PACT Timer - Works like a charm!Timer control to automate your daily tasks, PACT Timer!  Timer Options and Registry Values

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Options and Registry Values Options and Registry Values


Timer Options

There is just one command line option, /s for silent mode. This causes the Timer to not show the timer dialog after start. This is used in the startup shortcut automatically.


Timer Registry Values

The values should be self-descriptive, however, here is the description of all values.

ExeDescription Up to 100 characters.
ExePath Up to 255 characters.
ExeParameters Up to 255 characters.
ExeWorkDir Up to 255 characters.
StartNextDate 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss', 24-hour format, leading zero.
StartEverySec recurring time in seconds, 0 = not recurring (if StartNextDate empty then after logon takes precedence).
StartSecAfterBoot If not 0, this value will be processed, takes precedence. (boot = launch of Timer = after logon if in Startup).
StartActivated 1 = activated, else deactivated.
StartDeleteAfter 1 = delete after starting once, else only deactivate.
StartWorkingOnly 1 = recurring on working days only, that is, Monday through Friday, else run every day.
StartBell 1 = play sound on action, else no sound.
StartNotAfter 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss', 24-hour format, leading zero.
WindowState 0 Normal, 1 Min, 2 Max, 3 No Activate, 4 Min No Activate, 5 Hidden.
PriorityLevel 0 Realtime, 1 High, 2 Normal, 3 Idle.


Example Registry File

Here's an example Registry file you can simply double-click to import it into the registry. Copy the following lines and paste them into a new text document. Save it with the extension *.reg. After changing values just execute PACTimer.exe again to import the new settings.

A good idea how to make use of this is to call this .reg file from your program or a batch file. You can turn timer on and off by just specifying StartActivated = 0 or 1, for example. Or you can call such a .reg file from a batch started with the Timer itself and change the start parameters on the fly.



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PACT Software\Timer\myNewTimer]
"ExeDescription"="This is an example reminder"
"StartNextDate"="1998/03/12 10:20:00"


Programming to the Registry

If you feel comfortable programming to the registry, you'll certainly want use the following functions.

Create a new subkey below the Timer registry key. In this key set all or just the values you need. For example:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PACT Software\Timer\MyTimerSet001\

(Do not use a key name starting with T, Example, or Default.) Then execute PACTimer.exe again to import the new settings.

To do just that, here is a ready to use C source code program. 1st you find the type definition, 2nd the function to create a new timer set, 3rd the function to write it to the registry, and 4th a function to find the install path and execute PACTimer.exe to get the newly added subkey re-checked.

From your Visual Basic program you can also access the registry by declaring the WINAPI functions RegCreateKeyEx, RegSetValueEx, and RegCloseKey.


// --- Example on how to init and save a new timer -----
// The examples provided here are NOT guaranteed to work. No warranties, no liability, no guaranty for fitness of code.
// Copyright ⌐ 1993-1999 PACT on all examples and materials. All rights reserved.

// --- Declarations for PACT Timer -----
#define APPREGKEY    ("Software\\PACT Software\\Timer")
typedef struct _TimerSet {    // ts    set for one timer information
        char SubKeyName[MAX_PATH];
        char ExeDescription[101];         // max 100 (+ \0)
        char ExePath[MAX_PATH];
        char ExeParameters[MAX_PATH];
        char ExeWorkDir[MAX_PATH];
        char StartNextDate[20];         // 1998/03/12 10:20:00    max 20 (= 19 + \0)
        char StartNotAfter[20];
        UINT StartEverySec;
        UINT StartSecAfterBoot;
        DWORD StartActivated;         // default: 1 = yes
        DWORD StartDeleteAfter;         // default: 0 = no, only deactivate
        DWORD StartWorkingOnly;         // default: 0 = run every day
        DWORD StartBell;         // default: 1 = yes, play sound
        DWORD WindowState;         // 0-5         default: 0, normal
        DWORD PriorityLevel;         // 0-3         default: 2, normal
void main();
BOOL SetTimerSet(TIMERSET *pts);
void StartPACTimer();

// --- main -----------------------------
void main()
    lstrcpy(ts.SubKeyName, "MyTimerSet0001");
    lstrcpy(ts.ExeDescription, "Test Timer");
    lstrcpy(ts.ExePath, "Notepad.exe");
    ts.ExeParameters[0] = 0;
    ts.ExeWorkDir[0] = 0;
    ts.StartEverySec = 0;
    ts.StartSecAfterBoot = 0;
    ts.StartActivated = 1;         // yes
    ts.StartDeleteAfter = 0;         // no
    ts.StartWorkingOnly = 0;         // no
    ts.StartBell = 1;         // yes
    ts.StartNotAfter[0] = 0;
    ts.WindowState = 0;        // 0-5    default: 0
    ts.PriorityLevel = 2;        // 0-3    default: 2
    st.wMinute += 5;
    if(st.wMinute > 59)
        st.wMinute -= 60;
        st.wHour++;    // and so on...
    wsprintf(ts.StartNextDate, "%04i/%02i/%02i %02i:%02i:%02i", st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond);
    SetTimerSet(&ts);    // save to reg
    StartPACTimer();       // restart Timer
// --- save timer to registry -------------------
BOOL SetTimerSet(TIMERSET *pts)
HKEY hkNewKey;
char szFullKeyName[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dwDummy;
DWORD dwReturn;
    lstrcpy(szFullKeyName, APPREGKEY);
    lstrcat(szFullKeyName, "\\");
    lstrcat(szFullKeyName, pts->SubKeyName);
    // Open/Create Key for write access
    dwReturn = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szFullKeyName, 0, 0, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkNewKey, &dwDummy);
    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwReturn)
        myErr("Error writing to registry! Can not open application key.");
        return FALSE;
    // Set SZs
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExeDescription", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExeDescription, lstrlen(pts->ExeDescription) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExePath", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExePath, lstrlen(pts->ExePath) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExeParameters", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExeParameters, lstrlen(pts->ExeParameters) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "ExeWorkDir", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->ExeWorkDir, lstrlen(pts->ExeWorkDir) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartNextDate", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->StartNextDate, lstrlen(pts->StartNextDate) + 1);
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartNotAfter", 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) pts->StartNotAfter, lstrlen(pts->StartNotAfter) + 1);
    // Set DWORDs
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartEverySec", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartEverySec, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartSecAfterBoot", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartSecAfterBoot, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartActivated", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartActivated, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartDeleteAfter", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartDeleteAfter, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartWorkingOnly", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartWorkingOnly, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "StartBell", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->StartBell, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "WindowState", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->WindowState, sizeof(DWORD));
    RegSetValueEx(hkNewKey, "PriorityLevel", 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) &pts->PriorityLevel, sizeof(DWORD));
    return TRUE;
// --- Find InstallPath and start PACTimer.exe -----------
void StartPACTimer()
    HKEY hKey;
    DWORD dwDummy = MAX_PATH;
    char pszInstallPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    char pszProgPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    char pszTemp[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, pszTemp);
    // get install path from Registry
    if( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "InstallPath", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) pszInstallPath, &dwDummy) )
        lstrcpy(pszProgPath, pszInstallPath);
        lstrcat(pszProgPath, "\\PACTimer.exe");
        ShellExecute(NULL, NULL, pszProgPath, NULL, pszTemp, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
// --------------------------------------------



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12 Windows 95/98/NT Utilities - Secure, Fast and Easy. "5-Star Excellent" "5-Star Excellent"
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Award Winner
for Save Layout, JumpReg, ShellX, ShowTime

ZD-Net 5-Star: "Outstanding in all respects. One of the best of its class."
for JumpReg

(Previous version reviewed 3/98) ZD-Net Editors' Pick - 4-Star: "A very good program, with some outstanding features."
for Save Layout, ShellX, ShutDown, Timer, 12Ghosts

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Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup! 2ndBackup -  airbag for your data

Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy! ProfileCopy - copy user profiles, including the referenced files!

Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout! Save Layout - desktop icon positions, auto-save and restore

Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer! Timer -  application scheduler, once, recurring, after logon, reminder, moonphase


Do It Now
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg - create bookmarks/ shortcuts to registry keys

Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent! SetTextColor - change the desktop icon text and background colors, also transparent!

PACT Shell Extension: Add user defined context menu commands! ShellX context menu extension for user defined commands in the right-click menu of files and folders!

The most powerful shutdown utility - PACT ShutDown! ShutDown - the most powerful terminating utility! Shutdown per shortcut, key, or your own programs!


Make it Easy
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP! DeskTOP Desktop simulator - application launcher with amazing behavior...

Open System Folders Quicker! QuickStart - open system folders and tools quicker!

Where do you find the time!? It's ShowTime! - the ultimate clock, alarm, hour signal, sticky notes, more than 70 options.

Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT WinBzzzz! WinBzzzz - size and position windows per click


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