OfficeTalk Overview

OfficeTalk is the first Windows package to integrate all the organisational tools needed by every member of the workgroup. OfficeTalk manages personal and group diaries, organises time, workload and meetings, administers all types of contact information and plans and tracks projects. Information previously held on individual machines can be held globally. It allows managers to oversee their teams activities, delegate tasks from Projects, by E-Mail and from the Contact Manager and oversee the progress on workgroup projects. Meetings can be arranged instantly and agendas posted via E-Mail.

For more details on the functionality provided by different areas of OfficeTalk click below:-

Who are Sareen Software and what awards has OfficeTalk won?

So who uses OfficeTalk and how do people get on with it?

Which magazines have reviewed OfficeTalk and what did they say?

What's in our latest release; OfficeTalk Version 1.51?

How to obtain your evaluation copy on CD-ROM

Full access to your workgroup's data with the OfficeTalk Data Access Toolkit

OfficeTalk Technical Overview

Support, Training and Consultancy Services from Sareen Software

SpellWrite, the spellchecker that ships with OfficeTalk

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Last Updated: 9/1/97 - Under Construction
Webmaster: Karl Flower