PACT Timer - Works like a charm!Timer control to automate your daily tasks, PACT Timer!  PACT Timer

Works like a charm!
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12 Windows 95/98/NT Utilities - Secure, Fast and Easy.

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2ndBackup - Ultimate Security for Your Important Data. 2ndBackup
Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy! ProfileCopy
Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout! Save Layout
Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer! Timer

Just Do It
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg
Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent with PACT SetTextColor! SetTextColor
PACT Shell Extension: Add user defined context menu commands! ShellX
Shutdown with one click, start backup before. PACT Shutdown! Shutdown

Make it Easy
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP! DeskTOP
Open System Folders Quicker with PACT Quick! QuickStart
Date and Time always on TOP! ShowTime
Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT WinBzzzz! WinBzzzz

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Designed for Windows 95/98/NT.

(Download all 12Ghosts 1.3 MB, 18-Dec-98)

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Download PACT Timer  Download PACT Timer 99.1d

330 KB, 18-Dec-98, Self-extracting, including setup, uninstall and documentation.


Introducing the Timer

4-Star ZD-Net Editors' Pick ****PACT Timer is an easy to use and powerful scheduler to start applications, open documents or Web pages, set up reminders or wake up with music, or preview the exact moonphase. Executable only 120 KB. Start once, countdown, recurring per second, or start after logon. Set process priority and window size. Batch capable. Runs on Windows 95/98 as well as on NT. Optimized timer control for easy usage (screen shot).


Start once or recurring between 1900 and 2100, or after logon

Programmable, batch capable

Low memory footprint

Start applications, documents, Internet pages, or reminders with snooze function

Specify the process priority (low, normal, high, real-time) and window state (minimized, maximized, no activate, hidden)

On working days only and don't-start-after time

Customize defaults for new timers

ScreenSaverSpirit: Manage your screen saver per batchfile, change screen saver, stop it per scheduler, start with password protection, set time-out within seconds (!), enable/disable screen saver, set/reset password protection, enter standby mode.

Phase of the moon in timer dialog. Solved the equation of Kepler, calculating the sun's geocentric ecliptic longitude, and everything. Exact display of the age of the moon in minutes, phase of the moon in percent.

Full online documentation, context help on every control

Optional tray icon, FlyingIcon™, user defined hotkey

Complete uninstall through Installation Path - uninstall.exe or Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs.

Optimized timer control, all settings in one view (screen shot)


New in 98.10:

On some older versions of Windows the Timer is now working again! (We accessed a DLL not present on all versions of Windows.)
Shuffle through all timers with Up/Down keys (select the description field)!
Holidays now displayed in the dialog box!
To execute a timer you can now click on the small application icon!
More/Less button to enhance the overview in the dialog box.
Be more productive with the Timer: Select from nine interesting examples! (No longer added by Setup.)


Tips on What to Start

It's a reminder when the start path is empty!

Scan all local, nonremovable hard disk drives in Windows 95/98:
Start Path: scandskw.exe
Parameters: /all /NonInteractive

Defragment all local, nonremovable drives and free space in Windows 95/98:
Start Path: defrag
Parameters: /all /f /detailed /noprompt

CD Player to wake up instead of a reminder! Replace D: with your CD-ROM's drive letter. You can edit the play list to set the track to start with.
Start Path: cdplayer
Parameters: /play D:

Start MP3 music title with Winamp:
Start Path: C:\Program Files\Winamp\Winamp.exe
Parameters: "C:\MyMP3s\Title.mp3"

Backup "My Documents" folder with xcopy:
Start Path: xcopy
Parameters: "C:\My Documents" "D:\Backup\Docs\" /s /e /h /r /d /i /f /c

Backup customized Windows settings with PACT ProfileCopy:
Start Path: C:\Program Files\PACT 12Ghosts\ProfileCopy.exe
Parameters: /s

Save desktop icon layout with PACT Save Layout:
Start Path: C:\Program Files\PACT 12Ghosts\sl.exe
Parameters: /s "C:\Windows\Desktop\"

Check out the PACT Timer homepage for the latest updates every 60 days:
Start Path:

You might want to change screen savers from time to time. To switch screen savers call the following command:
Start Path: pactssss.exe
Parameters: /stop /change:scrnsave.scr /start

How to play a *.WAV file? It's not that complicated, but it depends on if you have the latest version of the media player or the standard Sound Recorder:

Start Path: D:\WinNTW4\System32\rundll32.exe Parameters: D:\WinNTW4\System32\amovie.ocx,RunDll /play /close c:\media\sound.wav

Start Path: D:\WinNTW4\System32\sndrec32.exe Parameters: /play /close c:\media\sound.wav

For every other program please look in the according shortcut on which parameters are necessary. If you can start it manually you can also start it with PACT Timer!



A constant question on the NT and video groups regards monitor power management for NT. As you know, NT does not have native power management.

However, many monitors now support the new Nutek power management standard. This feature turns off monitor power, even in NT, when a totally blank screen is detected.

The ScreenSaverSpirit was developed to change screen savers from, let's say, Flying Stars, to a blank screen at a scheduled time. This enables the use of the Nutek feature and provides power management for Windows NT!

You can use the non-blank saver most of the time, for example from 9 AM to 5 PM, and then switch to the blank screen until 9 AM the following morning (a blank.scr could be used) to turn off power. You don't want to use the blank saver all day because switching power on and off constantly reduces monitor life because of thermal cycling. During the "blank period", the blank.scr would act as a normal screen saver, allowing the use of the monitor when keyboard or mouse activity wakes it up, then powering down again after the screen saver time-out interval.

There is a slight trick to switch a screen saver in NT when another is already running. You first need to stop the one running to selected a new saver.

However, even if you don't use power management, you might still want to change screen savers from time to time. To switch screen savers call the following command:

Start Path: pactssss.exe
Parameters: /stop /change:scrnsave.scr /start

The ScreenSaverSpirit will help you to directly manage screen saver settings or create shortcuts for batchfiles and scheduling. Change screen saver, stop it per scheduler, start with password protection, set time-out within seconds (!), enable/disable screen saver, set/reset password protection, enter standby mode.



This program is a test version for evaluation only. You can use the software for evaluation purposes without charge for a maximum of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee for a full version is required.

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Should you have any questions please contact We stand committed to solving your issues within hours! We're also running a UBB support forum where other users might already have asked your question. You're welcome to join the discussion!

And you can take part on the future development of the 12Ghosts family: Send us your thoughts on features and usage. We really appreciate your feedback!


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99.1e Double-start issue found. If a timer was fired 0.02 seconds too early, due to an inaccurate timing by Windows 95/98 (not NT), it was possible that a recurring timer would have been issued again, 0.01 seconds before the true start time. This has been taken care of.

99.1e If two or more recurring timers were scheduled at the same time only one really started. Corrected.

99.1d Previous versions did not start on some Windows 95 systems without Service Release 1 installed. Resolved.

99.1c Ddraw.dll is no longer required since some older Win95 systems don't have DirectX installed.

99.1c In the Timer dialog box it was not possible to right click and paste into an edit box at a certain position. Corrected.

99.1b In rare cases, it was possible to start the Timer twice. This is no longer possible.

99.1 General Options to control startup behavior

98.10 On older versions of Windows the Timer is now working again! We accessed a DLL not present on all versions of Windows. However, it is recommended to update to the latest version of comctl32.dll, version 4.72.

98.10 Examples are no longer added by Setup but through a new dialog within the Timer.

98.7 On launch of PACT Timer a recurring timer will not be started if it is overdue. In other words, if Timer is not running although a recurring timer was scheduled, this occurence will be omited. (However, a "Start Once" timer will still be started if no "Don't-start-after" time was given.)

98.5b The Timer icon is displayed as small as it should if no start path is given.

98.5a When a recurring timer can not be started at the specified time (because the computer was off, or the Timer not running) it sets the new time correctly by multiplying the interval as often as is necessary, instead of using now.

98.4 After some ten-thousand displays of the timer dialogbox without closing, the colors may be changed to black and white. Solved.

98.3c Badly documented function crashed the shell after about 6000 program starts. In Windows 95 the error message "Out of memory" was displayed (although it had nothing to do with memory). Workaround applied.

98.3b Internet Explorer does start now without error message.

98.3b Recurring timer does work now with every recurring time, also with 8 minutes.

98.3a Found an implicit lost handle that ate up memory rather quickly. Investigated lost handles in all places. This has been fixed.

Always Minor enhancements in stability and usability.


Screen Shot of PACT Timer


12 Windows 95/98/NT Utilities - Secure, Fast and Easy. "5-Star Excellent" "5-Star Excellent"
5 Star Pick
for 12Ghosts **COOL TOOL Award Winner**COOL TOOL
Award Winner
for Save Layout, JumpReg, ShellX, ShowTime

ZD-Net 5-Star: "Outstanding in all respects. One of the best of its class."
for JumpReg

(Previous version reviewed 3/98) ZD-Net Editors' Pick - 4-Star: "A very good program, with some outstanding features."
for Save Layout, ShellX, ShutDown, Timer, 12Ghosts

C-Net **pick** pick
for ProfileCopy - 4 Star
for 12Ghosts


Copy and rename in one step: PACT 2ndBackup! 2ndBackup -  airbag for your data

Save and Copy Windows Profiles - PACT ProfileCopy! ProfileCopy - copy user profiles, including the referenced files!

Save your Desktop Icon Layout with PACT Save Layout! Save Layout - desktop icon positions, auto-save and restore

Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer! Timer -  application scheduler, once, recurring, after logon, reminder, moonphase


Do It Now
Jump to Registry Keys, Create Shortcuts to Registry Keys!!! JumpReg - create bookmarks/ shortcuts to registry keys

Set the Desktop Icon Text Color and Background Color even to Transparent! SetTextColor - change the desktop icon text and background colors, also transparent!

PACT Shell Extension: Add user defined context menu commands! ShellX context menu extension for user defined commands in the right-click menu of files and folders!

The most powerful shutdown utility - PACT ShutDown! ShutDown - the most powerful terminating utility! Shutdown per shortcut, key, or your own programs!


Make it Easy
Exceptional Application Launcher - PACT DeskTOP! DeskTOP Desktop simulator - application launcher with amazing behavior...

Open System Folders Quicker! QuickStart - open system folders and tools quicker!

Where do you find the time!? It's ShowTime! - the ultimate clock, alarm, hour signal, sticky notes, more than 70 options.

Position and Size Windows with a click: PACT WinBzzzz! WinBzzzz - size and position windows per click


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Automate your daily tasks with PACT Timer!



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