Jump to registry keys, create shortcuts to registry keys!  PACT JumpReg

Manage your registry keys with a smile!

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2ndBackup - Ultimate Security for Your Important Data. 2ndBackup
Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy! ProfileCopy
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout! Save Layout
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer! Timer

Just Do It
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg
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Designed for Windows 95/98/NT.

(Download all 12Ghosts 1.3 MB, 18-Dec-98)

Introducing PACT JumpReg
Usage Hints
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Download PACT JumpReg Download PACT JumpReg 99.1d

230 KB, 18-Dec-98, Self-extracting, with Setup and Uninstall.


ZD-Net 5-Star: "Outstanding in all respects. One of the best of its class."
Ziff-Davis Net: "5-Star Editors' Pick"

Desktop98.com **COOL TOOL Award Winner**Desktop98.com
"COOL TOOL Award Winner"


Introducing PACT JumpReg

Jump to a user defined registry key per shortcut, tray icon menu or dialog box. Bookmark your registry keys for direct access. This is an astonishing, not previously available function.

You can create a shortcut to jump directly to your most used registry keys. Dialog to manage keys, create shortcuts per click.


Usage Hints

Want to sort items in the list? You can: use the little "counter" left besides JUMP.

Want to jump to the key in clipboard? You can: right-click on the tray icon and select Jump to Key in Clipboard.

Want to jump to the same key but under Current User or Local Machine, respectively? You can: right-click on the tray icon and select Same Key CURRENT USER or Same Key LOCAL MACHINE.

Want to save changes in the list but not close the dialog? You can: hold CTRL and press OK.

Want to always save/close on jump? You can: select the options in the lower right to save settings on jump and/or close the dialog.

Want to quickly override the save/close options? You can: hold SHIFT when jumping. This will jump, save options, and close the dialog.

Want to switch off automatic import of shortcuts? You can: add the DWORD value "ImportShortcuts" under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PACT Software\JumpToRegKey and set it to zero 0.

Have a suggestion for a useful key + value + description? I'll mention your name in the About box!

Want to add a separator in the menu? You can: add an empty key with a minus sign - as the description.

Want to break the menu? You can: add a forward slash / at the end of the description.

You don't like the CU, CR etc. when getting keys? Want to have CU, CR at the end, not at the beginning? You can: add the DWORD values "AbbrBegin" and "AbbrEnd" under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PACT Software\JumpToRegKey (1=enabled, 0=disabled)




99.1c: Does not close RegEdit any longer. And it supports Jump-to-Values: just add the value name after a double-backslash.

99.1: JumpReg now also supports General Options. You can select the tray and FlyingIcon™, specify the startup behavior, choose the animation, and save/restore all customized keys.

98.10: Support for /s on the command line. With /s specified in a shortcut, no dialog is displayed, just the icon will appear in the taskbar tray. In other words, as long as "/s" is not specified the JumpReg dialog now opens immediately!

98.10: You can now move the FlyingIcon™ per arrow keys (if it has the focus after a move, click or a double-click).


Known Issues

Note: JumpReg does leverage the functionality of the original Windows RegEdit. Though, trying to control RegEdit might not always work. You may encounter problems if RegEdit is busy. In this case, wait until RegEdit has finished what it is doing and is ready for input again.

"Get Key" and "Same Key under..." does not work with Windows 95 without any Service Releases (updates to Windows).



Should you have any questions please contact support@12Ghosts.com. We stand committed to solving your issues within hours! We're also running a UBB support forum where other users might already have asked your question. You're welcome to join the discussion!

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This program is a test version for evaluation only. You can use the software for evaluation purposes without charge for a maximum of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee for a full version is required.

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Screen Shot of PACT JumpReg


12 Windows 95/98/NT Utilities - Secure, Fast and Easy.

5Star-Shareware.com: "5-Star Excellent"
5Star-Shareware.com: "5-Star Excellent"
5 Star Pick
for 12Ghosts

Desktop98.com **COOL TOOL Award Winner**COOL TOOL
Award Winner
for Save Layout, JumpReg, ShellX, ShowTime

ZD-Net 5-Star: "Outstanding in all respects. One of the best of its class."
for JumpReg

(Previous version reviewed 3/98) ZD-Net Editors' Pick - 4-Star: "A very good program, with some outstanding features."
for Save Layout, ShellX, ShutDown, Timer, 12Ghosts

C-Net Download.com **pick** pick
for ProfileCopy

SharewareJunkies.com - 4 Star
for 12Ghosts


Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup! 2ndBackup -  airbag for your data

Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy! ProfileCopy - copy user profiles, including the referenced files!

Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout! Save Layout - desktop icon positions, auto-save and restore

Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer! Timer -  application scheduler, once, recurring, after logon, reminder, moonphase


Do It Now
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg - create bookmarks/ shortcuts to registry keys

Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent! SetTextColor - change the desktop icon text and background colors, also transparent!

PACT Shell Extension: Add user defined context menu commands! ShellX context menu extension for user defined commands in the right-click menu of files and folders!

The most powerful shutdown utility - PACT ShutDown! ShutDown - the most powerful terminating utility! Shutdown per shortcut, key, or your own programs!


Make it Easy
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP! DeskTOP Desktop simulator - application launcher with amazing behavior...

Open System Folders Quicker! QuickStart - open system folders and tools quicker!

Where do you find the time!? It's ShowTime! - the ultimate clock, alarm, hour signal, sticky notes, more than 70 options.

Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT WinBzzzz! WinBzzzz - size and position windows per click


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Manage your registry keys - PACT JumpReg!


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