in scripts . For example , having given the command /define hh lol_hi_there , when TurboIRC processes a script and catches "hh" , it will place "lol_hi_there" in place . Note that defines are global to all server and DCC connections . Please remove the definition using /undefine , otherwise you will waste memory . Up to 100 defines are allowed .

/undefine : This removes a definition made by /define . E.g /undefine hh will remove the previous /define hh .

/autotype : This takes a window name copies the argument to the input line ( the edit box you enter commands ) . If you want multiple lines , you use ||| as delimiters . Example : /autotype #mychannel hey there |||lol|||hihihi

/shutdown : This closes immediately your active server connection

/shutdownall : This shuts down TurboIRC .

/shutdownwindows : This shuts down Windows . It takes an argument :

/message : This shows the argument in a simple message box .

/messagebeep : This plays a beep . It takes a number argument describing which beep should be played , and it depends from the current system configuration .

/preferences : This shows the preferences dialog

/reloadoptions : This causes TurboIRC to reload options from PREF.INI . This is useful when you have changed them using SetString() and you want to enable them .

/server : Starts a new connection . /server <newserver> [port] [nick] [e-mail] [password] [realname] . The current Nick,Mail,and Name are transferred to the new connection if you don't specify one , or you place an asterisk . If you omit the port , 6667 is assumed . Your current connection is not affected . Please note that if you want to include a nick or e-mail , you must also include the port number .

/ignore : This places the argument ( e.g. /ignore Mixx ) to the ignore list . If you specify only the nick , it will be replaced with a full mask . If you specify any other else , the exact text will be added to the ignore list . /ignore can also remove a user from the list with /ignore -user . /ignore +user forces the user to be added even if the user nick starts with - .

/blacklist : The same with /ignore , for blacklists .

/notify : The same with /ignore , for notify lists .

/dns : This starts the Lookup utility and automatically resolves the argument , for example /dns . If you pass no arguments , the lookup utility starts and waits for you to give an argument . If the parameter given to /dns does not have a dot in the string , /dns tries to take a nick's address to convert . Warning : this will function only if TurboIRC has already a nick's entry ( i.e. this user has sent you at least one message ) . If the parameter given to /dns starts with * , /dns will do the resolve internally and fire a OnDNS Special Event when the resolve is done .

/wallv , /wallo , /wallq , /wallexo , /wallexv ,/pops,/opnotice : These commands send notices to nicks , preffixed with such strings , that enables the clients to understand where they have to show the notice and how . The first parameter of each of them is the channel window for the notice to be sent , and the next is the message to send .

/wallv sends a notice to all members of a channel that are +v , +o or +q , preffixing the notice with "TurboIRC wALLV(%s) :" , %s is the channel name .

/wallo sends a notice to all members of a channel that are +o or +q , preffixing the notice with "TurboIRC wALLO(%s) :" , %s is the channel name .

/wallq sends a notice to all members of a channel that are +q , preffixing the notice with "TurboIRC wALLQ(%s) :" , %s is the channel name .

/wallexv sends a notice to all members of a channel that are +v , preffixing the notice with "TurboIRC wALLEXV(%s) :" , %s is the channel name .

/wallexo sends a notice to all members of a channel that are +o , preffixing the notice with "TurboIRC wALLEXO(%s) :" , %s is the channel name .

You can send such a notice no matter what your status is in the channel . But you cannot receive such notices if your status does not meet the required by the command , for example you won't get a /wallq if you are not owner , but host in a channel .

All TurboIRC type of notices are automatically translated by TurboIRC . By contrast , PIRCH and VIRC opnotices are translated by TurboIRC only when the appropriate check boxes in the Preferences Dialog ( See Preferences Dialog Box ) are checked .

PIRCH users use the /opnotice to send a notice to all channel hosts ( PIRCH does not support IRCX till now , so it won't understand the difference between "Owners" and "Hosts" ) . You can force TurboIRC to send a PIRCH-style opnotice , with /pops . /pops is the same with /wallo , but the notice will be preffixed with -CHANOPS- %s: ( %s is the room ) . That enables PIRCH to understand the notice . You cannot emulate the other types of notices ( /wallq /wallv etc ) with /pops , only the /wallo .

/opnotice is the same as /pops .

/_alias , /_event , /_alarm , /_spevent , /_set , /_ab : These default aliases allows you to direct add/modify/delete an entry from the alias/event/special event and alarm editors . For further information on how to use these commands , check Extended aliases.