Name CompuPic Pro
Description CompuPic Pro is an advanced digital content manager. It is designed to make common tasks easier and faster, including finding, viewing, editing and sharing all your digital content.
Path \Killer\Graphics \compupic\cpro32.exe
Size 3.65MB
Category Trialware
Name PhotoImpact 5.0
Description PhotoImpact is a versatile object-oriented image-editing program that is easy and fun to use. PhotoImpact offers a variety of special effects and other intuitive tools to make editing easier.
Path \Killer\Graphics\Pimpact5\ Setup.exe
Size 56.6MB
Category Trialware
Description Eye Candy is a set of 21 Adobe PhotoShop compatible plug-in filters.
Path \Killer\Graphics\Plugins\Ecandy \ec30demo.EXE
Size 573KB
Category Demo
Name Genesis
Description Genesis (vfx) for Photoshop Demo is a high-end special effects plugin for Adobe Photoshop. Genesis creates spectacular lens flares, outer space effects, heat distortions, lighting, particle animation, gas clouds, glows, sparkles and electricity effects. It can also produce hallucinogenic images that resemble the pop and op art of the '60s and '70s.
Path \Killer\Graphics\Plugins\Genesis\ genvfxps.exe
Size 3.887MB
Category Demo
Name XenoFex
Description XenoFex is a set of sixteen cutting-edge Adobe PhotoShop compatible plug-in filters. The filters include: baked earth, constellation, crumple, distress, electrify, flag, lightning, little fluffy clouds, origami, puzzle, rounded rectangle, shatter, shower door, stain, stamper, and television.
Path \Killer\Graphics\Plugins\XenoFex 1.0\xenofex.exe
Size 605KB
Category demo
Description Photoshow is an image browser cum presentation tool.
Path \Killer\Graphics\Pshow\ps.exe
Size 147MB
Category Shareware