
Metrics dialog box enables you to set some options about the sizes and colors .

Edit BG . This enables you to set the view background color . You may directly add a value or use the Color... pushbutton to select a color . Input BG , Input FG , List FG and List BG are used for the input and listbox windows .

Note that the background color of Server Windows is applied only when the "Apply Colors to Server Window" option in More Options is checked .

Note also that you can use /color to temporary change the background color of a window .

X-Y metrics . These enable you to size your TurboIRC windows .

  1. ChannelY is the percent of the available window Y-size that the view and input should take. Increasing this value causes the view window to be bigger , and the tab-channel bar to be smaller .
  2. Input vS Tab is showing how large will be your input window . If you increase this value , your input window will be bigger and the tab-channel bar will be smaller .
  3. View vS Input ( effective only on channel windows ) shows how big the nick list will be . Increasing this value makes the nick list smaller , and the X-size of the control buttons also is smaller .
  4. Button Size ( effective only on channel windows ) shows how big are the control buttons (+/- owner host voice and kick ) , in the Y rate . Increasing this value makes the buttons bigger .

View font , Listbox Font , Script font , Tab font , ControlButtons font enable you to select which font you like for the view , the nick list , the script windows , the tabs and the control buttons .

Warning : The font information is stored in FONT.DAT . If you delete this file , then you must reset ALL the fonts . If you reset only one of them , you will see nothing or garbage in the others .

Background Image enables you to select a background image for TurboIRC 's main window .

Show Ops panel will show the control panel in a channel if you are host or owner

NameList in the left places the nick list in the left of the screen

Secondary toolbar uses the funny-TurboIRC toolbar .

Auto Cascade / Tile / Arrange , will auto perform these actions once you create a window .

Start with toolbar , allows you to get rid of the toolbar by setting it to off . If you have enabled the toolbar in a window using the menu and you save that window's position , the toolbar will still be kept for that window .

Big toolbar buttons sets the toolbar in 50x50 pixel resolution . It is 30x30 if you deselect it .

See also:

Custom Toolbar



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