Name Acrobat Reader 4.05
Description The Acrobat« Reader allows anyone to view, navigate, and print documents in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). It also allows anyone to perform full-text searches of PDF document collections that have been indexed using Acrobat Catalog (included with Adobe Acrobat« 4.0).
Path \newrel\acro45\ar405eng.exe
Size 5.55MB
Category Shareware
Name Norton AntiVirus Update
Description The AntiVirus definition update for versions 4.x.
Path \newrel\nav\navupdt.exe
Size 4.375MB
Category Patch
Name Naviscope
Description A proxy server, AD remover, MTU/RWIN optimizer and it for free.
Path \newrel\nscope.exe
Size 600KB
Category Freeware
Name AQURA - Lite!
Description AQURA is a Y2K compliant financial accounting software which works on Windows 95 / 98 / NT. Though feature packed, AQURA is compact. It will take about 2.5 MB of disk space.
Path \newrel\AQURA.exe
Size 2.5MB
Category Freeware
Description A DOS based financial accounting software for all your personal needs.
Path \newrel\\micron\Install.exe
Size 1.01MKB
Category Tryout Version