Subjects: Introduction What's New Channelings Lightwork UFO Light Technology Healing Reincarnation Meditation Out of Body Yoga Paths Veda & Dharma Theosophy Mysteries Astrology Networks Resources Bibliography EventCalendar Glossary NewsGateway NewsWatch ImageGallery WebChat MailingLists Archive SearchEngine

The Spiritual News-Retrieval System
How does it work?/ How to sign-up?/ What's the advantage?/ Frequently Asked Questions

Free service providing you an automatic collection of postings of newsgroups, changes of top web-pages and other services in the spiritual area of the Internet. Check it out!

Note: If you have not signed up NewsWatch already, read the description below first.

If you have problems, please read the Frequently Asked Questions first.

How does it work?

NewsWatch does ... and parse the content according to your preferences and interest defined by your keywords.

NewsWatch collects all this information which you can read with your web-browser easily and well sorted. You will be notified by email if NewsWatch has found something for you, and gives you in the email a brief-overview, so you can decide if you are about to read the collected information or not.

Reading the collected information may look like this sample page (remember it's just a sample, sign your own account below).

How to sign-up NewsWatch?

Fill out following entries. Choose your login (max 8 characters) and password (min 3 chars, max 8 chars), avoid any spaces or special characters for login and password. Your fullname can contain spaces of course.
Your fullname:  (not required)
   Your login:  (required)
 1st Password:  (required)
 2nd Password:  (confirm 1st password)
Note: Choose a very simple password, and write it down somewhere. Do not use the same password as you have already in use to access the Internet!

(Press this button only once also when the response takes a while)

Your account will be immediatly created. Edit your keywords then first, and NewsWatch starts to gather information for you. Please read this page first completly before signing-up!

If you don't use the newswatch-account over a period of 60 days, your newswatch-account will be removed automatically, that's the way to "unsubscribe".

What's the advantage of NewsWatch?

The biggest advantage is, you don't have to look for all the information by yourself, all news will be harvested and sorted for you, according to your preferences.


The spiritual newsgroups are an immens resource-pool for "news", but it's hard to sort out all the junk postings. In example: postings which contain 90% quoted lines from a previous post, and only few lines new information can be filtered out easily as you like.

Example, someone wrote a long poem (which might be fetched by NewsWatch already), and others reply to the newsgroup like this:

> There was once a men who walked through the desert and the sun was about > to disappear at the horizont, when a bright star was about to show a new > path ... hundreds of lines of poems > I like this story! Regards, G.P.
When 500 lines were quoted, and some says, "I like this story", then one new line vs. 500 quoted lines, makes 0.002 or 0.2% new information. This ratio I call InformationContentFactor (ICF), you can set a value to sort all the junk posts, and only read the real "crop".

You save time, and you are still informed!


In Spirit-WWW there are about ten databases from Event Calendar, Networks & Sites, Resources and others. People can submit info, and you will be informed when new entries match you user-preference. No longer spending time for searching "new" information by hand.

Top Web-Sites:

You will be informed about updates of the top spiritual web-pages (beside Spirit-WWW), the changes will be scanned according to your preference, and NewsWatch gives you notification if there is something you requested to be informed of. This is a one of the greatest features NewsWatch will have!

You can change your own NewsWatch user-preferences at any time to direct the searching into a certain direction. Additionally, you can enter your email-address, and you will be notified everyday (or weekly) by email when NewsWatch has collected something for you the day before.

If you have a web-site by yourself, enter your own URL or your name in the keywords, and you will be notified when someone referes you or your webpage in a posting!

Anything else to know?

This service is highly experimental, as I just wrote the required scripts to automize all the services without any human interaction. NewsWatch is based on ideas I've got from Reference.Com, and expanded it with more features to filter redundance and make it more handy for users.

A NewsWatch FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) has become available which may answer some questions when using NewsWatch extensivly.

Hope it will serve you well.

That's all for the moment I will add later more fancy features I have in mind for NewsWatch. :-)

Access Counter: since Sep 14, 1996

For further and/or deeper information look at NewsWatch FAQ, NewsWatch Incoming.

Subjects: Introduction What's New Channelings Lightwork UFO Light Technology Healing Reincarnation Meditation Out of Body Yoga Paths Veda & Dharma Theosophy Mysteries Astrology Networks Resources Bibliography EventCalendar Glossary NewsGateway NewsWatch ImageGallery WebChat MailingLists Archive SearchEngine






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