..in the name of Multimedia!

Hello friends! As you can clearly see we are back, by popular demand with the CD-torial section. Before I begin briefing you on this months highlights I would like to ask you a question. "Is Powerpoint really Multimedia?" Then again you can ask yourself "Is 286 really a processor?"
The answer is plain enough, capital NO! There is a fine line between what is acceptable and what is essential. In a field that we are in, technologies change before you can say "Windows 98". What is relevant today becomes obsolete tomorrow.
So where do we draw the line? In these times all corporate, entertainment and edutainment policies have become people-oriented rather than object-oriented. You have to understand your market and give them what they want instead of deciding what you want to give them.
Why does Shah Rukh Khan do mushy roles? Why does Govinda wear such loudly amusing clothes? Inspite of what critics might say, they are minting money for their producers at the box-office and this is because they are giving the people what they want to see (zara hatke...as they claim).
Sadly enough in the case of Multimedia and the Internet in the Indian scenario, the kind of stuff that is being dished out leaves a lot to be desired. "STD ISD PCO - Internet surfing - DTP - website designing and hosting - Tours and Travels - Xerox - FAX" is the kind of banner that you must be seeing at every corner of your street.
Sacrilege is not the word! It is the pure desecration of creativity and professionalism. "Mediocrity is a crime". It's time the Indian audiences woke up to it.
At CHIP we firmly believe in providing first hand information to our audience streamlining our efforts to present it in the best possible format to create awareness about the ever changing IT industry.
Our motto: "Perfection is our goal. Excellence will be tolerated."
We are already No. 1 in the publications and multimedia sector and we hope to ride the crest and carry our readers with us through limitless frontiers.
"Out with crudely presented content and dingy designs, long live the CHIP CD!"

Celebrate the new millenium with eye-popping, mind-boggling, show stopping software on the CHIP CD presented through a dual interface. A real treat for all you hard-core gamers lies in store for you with Quake III Arena. Note that it requires a high-end graphics card with open GL support (min: 8MB RAM on board) and that all complaints of it not running on your system should be addressed to the team at Id Software. 25 MP3 players plus editing and mixing utilities in the house for the budding DJ's out there. (Do give us credit if your composition wins a Grammy or something. On the other hand, if you are caught for copyright infringement, we want nothing to do with you.). Photoimpact 5.0 is a great image-editing suite that might turn you into a DaVinci or a Rembrandt.
Are you a dedicated CHIP fan who has stuffed your cupboard with the old issues of CHIP and are worried where you're gonna stock our future issues? Well, kiss your worries goodbye! We have compiled all the issues since January 1999 till date in .PDF format, which you can refer to through an interactive interface.
I could go on and on about the featured software, but I'm gonna sign off right now and let our CD speak for itself.

"Have a Blast This Millenium!"

Peace and Understanding,

Kabir Malkani
Designer - CHIP CD