Subjects: Introduction What's New Channelings Lightwork UFO Light Technology Healing Reincarnation Meditation Out of Body Yoga Paths Veda & Dharma Theosophy Mysteries Astrology Networks Resources Bibliography EventCalendar Glossary NewsGateway NewsWatch ImageGallery WebChat MailingLists Archive SearchEngine

Introduction to Spirit-WWW

Translations: English/ French/ Spanish/ German

Welcome to Spirit-WWW!

I have maintained Spirit-WWW since December 1993. The site started when I began to keep the UsenetNews articles that I considered worthy of reading later. As the number of articles grew, I started to sort and archive them using WWW.

March 1994 the site went online, and since then a lot of changes have taken place at the site. Those of you who followed from the beginning will know what I mean. What started as a personal home-page has now grown to a well-known spiritual site on WWW. I would like to thank all those of you who supported me by sharing material or even just letting me know you like the site.

First of all, I do not claim to give an overview of all spiritual concepts, but of some which I personally feel are sincere and comprehend a part of the bigger reality.

There is teaching based on fear, controlling and punishment,
much of that we have experienced.

There is teaching based on love, acceptance and allowance,

that's we learn to establish.

I support with Spirit-WWW the way based on love. I know those are big words, but let me try to do my part to share love-based thoughts that way . . .

Spiritual Overview

Let me briefly describe some sections of Spirit-WWW:


Channeling is a process of passing information from within yourself, which may be perceived as your inner voice, or if you are more open, may be perceived as spirit-guardians or your Higher-Self (non-embodied Self). In ancient times this kind of poetry and counseling was well known in the form of prophecies and visions from seers or shamans. Almost every culture knew and counted on these prophecies and visions, and I think they counted on them because they knew they were based on real perception beyond the physical plane. I consider this vision and channeling process worthwhile because it provides an additional point of view from which you can live spirituality. Therefore I give some space for these kinds of messages on Spirit-WWW.


Lightwork is a term that describes a consciousness and spirituality which is lived in daily life, rather than setting aside special days to celebrate dogmatic rituals the way many established religions do. Lightwork covers a wide range of activities, which may start in small circles doing meditation, discussing concepts and sharing healing energies with each other, and finally activation of places and inner abilities. One well-known activation is 11:11, and then 12:12. Most such activations have two sides: one side anchors divine energies on the physical plane by uniting thoughts and the will to bring understanding into human consciousness, and the other side enables the people who participate to rediscover through the activation process the inner qualities they always had, but covered up by forgetting.

UFOs, Alien-Cultures, ETs and Spirituality

In ancient times, people used to call those beings gods (elohims) or angels. Today, with the belief-concept of western culture, we use the term extraterrestrials or aliens to describe presences who don't live on Earth, but in other planes, realms or dimensions. We need to recover the mystic side in all of us, since our rational minds have denied it for so long. Our vocabulary is under construction, as we rediscover each part of the other realms consciously, step by step. The UFO-Phenomena and belief-concepts of spacebrothers/sisters, who are watching over us and offering guidance is a modern expression, whereas the ascended masters is the more traditional expression of discovering the mystical side we all have. Some may remain in old ignoring and rejecting realities, others open themselves to new ones and will have and make their own experiences.

Dimensions and Altered States of Consciousness

There is more between heaven and earth than we think there is. Much of this "between" is forgotten, rejected or denied by the rational and intellectual culture and mind, because it's impossible to comprehend it with the mind only. There are Life, Energy and Consciousness, and all three words describe one thing: the soul, the essence of our divinity. This essence exists in many worlds or dimensions. We all come from the inner worlds, and are embodied in an outer world we call the physical world. One slice of another dimension is what we call dreams, one step further to control the dreams is called lucid-dreaming, another step is controlling the pass-over from awakened-state to sleep-state to full-consciousness, and one such state of consciousness might be called out-of-body experience (OBE or OOBE) or Soul-Traveling. Beside those concrete techniques, meditation has different meanings. One is a contemplation technique, and another a more spiritual connection that controls the mind with a mantra. Anyway, this all prepares your awareness and inner knowledge to become conscious of some planes with your conscious mind, remembering that you exist simultanously and multidimensionally on all planes, and that it is only your attention that relates you to one or another reality or realm.


Reincarnation is a concept that perceives an evolution of the soul on a physical plane. From a higher point of view, we experience all lives simultanously, and only when we become aware of the portions of our Self that aren't embodied (Holy-Spirit in christian context, Higher-Self in modern context, Paramatma in vedic-context), are we able to perceive those other life-experiences. Past or future don't matter; only the body with its mind relates us to a defined space-time. If you are able to perceive in a time-independent way, as the soul does, you are beyond it. One step in this self-realization might be the reality of Reincarnation.

Yoga and Religion

Yoga is a system for realizing your connection to God, which only comes with realization of the Holy-Spirit, Higher-Self or Paramatma (the name depends only on the cultural or religious context you grew up within). Religion has the same meaning as Yoga, but the word "religion" too often is (mis)used, and leaves many people with a bad taste. For most people, Yoga means doing some athletic practices to train the body, but that's Hatha Yoga, where many realizations, from the importance of breathing (i.e., pranayama) to the chakras are taught. There are many additional ways to practice Yoga, and in this section I have tried to provide a kind of overview of "Reconnecting to God", true Yoga, true Religion (without an organized hierarchy or dogmas).

Veda & Dharma

Veda & Dharma, where veda represents the inner knowledge, and dharma the dedication and reason to live, often called the "meaning of life" in western terminology. I decided to collect some material on this topic because I personally considered the vedic understanding and view of spirituality to be one of the most profound and complete of the belief-systems that are still present today (versus those many belief-systems that have been lost). I was hoping to share some material beyond the somewhat limited hinduism understanding of the western world. When veda means knowing, then everywhere spirituality is practiced is a vedic culture. The section on Veda & Dharma isn't specific to India, but is a glimpse of a vedic culture which remained in India the longest time. Needless to say, vedic culture exists anywhere on Earth where native teaching and spirituality are taught, but in most cases the teaching is fragmented or has nearly disappeared as a result of western influences.


Theosophy, an approach to transform vedic knowledge into western thinking. There was, and is still, much controversity about its success, but I think it was needed by many people arround 1900, when materialism appeared to be the only way of humanity. Theosophy was created by the need to understand mystical teachings, especially the eastern approach to the mystical. It was later enriched and influenced by those individuals who gave Theosophy further expression.


Mystery is a term which means mystos keeping silence or myen to be closed (i.e., the eyes or lips), something unspeakable. In the ancient past, much knowledge of a spiritual nature was collected by a master and given to his or her disciples. Most traditions of sharing mysteries were organized into groups with different levels of initiation (priest, priestess, etc). Those titles were used to represent a certain stage of awareness, and weren't really intended to create a hierachy. But many mystical schools turned into places where hierachical power battles were played, until they disappeared because of lack of disciples or lost the battle with the power-greedy Christian movement in the Middle Ages. This section within Spirit-WWW does try to give an overview of those mainly western mystical schools.

Well, that's briefly some sections you may read about in Spirit-WWW. I will write more later about the other sections I didn't describe: (Astrology, Healing Methods, Light-Technology).

My personal perception and thoughts you may read in RKMCorner.

Some topics of spirituality which you can't find in Spirit-WWW: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Taoism and many others are more or less established approaches to spirituality. Every of those religions also has such mystical aspects as esoteric teaching or secret doctrines, but these esoteric or metaphysical teachings almost don't play any importance any more, except for a small minority within each of these religions; at least, that is my perception. You may look in the Yahoo Index of Religions for further information.

How to read Spirit-WWW

Here are some general hints to guide you within the big tree of Spirit-WWW: Your comments are welcome!

Some more thoughts on Spirit-WWW (like how to submit articles for Spirit-WWW) you may read in the Editorial & FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

Enjoy the site!

René K. Müller
Webmaster & Editor

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