PROP command (IRCX)

PROP shows or modifies the properties of a channel . Not all users can alter or even view some properties

{ Syntax 1 }

PROP room property :newvalue

<room> is the room you changing the property

<property> is the property to be changed . Each IRCX server may have a different set of properties , and the most useful will be discussed here .

NAME : The name of the channel . Cannot be changed

CREATION : The time that the channel created . Cannot be changed

CLIENT : A description of an appropriate client for the channel . Owners/Hosts can change it

OWNERKEY : The key which provides owner status in a room . Only owners can set it

HOSTKEY : The key which provides hosts status in a room . Only owners can set it

MEMBERKEY : Same as mode +k

LANGUAGE : A string describing the channel language

LAG : A value from 0 to 2 , setting the default delay time in seconds , between messages

ONJOIN : The message that any new member sees . The channel name is shown as the message sender . Applying \n breaks the string in lines

ONPART : The notice that any member which leaves sees . The channel name is shown as the notice sender . Applying \n breaks the string in lines

TOPIC : The channel topic , same as the /TOPIC command

PICS : The current PICS rating of the channel , which is shown by /LISTX . PICS can set only by an administrator

After the ':' is the new value . If there is nothing , the property is removed


{ Syntax 2 }

PROP channel *

This lists all the readable properties . If a channel is +p or +s , the properties cannot be queried from non members , expect the PICS property ( which is shown in LISTX when a room is +p )


You view the visible channel properties when you can the Prop Dialog Box . Double clicking on one or selecting and pressing the "Edit Selected Property" , enables you to edit it .

See also:

Channel Access Entries

Channel BanList

Channel Control

IRCX draft