Subjects Introduction: Introduccion a Spirit-WWW Spirit-WWW Editorial Mailing List: Spirit List The SpiritWeb Newsletter Help, SiteMap of Spirit-WWW

Editorial and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Editorial / Reposting & Referencing / Funding Information / FAQ / Contact Addresses

Here some general thoughts on Spirit-WWW:

1989 I started collect material from the Internet, and since November 1993 I append the material in Spirit-WWW. First I was a bit hesitating to share implicit spiritual material using the Internet and WWW, as I felt it would be better to share material more personal, not so anonymously as the Internet appeared to me. But the positive responses I've received from the readers at the beginning of Spirit-WWW encouraged me to continue.

I expanded the site quite much during the last two years to other topics I felt to share, and it wouldn't be possible by all the contributions of the readers itself!

By the time a lot of people contacted me personally by email and many thoughtful and deep conversations were shared. Overall, I'm really surprised by all the positive and supportive responses I received. Thank You All!

The following people I like to thank specially:

Paulo Caldeira who shared the most profound spiritual insights to me.
Joe Holloway who offered the australian mirror-site, the first mirror-site.
Bob Garth who offered the US mirror-site and supported Spirit-WWW, Lightwork-L, and Heal-L essentially.
Ramon Martinez offered the fast spanish mirror-site.
Tom Fought who encouraged me at the beginning of Spirit-WWW to expand it and make it public available.
Here some regular contributors (shared several texts):
Jenny Lui: Feng Shui Lyssa Royal: ETs, Consciousness John Payne: Omni Page Joshua David Stone: Ascension Eduardo Gomez: Esoterism Celeste and Jananda: Ascension Kurt Keutzer: Kundalini and div. material Hinduism Today: monthly articles Shannon Dean Russell: Polaris Writings Das Goravani: Vedic Astrology Ezequiel Gonzalez: Western Astrology,
and of course many individuals ...

Reposting & Referencing

Some of the material got re-posted again back to the Internet and BBS's, and I really appreciate it, just include the reference where you found it, ie. Spirit-WWW and its URL


In case you reference Spirit-WWW in your personal or commercial site, please choose the main-head page, or the subjects listed in main-head page as well, but not documents within the Spirit-WWW tree, because it may change and your link(s) will not work anymore.

In case you run a BBS (with Internet connection), and you like to keep Spirit-WWW locally for your users, contact me as well, I may append your site in my update script.

Spirit-WWW is referenced at Yahoo and some other hierachical web-lists, at AOL and Prodigy its intern-listings. Spirit-WWW got also several selections, the common Top 5% Web-Site by Point Survey: Best 5%: Spirit-WWW Review, and Magellan 3 Stars by The McKinley Group: Magellan: Spirit-WWW Review. Netguide reviewed it, and HomePC Magazine took it for one of best 500 websites (can't take that really serious).

Funding of Spirit-WWW

Financial funding primarily is done by myself. Several people wrote me asking if they could contribute something for the funding of Spirit-WWW as their "thank you". Until November 1995 I've got offered all mirror-sites and resources for free. Since December 1995 I signed a professional provider to able to have a dedicated domain-name for Spirit-WWW: spiritweb.org. If you like to support Spirit-WWW financially you are welcome. Contact me for details at kiwi@spiritweb.org.

FAQ of Spirit-WWW

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
I like to submit a text for Spirit-WWW, how I do this?
In case you like to share a single text or a serie, just send it by email to me (kiwi@spiritweb.org). I check whether it fits in Spirit-WWW and convert it into HTML, and add some links for user-guidance. Once an article (or serie) has been accepted and included, it will be maintained for free.

In case you like to have an own section (with more many pages) which you like to maintain by yourself, I would suggest you are opening an own web-site. Check out following sites:

If you have your own site, I will reference your site within Spirit-WWW.

I would like to advertise in Spirit-WWW?
I try to avoid advertising at all, to make sure the independency of the site. I included some subscription infos in Journals & Zines, but I did that by my own intention to share subscription-infos for people outside of USA, that they get possibility to get aware of those zines I consider as worthful, that's all. I didn't got paid doing that.

Why are there different mirror-sites?
At the beginning, just said, few hundred people accessed the site, and by the time, more and more went to read, and the traffic increased dangerously. I had to open mirror-sites:

  • Switzerland (Europe): Here I develop the Spirit-WWW on my local platform and distribute the pages on different mirror-sites.
  • California (USA): Opened by Jan 1, 1996 finally with a registered domain-name spiritweb.org. This site will operate as mother-site.
  • Canberra (Australia): Joe Holloway (adfa.oz.au) kindly offered me the hardware for this site, and was long the primary site of Spirit-WWW. Started in September 1994, now www.au.spiritweb.org
  • Colorado (USA): Bob Garth (protree.com) offered me the first mirror-site in August 1994. Now there also runs Lightwork-l and Healing-List. The web-site was closed by March 1996.
  • Italy (Europe): Luca Andreucci (linknet.it) offered me the network and hardware usage, opened August 1995, now www2.eu.spiritweb.org
  • Spain (Europe): Ramon Martinez (encomix.com) offered me some web-space on a multi-home server opened April 1996, now www.eu.spiritweb.org
  • South Africa (Africa): Gaven Cohen (nxp.co.za) offered me web-space on a multi-home server opened September 1996, now www.za.spiritweb.org
  • Czech Republic (Europe): Pavel Trtik (inext.cz) offered me web-space on a multi-home server opened November 1996, now www3.eu.spiritweb.org

If you ask me if Spirit-WWW is a swiss, italian, australian or an american web-site, so I may answer you, it's truly a world-wide-web site.

How big is Spirit-WWW?
Current status (updated bi-weekly):
Total Documents: DocumentCounter within Spirit-WWW
Total Disk-Space: DocumentCounterKB within Spirit-WWW

I would like to join Spirit-WWW, can I help?
Since Feb 1997 I have been opening spiritweb.org for interested people to co-work on this site, since it has become very big, and a real team is need to expand it further. Look at Volunteers Jobs at Spirit-WWW. Right now, I'm unable to provide payed jobs at spiritweb.org

What you offer from Spirit-WWW for third-part?
In the moment I'm able to provide following services for free:

  • Spiritual Web Chat (SWC) "dedicated forum" (password protected):
    You can meet with people there, and only those who have the password can join. I provide this option for small groups (at least 5) to meet privately. Look for details at Spiritual Web Chat page.

    If you are interested to have a dedicated forum there, please contact me at webmaster@spiritweb.org with a brief description of your needs.

  • Mailing-Lists:
    If you have plans to setup a forum to talk to people about a certain spiritual topic, or you are a small group you want to have a forum, so I can offer two types of mailing-list:
    • Public-forum: everyone can subscribe/unsubscribe.
      Useful when looking for rather big audience
    • Closed-forum: subscription control is in hand of selected person(s)
      Useful when looking for very focused discussion

    If you are interested, please agree with following conditions before you contact me:

    • Blunt advertising not allowed
    • Reasonable amount of members (at least 3, maximum ~300)
    • Spiritual Topic (no conspiracy or new-world-order stuff)

Every mailing-list has an password-protect archive, so only members can read the past posts, as example look at Spirit List.

If you think I may assist you in your doing with this service, contact me at webmaster@spiritweb.org with a brief description of your needs.

For the spiritual oriented thoughts and intentions of myself about Spirit-WWW, you may read the Introduction.

Contact Address:

c/o René K. Müller
Goldenmattenstr. 38
CH-6312 Steinhausen

Your comment is welcome!

Anyway, I really appreciate your response, if you like the site or a special thought you picked up here, just drop me a line per email or submit your thoughts in the comment-forum, it's good to hear from you!

I wish you Light and Peace!

René K. Müller
Webmaster & Editor

For further and/or deeper information look at Volunteer Jobs at Spirit-WWW.

Subjects Introduction: Introduccion a Spirit-WWW Spirit-WWW Editorial Mailing List: Spirit List The SpiritWeb Newsletter Help, SiteMap of Spirit-WWW

Introduccion a ...

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Webmaster (webmaster@spiritweb.org)