Rosling King Case History

Sareen Courts Lawyers with OfficeTalk

Overcoming the opposition ...
Rosling King are a firm of solicitors based in Fleet Street specialising in commercial, property and litigation law. Their client list includes leading institutions from banking, insurance, manufacturing and property industry sectors. A busy organisation, they identified the need to find a more efficient way of organising peopleÆs time and to allow them to communicate more effectively. Joyce Campbell, IT Manager at Rosling King, evaluated Lotus cc:Mail and Lotus Organiser but found them less than suitable for their requirements.

"We needed a system which enabled people to co-ordinate activities in a timely fashion," explained Campbell. "The Lotus offering was good but OfficeTalk beat it by providing a truly integrated user interface - everything you need is available from one screen. Our initial user trials have proved such a success that we have implemented the system on every PC."

Satisfying all users needs ...
The trial group of thirteen users included personnel at all levels in the organisation - from senior partner to support staff. OfficeTalk was well received by all participants. Users felt that features, such as the ability to see individuals diaries side by side, schedule meetings at the touch of a button and the way OfficeTalk notified individuals of their commitments, improved their daily business life.

Easy and fast to implement ...
The implementation of a Workgroup Information Manager was part of Rosling KingÆs staged network strategy. The software took very little time to install and in-house training took less than one hour per user.

Providing clear business benefits ...
"OfficeTalk is providing us with a much improved level of group scheduling and communication," added Graham Clark, Partner at Rosling King. "The software is simplicity itself to use but provides users with tools to make their business day more productive. We have successfully implemented several information technology solutions in the past few years but OfficeTalk is the clear winner. Everyone is truly delighted with the product."


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Last Updated: 20/9/96
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