FAXmaker Specifications

System Requirements

Fax Server
486 DX2/66MHz or higher, 8 MB of ram memory, 15 MB of free hard disk space, Windows NT/95 or 3.1 installed.

Client - Windows 3.1x
386SX or higher with at least 2MB of ram.

Client - Windows 95
386DX or higher with at least 4MB of ram.

Client - Windows
Minimum operating system requirements.

Client - DOS
286 or higher with at least 550 kb of free conventional memory.

Client - OS/2
Minimum operating system requirements. To run Windows client instead of character based client, Win OS/2 must be installed.

E-Mail systems supported
All E-Mail systems with drivers or clients, which support the MAPI architecture. OfficeTalk MS Mail. MS Exchange. cc:Mail (using third party driver). Novell Groupwise. Lotus Notes (using third party driver).

Modems supported
GFI approved fax/voice hardware:Class 2 & Class 2.0 compatible fax modems; Hayes Class 2 devices; Zoom Class 2 devices; Microcom class 2 devices; Zyxel elite & Omni, Zyxel 1496 Fax/voice boards.

Networks supported
Novell Netware versions 2.x, 3.x, 4.x. Windows NT Server, or Advanced Server IBM LAN Server, Advanced and Entry. Windows for Workgroups or Windows 95 peer to peer networks. All TCP/IP or Netbios compatible networks. DEC Pathworks, Banyan Vines and Lantastic.

NOTE on E-Mail integration:Only one client needs to have MAPI compatibility; namely the client running on the fax server computer.

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Last Updated: 18/9/96 - Under Construction
Webmaster: Karl Flower