FAXmaker Server Software

Multi Line Fax Server for Windows NT
FAXmaker leverages Windows NTÆs multi-tasking power across your network, by converting and enhancing faxes on the server. The fax server runs as an application on Windows NT or 95 or as a full service on Windows NT. Four lines are supported as standard, which can be expanded up to 32 lines per fax server using multi port boards. A 16 bit, 2 line fax server is also included with FAXmaker.

Inbound Fax Routing
FAXmaker can automatically route the incoming faxes to the correct recipient using one of three methods: CSID routing, which determines the recipient based on the FAX ID, DID/DTMF routing via the PBX and OCR routing. The last method searches for names and keywords in the fax, and based on these, determines the recipient of the fax. The OCR routing module is available for purchase separately. When no recipient can be determined for a fax, the faxes are routed to the default mailbox, from where the inbound fax router can view the fax and select the right recipient.

Integration with FAXmaker can be easily achieved via DDE. This allows users to program a macro that passes the fax number to FAXmaker automatically. In addition to this integration there is also an API available for FAXmaker, which gives you full access to all FAX, VOICE and QUEUE functions within FAXmaker. The API is available in the form of a Windows DLL, which can be used from C/C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, MS Access and many other development environments.

Configurable Autoprint
Incoming faxes can be automatically printed on network printers, depending on which line they were received on. This way, users can configure more precisely if, when and where a fax is to be printed automatically.

Call accounting
A call accounting application analyses FAXmakerÆs activity log and costs all your phone calls and apportions them to specific users or departments. The call accounting application uses MS Access database format, so lists may be exported or printed for use in accounting packages. This application can be downloaded free of charge after registering FAXmaker for networks.

Fax archiving application
The fax archiving application archives all incoming and outgoing faxes, compresses them and allows you to search on sender/recipient, date, time, and fax ID. This way, users can quickly retrieve important faxes and print them. Faxes are stored in a separate directory, allowing for backup on tape or CD.
[FAXmaker Overview] [The FAXmaker Client] [FAXmaker Specifications] [FAXmaker Add-ons] [FAXmaker Download] [Pricing]
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