Subjects: Introduction What's New Channelings Lightwork UFO Light Technology Healing Reincarnation Meditation Out of Body Yoga Paths Veda & Dharma Theosophy Mysteries Astrology Networks Resources Bibliography EventCalendar Glossary NewsGateway NewsWatch ImageGallery WebChat MailingLists "Archive" SearchEngine

What's New At This Site, A Short Summary Of Activities

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Apr 30, 1997
After 8 days downtime (unfortunatly) spiritweb.org is back online, server is temp. located in Florida. I'm still traveling, so no updates til mid of May.

Mar 9, 1997
USA-site is shut-down, mother-site now located at Zaragoza Spain. overseas-users (USA, Canada and Central & South-America) will experience slower access as usual. New USA-site will be opened by mid-April if all goes well.

Mar 5, 1997
Tales From The Nature Kingdoms a letter from Jack O'Brian.

An Explanation of The Order Of Melchizedek, a brief description.

Ascended Masters: True Identity & Violet Flame and Ascended Masters: Sanat Kumara, Joy and Peace by by Knutsford Ascension Group.

The Truth of Love is Within written by John Otis and Cheryl Hyland.

Ritual of the Cathedral Portal, March 8 1997 by Claire Watson.

Feb 7, 1997
A profound introduction to Higher-Self and Soul: Choice - The Lessons Of Life written by John Otis and Cheryl Hyland.

Ritual of the Portal for Planetary Ascension: Personal Results, comprehensive results from different people collected Claire Watson.

Andrew and Lilian Whalley channeling Sananda, St. Germain, Kuthumi and Mary: Ascended Masters on Opening Within and Ascended Masters on Rainbow of Light, two evening sessions at Knutsford Ascension Group.

Jan 25, 1997
John Armitage channeling Merlin: Merlin's Earth Magic, on sacred geometry and crop circles. Andrew Whalley Sananda: Mahatma Energy, Kuthumi: Being Centered and Sananda: Encouragement.

Saskia Bosman report on her The USA Earthgate Expedition (Aug-Oct 1996). Bill Davidson channeling Ksceondra El Hara: Creation Never Sleeps, a metaphysical introduction.

Discernment regarding Past Life or Attached Entity? written by William J. Baldwin.

Forthcoming lightwork-event: Celebration of Abundance: To Awaken Heart Centre of Humanity Apr 6, 1997.

Jan 14, 1997
Toraya Ayres: Messages From The Animal Kingdom: Co-Creating Heaven On Earth, long transcription with transmissions from the devic kingdom.

Online book on Relationships of Transformation by Bill Davidson, about the Self, and its expression in matter and the inner worlds.

Collection of Invocations and Affirmations by Zacrona.

Jan 6, 1997
New Year Message by Meli. Communication: New Energies, Inner Consciousness of the Galaxies, channeled material by Andrew Whalley.

The GaiaMind Project: Global Meditation and Prayer, January 23rd, 1997. Another Portal for Planetary Ascension, Jan 18 1997 by Claire Watson.

Dec 19, 1996
Kundalini Awakening, a personal experience written by Ruth Trimble.

Lisa Holloway donated channelings from Hilarion: Exploring The Electromagnetic Body , Healing As Energy Transfer, Fulfilling The Heart Chakra and other articles.

Amaterasu: The Goddess of Light Re-emerges, article from first FOL (Flower Of Life) Newsletter.

Dec 12, 1996
Vywamus: Sanat Kumara, Mahatma and Space Brothers, channeled by John Armitage.

Julie Presson, new channelings included, Becoming A Master, Bridging the Gap, Creation of Reality, The Dance Of Awareness, Here and There and other texts.

Vision without Eyes, poem by Cheryl Sanders.

Dec 9, 1996
Star Visions Conference, Nov 7-11 1996, Fort Collins, Colorado, report written by Richard Boylan. The Galactic Medicine Wheel by Saskia Bosman.

Consciousness Research using the OOBE written by Kevin de La Tour, about ourselves and the multi-dimensional nature of the world in which we live.

Lightwork: A dedicated corner of Ronna Herman with channelings from Archangel Michael. 11:11, The Eleven Gates, the continuation of Solara's lightwork.

Nov 22, 1996
New articles by John Payne channeling Omni: The Integration of the Soul with Multiple Selves, Ways To Love and Gratitude and the Law of Increase.

Portal for Planetary Ascension by Claire Watson with update of recent portal opening Dec 7, 1996. A metaphor written by Michelle Press, Ego equal Landfills?.

Rearranged Karma Yoga, eleven lessons by Bikshu. Also rearranged Treatise on Projection by Robert Bruce.

Nov 14, 1996
Space Claiming - Astral Cleaning by Tim Duna. Applied Kinesiology, brief frequently asked questions written by John D. Andre.

Further lightwork activities, Portal for Planetary Ascension, Dec 7 1996 by Claire Watson with regular updates during the next 14 days. Stargate Opening Dec 20, 1996 organized by Chandara.

Nov 9, 1996
Grounded Ascension, some thoughts on "grounding" by Saskia Bosman. Updated Ritual of the Portal for Planetary Ascension - Oct 19, 1996.

Messages from Sananda & Ashtar on Cascading Light Through Portals and Group Channeling with Sananda & Ashtar with questions and answers channeled by Andrew Whalley.

Nov 2, 1996
New free service, NewsWatch, providing collecting of spiritual "news" from various sources of the Internet: newsgroups, databases and top spiritual web-pages. New mirror-site opened in Czech Republic (Europe). New feature in Spiritual Web Chat: Private Places.

New articles by Jenny Liu on Feng Shui: Violating Natural Laws, Feng Shui and Religion, Qi: Light and Color, Minor Adjustments, Major Difference, What went wrong?, and Sick House Sick People.

Pre-Birth Communication: The Link Of Love by Theresa M. Danna.

Oct 24, 1996
Slightly new face of Spirit-WWW, the entire web-site has "state-of-the-art" user-guidance, and new white paper-like background for better reading as some people requested.

The Supreme Law Of Resonance written by Dinu Roman, author of the The Mystery Of Meditation.

Ritual of the Portal for Planetary Ascension Oct 19, 1996. Celebration of Love: A Group Call to the Great Ones to Awaken the Heart Centre of Humanity, Nov 10 1996.

Nature Spirits, some thoughts on nature by Janet Dane.

Oct 5, 1996
Report On The Star Knowledge Conference, June 1996 written by Richard Boylan. The Three Faces of Regression Therapy, an brief introduction written by William J. Baldwin. My Near-Death Experience shared by John Foreman.

SpiritArchive: The Key to Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky, famous "Frequently Asked Questions" on Theosophy.

Sep 25, 1996
Divinity, The Choice of God, a booklet written by Jeffrey Edwin Edelheit, a reflection on a personal approach what "Spirituality" can be.

New Omni texts: The First Key, Forgiveness, The Biological Earthgate and Venus - Goddess and Planet of Love.

Two lightwork activations were done at Sep 21/22 1996 (Autumn Equinox): Stargate Sep 21 in Glastonbury England and Ritual of the Portal for Planetary Ascension.

Lightwork, channeling of The Star Unicorns, a creation cosmology by Lani Kukini'elele from Light Worker Center Hawaii. Short excerpt of Divine Guidance from the Space Brothers shared by Yashah.

Aug 14, 1996
Divine Ignorance written by Greg Burkett. Prebirth Communication: Tulkitoes! by Palden Jenkins and Sheila Martin, about conversations and insights of an unborn baby to its parents.

Aug 1, 1996
The Ocean of Theosophy written by William Quan Judge, included in SpiritArchive. It describes almost all aspects of Theosophy, Esoterism and its relation to vedic culture: Reincarnation, Astral Plane, Cosmic Cycles (Yugas), Higher Self (Monad), etc.

July 24, 1996
Bliss, Kriya Yoga and Holy Spirit, a personal view: An Enlightening Experience by Jon Locke. Reflections on Spirituality written by Matthew Blais.

A Diary of Awareness, Kundalini and Life by Roger Hamstra.

July 12, 1996
SpiritArchive and Veda & Dharma: Hinduism Today Archive: over 600 articles (issues 1993-1996) sorted by issue, author and topic, with dedicated search-engine.

SpiritArchive: spiritual inclined dialogues of Plato Spiritual Works archived: Phaedo, Phaedrus on spiritual reality and existance of the soul, and Meno about learning, knowledge and remembrance of soul.

Omni: Living in Divine Grace, channeling by John Payne.

June 30, 1996
New arranged articles on Esoterism by Eduardo Gomez.

Lightwork: Planetary Light Body Activation: November 11, 1996 by Ishtar Antares. Merkaba: a diary of Merkaba Experiences by Jon Locke. Poems of Spirit: Wings of Love by Jenny Gable.

June 28, 1996
Sample Yoga lessons by Swami Maheshananda on Yoga, God, Divine Plan, The Yogi, Karma, Meaning of Mantra, Astrology, english and italian.

New updated Kundalini FAQ, Kundalini Yogas FAQ, Siddha Mahayoga FAQ, and The Lineage of Swami Shivom Tirth by Kurt Keutzer and Narayan Prakash.

June 20, 1996
Additional articles by Jenny Liu about Feng Shui: Feng Shui and Love, Feng Shui and Stair Cases, Three Problems Ten Solutions, When 1+1=0 and Business Traveling and Sales

New transcripts of Lyssa Royal Holt: consideration of interdimensional understanding: Sirian Time Capsules, and Swimming to the Stars about dolphins and Sirius.

June 4, 1996
Mensaje de ONOA / Message from ONOA (spanish with english translation), a message on divinity of everyone here and now by Raul Yepes. Twin Souls Meditation given by Ishtar Antares.

New in SpiritArchive: Spirit Teachings (33 chapters), automatic writting by William Stainton Moses received during 1870's, was out of print, and now republished electronically by Sam Meilach. Also added Plotinus Six Enneads (54 tractates), profound neoplatonic mystic classic on beingness, reality and God.

May 17, 1996
The Spirits' Book: Introduction by Allan Kardek, profound introduction into spiritism (christian background). The Pearl of Great Price written by Floyd new in spiritual poems.

Return to Spirit, Spiritual Developement Guidebooks, an introduction of a book-serie written by Barbara Stone.

May 9, 1996
Astral-Planes: ITC: Instrumental Transcommunication by Mark Macy, introduction into ITC and Continuing Life Research. TAPA article excerpt about Marc Macy's activities: Continuing Life Research: Using Science and Technology to Bridge Dimensions.

Lightwork: Earth Energies and Earth Healing, introduction of the Earthgate Project written by Saskia Bosman.

In head-page you can switch on frames (Netscape-2.0).

New service, Spiritual NewsGateway, about 60 usenet newsgroups available to read direct with web-browser (posting implemented too), searching through thousands of postings possible.

Apr 29, 1996
System announcement: New URLs for mirror-sites:

A collection of Poems of Spirit. An impression on Prebirth Memories shared by Floyd.

Timegate: Operation Future Wave, astrophysical changes & the gameboard of time (timewave zero according McKenna) - interdimensional considerations by Ananda. Update in Venusians with more info on Omnec Onec.

Apr 18, 1996
Brief introduction on Mantra Yoga (also known as Japa Yoga) and Yantra Yoga.
Earthgate Project, an experience shared by Saskia Bosman.

Apr 8, 1996
In Healing-section: Pranic Healingsm, a brief description by Stephen Co and Jim Sorden. Sound, Light and Form, thoughts on those three manifestations of energy written by Benedick Howard. Update in Feng Shui by Jenny Liu.

Apr 1, 1996
A brief description on Agni Yoga by Burt Wilson. Starry Family, A Poem by Samu Karlsson. Searching for Evidence of Spirit Communication by Carl Pihl, a first part of a serie of texts.

Mar 20, 1996
Equinox: beginning of spring for nothern hemisphere, beginning of fall for southern hemisphere: A message of spiritual "spring" by Omni.

Mar 13, 1996
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: Working with the Higher Self, an introduction into transpersonal hypnotherapy written by Jean Sullivan-Finn.

Emotion, The Key to Creation, Omni channeled by John Payne. Short texts on Vardogrs and NDE of children.

Feb 25, 1996
John Payne channels Omni: Angels, Vanguards of Light. A prayer The Hand of God, shared by Regiena Heringa.

Example of a vortex activation: Activation of Twelve Pointed Star, channeled by John Armitage and Caroline Fitzgerald from the Beeston Farm (England). Let Go Of The Old - Make Way For The New channeled by Ronna Herman.

New additions in Feng Shui, by Jenny Liu.

Jan 22, 1996
The Nature of Dreams by Matthew Blais, part of his serie of texts on Healing & Spiritual Crisis.

Money Matters, Channeling - A natural skill easily learned and Global Changes - A message of hope by Omni channeled through John Payne.

Improved Event Calendar and Metaphysical Resources now geographical sorted.

Jan 16, 1996
A Message To Humankind, a short but truthful thought on spiritual nature of us all, written by Regiena Heringa.

Jan 3, 1996
New URL for Spirit-WWW: http://www.spiritweb.org, located in California (USA), it will operate as "mother-site" of Spirit-WWW. I'm now also reachable at kiwi@spiritweb.org. The other mirror-sites in Australia and Italy remain.

Jan 2, 1995
Omni's World, by John Payne with some texts: Reincarnation & Karma, Developing Trust and Mother Earth, Manifesting, and Unmasking the True Self.

Separate pages on Ascension and Walk-Ins with some related information.

Dec 20, 1995
Convincing the Scientific Mind, a short treatise written by Piers Eggett on spirituality and scientific way to study reality. God and Gods of Hinduism, a view on hindu (vedic) spirituality by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. A new section on Astral Planes with some related (old) texts.

Dec 15, 1995
Astrology: New articles from Das Goravani in Vedic Astrology: Lesson #11 - #15 and a comprehensive Jyotish Glossary. A western approach, Understanding Astrology, an intuitive way to do astrology written by Ezequiel Gonzales.

Update in NDE, Near Death Experience. New articles, Human and ET Common History and The Santinians in section of Alien Cultures.

Dec 7, 1995
A starting page on The Elementals: Earth, Water, Fire and Air. A Joshua David Stone Corner with some excerpts of material he published: parts of Misc. Alien Cultures, Trapped Essences and div. other material.

Report from 4th Intern. UFO Conf. Convention Mesquite Nevada (Dec 1994) by Donald M. Ware from Ascending Times. A discussion fragment on Aliens: Angels or Demons from a christian point of view.

Nov 17, 1995
A new corner of Lyssa Royal, who shared a few manuscripts direct for Spirit-WWW:

Preparing For Contact, a short view on preparing ET interaction in a more consciousness and psychological manner. ET Civilizations, ETs and Ancient Japan and Lemuria, A Reflection about ancient times and ET influences then. Galactic Family - An Overview of Genotypes, an overview of different alien-cultures, their appearance and qualities.

Zeta Revelations, some additional thoughts on Zeta - Human interaction by Bashar and Harone; Integrating Galactic Heritage as well about Zeta-Reticuli (Greys) and abduction phenomena.

Balancing Male and Female Energies about the importance of the integration and balance of polarity. World Power Spots, a short view on energetical power points and their purposes.

Update in Alien Cultures: Lyra (Expansion), Vega, Arcturus (Guidance and Healing), and Orion (Duality).

Nov 3, 1995
Chat and Talk: An entry page for Spiritual Web Chat, where you can talk to others using your web-browser (highly experience state), beside a IRC page providing some links and info on IRC (Internet Relay Chat).

Oct 29, 1995
After seven months the main US-mirror site at http://spirit.satelnet.org/Spirit.html is no longer available. You may update your link(s) to this particular mirror-site of Spirit-WWW.

Oct 18, 1995
After some time working on other web-sites, I added:

In Yoga Paths: Siddha Mahayoga and the Lineage of Swami Shivom Tirth written by Narayan Prakash and shared by Kurt Keutzer.

Sahaj Marg, System of Raja Yoga (yoga of mind): The Living Tradition of Sahaj Marg written by Clark Powell shared by Vijay Krishna.

Lahiri Mahasay 100 Year Mahasamadhi, an short excerpt on insights of Kriya Yoga.
Another text on Kriya Yoga: A bridge between inner and the outer world by Swami Janakananda, shared by Robert Nilsson.

Sufism - the Way of the Heart, a short intro written by Mateen Siddiqui.
A first text in a serie on Qi (Chi): Feng Shui, written by Jenny Liu.

Channeling: Higherself and Advanced Beings by Raphael and St. Germain, channeled through Jeannie Weyrick. The final Polaris-Writings: #72-#109.

Aug 24, 1995
Temporary new mirror-site of Spirit-WWW: Europe, for european users.

Additional Polaris-Writings: #45-#71.

Aug 21, 1995
Esoterism: Son Of Man, Spiritual Hierachy, Mundakaka and ISA Upanishad etc. (theosophical teaching), a collection of texts by Eduardo Gomez. A short introduction to watch with Third Eye in a passive way, written by myself.

Varieties of Ascension by Evin from the Starbuilders.

Improved search-engine and a glossary with spiritual phrases and words.

Aug 1, 1995
New feature to comment major pages: for every main-section and when you see this logo Your comment is welcome! in a certain page, then you can comment this particular page. For general comments on Spirit-WWW follow this comment-form.

New graphic-headers and new sections:

July 29, 1995
Three new parts from Das Goravani about Vedic Astrology: #8: Conference Summary June 1995, #9: Amazing Psychic Astrologer, #10: Developing the Ability to Predict.

Golden Eagle Speaks, channeling collection through Margot Stevens.

July 18, 1995
Channeling Collection Jul-Nov 1989 by Celeste Korsholm: John, Josephus, Kuthumi, Kwan Yin, Monka, Sananda, Soltec, Isis, Sagamemnon, Aliah, Lady Master Flora, Ashtara, and others on various topics.

Few thoughts on Energy Patterns and OBE and related topic by Chuck.

June 21, 1995
OBE, Spiritualist Technique, some thoughts about out-of-body in another view with 'traveling clairvoyance', written by Charles Goldman.

Simultaneous Lifetimes, personal thoughts by Jananda. The Polaris Writings, a collection of channelings shared by Shannon D. Russell.

June 6, 1995
Vedic Astrology, six lessons shared by Das Goravani, on general meaning of Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Spiritualizing the Great Free Will Debate, etc.

Update in Abduction, An Approach To A Phenomena. Channeling from Ashtar-Command: Our Mission and Directive through Ashtar-Athena.

June 1, 1995
Diverse booklets kindly offered by Celeste & Jananda Korsholm:

A personal Near Death Experience: NDE OBE - My Story, shared by Mark Jacoby.

May 25, 1995
Texts and Essays on Healing of Self: Healing and Spiritual Crisis (Healing the Shadow, Loving Ourself and Understanding of Suffering, etc.), written by Matthew Blais.

Message to Mankind from Attron, and Tales from the Planets channeled by Celeste, an etheric call for understanding.

Personal thoughts on existance, A Nearby Realm, Of The Dreamtime by "Watching Owl".

May 15, 1995
OOBE vs Lucid Dreaming, a post by Bob Peterson and further discussion with Dean Walker.

Hinduism Today: Issues Jan, Feb (not yet), Mar, Apr, May, Jun of 1995 full-online, a monthly hindu newspaper affirming dharma and recording mordern history.

May 11, 1995
The Seven Chakras, John from The White Brotherhood channeled by Birgit Klein with a more spiritual view on chakras. A Call to The Starry Family channeling from Ashtar-Command by Ishtar Antares about soul-family and its connections.

Some questions and answers on Reincarnation and The Self written by myself, about a more multi-dimensional view on reincarnation.

Another issue of CoA: Center of Attention #9.

Astrology: Astrologer's Philosophy, a summary shared by Leon van Assem in association of Committee Backgrounds of Astrology (WAA). Interview on Astrology between Radio New Zealand interviewer Jessica Weddell and Garth Carpenter.

Egyptian Mythology FAQ compiled by Shawn C. Knight.

May 1, 1995
New faster USA mirror-site at http://spirit.satelnet.org/Spirit.html located in Florida.
(Please use full URL, not just http://spirit.satelnet.org/).

ET Contact: You Have All Had ET Contact by Lyssa Royal: The main doorway through which many ETs choose to come to you is the door of the human consciousness . . .

Ancient cultures: Atlantis, Mu and Lemuria, a collection of related texts. Agartha, Secrets of the Subterranean Cities written by Sharula and Shield Dux from World Ascension Network.

Apr 12-26, 1995
I'm traveling in US and therefore I'm unable to update or add material to Spirit-WWW. Enjoy it nevertheless!

Apr 3, 1995
Beta-version of Metaphysical Resources with list of organizations related to various areas of spirituality and consciousness; and also a starting Metaphysical Bibliography with recommended books.

Mar 24, 1995
An Event Calendar, with upcoming metaphysical events as lectures and fairs etc.

Short view on Perception of subtle Planes in my RKMCorner.

Thoughts about Dolphins: Dolphin Communication and The Dolphin written by Birgit Klein.

Mar 22, 1995
Abduction and Present Psychology, an open letter from Dr. Bruce Cornet defending Dr. Mack. For Hybrids Only, a cosmic reminder by Susan Cafoncelli.

Mar 16, 1995
Animals Serving The Development Of Mankind, book excerpt by Birgit Klein.

A view on Christ, Christians, & Krishna perceived from a vedic point of view, given by Srila Prabhupada.

Mar 6, 1995
Channeling, Method for Self Discovery and Healing written by Lori E. Tostado.

Highlights of Chicago's UFO Public Awareness Program (Aug 1994) written by S. Patricia Welsh.

Mar 4, 1995
An overview of Vedic-Literature perceived by a spiritual background (Veda & Dharma).

Lucid Dreaming FAQ by the Lucidity Institute, a more technical approach.

A short article Encyclopedia of Ascension written by Joshua David Stone.

Mar 1, 1995
Splitting of Theosophy now as a sub-section of new created section Mysteries: about ancient philosophical, mystic and religious belief-systems.

Short intro about Ayurveda, a vedic approach of health.

Back "What's New"

For further and/or deeper information look at Mirror Sites, What's New: Feb 1995 - Oct 1994, What's New: Dec 1993 - Sep 1994.

Subjects: Introduction What's New Channelings Lightwork UFO Light Technology Healing Reincarnation Meditation Out of Body Yoga Paths Veda & Dharma Theosophy Mysteries Astrology Networks Resources Bibliography EventCalendar Glossary NewsGateway NewsWatch ImageGallery WebChat MailingLists "Archive" SearchEngine






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