Name Araxis Merge 99
Description Araxis Merge 99 is a visual file comparison/merging and folder synchronization application. It enables you to compare and work with different versions of the same text file. Araxis Merge's point-and-click merging lets you choose the parts of each file that you would like to add to a final merged version.
Path \killer\systools\amerge99\merge50.exe
Size 2.51MB
Category Shareware
Name EasyZip 2000
Description EasyZip is a file compression tool, which has built in support for ZIP, RAR, CAB, LHA, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, TAR, GZ, XXE and UUE. It also includes long filename support and tight integration with the Windows 95/98/NT shell.
Path \killer\systools\ezip2000\ezip40.exe
Size 1.65MB
Category Shareware
Name PC Accelerator 2000
Description PC Accelerator 2000 is a utility designed to increase your PC and internet performance by up to 40%. It has built in support for most of the popular 3d cards as well as new cable/DSL support.
Path \killer\systools\pcacc2000\pcxl.exe
Size 1.22MB
Category Shareware
Name Visual Split Studio 2000
Description MimarSinan Visual Split Studio 2000 is a powerful file splitting utility that can create self-uniting files. Files can be split into self-uniting Exe's which any user can run. Other features include: automatic detection of disks in drives for hands-off operation, the ability to compare split pieces with the original file, the ability to name each split piece, and a right click shortcut within Windows.
Path \killer\systools\vs2000\vss2000.exe
Size 1.83MB
Category Shareware
Name Diskeeper Workstation 5.0
Description With Diskeeper Workstation 5.0, you can analyze the fragmentation on a volume as well as defragment that particular volume. Besides you can perform more that one operation at a time. So now you have a better option to defrag, which ships with Windows 95/98.
Path \killer\systools\Diskeep50\wstn\dkwstr.exe
Size 8.20MB
Category Shareware
Name Diskeeper Server 5.0
Description Diskeeper Server 5.0 for Windows NT Server can be installed and run on Windows NT Workstations, allowing you to control defragmentation of the disk volumes on all the computers in your network from a single computer, either Server or Workstation.
Path \killer\systools\Diskeep50\server\dksrtr.exe
Size 5.02MB
Category Shareware
Name Motherboard Monitor 4
Description This is a tool that helps you to monitor the vital statistics of your motherboard like the FSB (Front Side Bus) speed, clock multiplier etc.
Path \killer\systools\motmon\setup.exe
Size 1.38MB
Category Shareware
Name SoftFSB
Description This utility lets your change the front side bus speed of your motherboard without having to restart your computer.
Path \killer\systools\SoftFSB\sfsb170.exe
Size 101KB
Category Shareware
Description Using this, you can determine the identification and other parameters of your CPU.
Path \killer\systools\WCPU\wcpu26d.exe
Size 66.5KB
Category Shareware
Name Waterfall Pro
Description Since the direct effect of overclocking is the generation of heat, this software puts the CPU into sleep mode for a very small amount of time. Using this software, you can overclock your CPU upto a certain extent and yet not risk your CPU from overheating excessively. However, this program does not work with all programs.
Path \killer\systools\wtrfall\setup.exe
Size 1.30MB
Category Shareware
Name Automatic Power Status Interface
Description UPS Monitoring Software
Path \killer\systools\api\apsi.exe
Size 1.31MB
Category Shareware
Name SplitFit
Description SplitFit is a file splitting and joining utility.
Path \killer\systools\splitfit.exe
Size 554KB
Category Shareware
Name For Your Eyes Only 2.0
Description FOR YOUR EYES ONLY is an easy to use file encryption program. It protects your valuable data by encrypting files and attaching a password to them. ENCRYPT, will encrypt these files so that, they cannot be decrypted or read, without decrypting them with the password, first. You can use DECRYPT to decrypt your files back to their original state.
Path \killer\systools\fyeo\Fyeo.exe
Size 127KB
Category Shareware
Name Password Analyzer Version 1.0
Description The purpose of Password Analyzer Version 1.0 is to check if that super-secret password you always use is really that much robust. It can tell you if a particular password is weak.
Path \killer\systools\passanal\setup.exe
Size 1.75MB
Category Shareware