Names and description of the buttons in the operation area

Project file name Shows the current project name.
[New Project] button Shows the [Project Settings] dialog box to start creating a new project. If the [New Project] button is clicked when the current project has unsaved information, a message appears to ask whether to save the current project or not.
[Open Project] button Shows Windows' [Open] dialog box to let you select a file you wish to open. If there is any clip whose original file is not found, the [Restore offline clip] dialog box appears .
[Save Project] button Saves the project. You can select the following options for saving from the list shown by clicking on the [] button.
Save Project Saves the project.
Save As Shows the [Save As] dialog box to let you specify the filename and saving location of the project file.
Project Settings Shows a part of the [Project Settings] dialog box to let you change the settings under the [Preset] and [Setup] tabs before saving the project.
[Cut] button Cuts a clip on a track.
[Copy] button Copies a clip on a track.
[Paste] button Pastes a clip to the position of the timeline cursor. You can select paste options from the list shown by clicking on the [] button.
Cursor Pastes a clip to the position of the timeline cursor.
In Pastes to the In point of the selected clip.
Out Pastes to the Out point of the selected clip.
Replace Pastes the cut or copied clip by overwriting the currently selected clip.
Replace parts
  • Filter
    Pastes only the filter effect of the cut or copied clip to the selected clip by overwriting the original.
  • Mixer
    Pastes only the mixer effect of the cut or copied clip to the selected clip by overwriting the original.
  • Clip
    Pastes the cut or copied clip by overwriting the currently selected clip. No filters and mixers attached to the clip will be pasted to the selected clip.
  • Clip and Filter
    Pastes the cut or copied clip and its filters or mixers to the selected clip by overwriting the original.
Paste transition
  • Cursor
    Pastes the cut or copied transition to the position of the timeline cursor.
  • Clip start
    Pastes the cut or copied transition to the In point of the selected clip.
  • Clip end
    Pastes the cut or copied transition to the Out point of the selected clip.
[Divide] button Divides the selected clip at the timeline cursor position. You can select the following options for division from the list shown by clicking on the [] button.
  • Selected track
    The clip on the selected track will be divided at the timeline cursor position.
  • All tracks
    Clips on all tracks will be divided at the timeline cursor position.
  • All tracks
    Clips on all tracks will be divided at the In/Out position.
  • Selected track
    The clip on the selected track will be divided at the In/Out point.
[Create clip] button Create title in current trackCreate a title clip on the selected track.
Create title in T1 trackCreate a title clip on the track selected in the menu.
Create title in new title trackCreate a title clip on new track.
You can create the following clips from the list shown by clicking on the [] button.
Color BarShows the [Color Bar Setup] dialog box. The clip will be created at the timeline cursor position on the selected track.
Color MatteShows the [Color Matte Setup] dialog box). The clip will be created at the timeline cursor position on the selected track.
[Delete] button Deletes the selected clip. You can select the following options for deletion from the list shown by clicking on the [] button.
Delete Deletes the selected clip.
Ripple delete When a clip selected, shifts clips after the deleted clip to the left to fill the gap made by the deletion. At the same time, clips on other tracks are also shifted to the left.
When a clip unselected, shifts clips to the left to fill the space.
Video Deletes only the video part of the selected clip.
Audio Clip Deletes only the audio part of the selected clip.
  • All
    Deletes the transition of all the selected clips.
  • Track transition
    Deletes the transition of the selected clip.
  • Cross fade
    Deletes the cross fade of the selected clip.
  • All
    Deletes all mixers of the selected clip.
  • Clip transition
    Deletes all tracks transitions of the selected clip.
  • Key
    Deletes the selected key.
  • Transparency
    Deletes the transparency of the selected clip.
  • All
    Deletes all filters of the selected clip.
  • Video filter
    Deletes only the video filter of the selected clip.
  • Audio filter
    Deletes only the audio filter of the selected clip.
Audio rubberband
  • Volume
    Deletes the volume set on an audio clip.
  • Pan
    Deletes the pan set on an audio clip.
[Insert Mode/Overwrite Mode] button The [Insert Mode/Overwrite Mode] button allows you to select whether to insert between or overwrite existing clips when you move a clip or place a new clip on a timeline clip.
Overwrite Mode When you place a clip on another clip, the existing clip will be deleted.
Insert Mode When you place a clip on another clip, the existing clip will be shifted backward.
Ripple Mode If the Ripple mode has been enabled, when you move or delete a clip on a track, clips on other tracks will also be shifted forward along with the move/deletion of the clip.
[Undo] button Undoes an executed operation. You can select operations to undo from the list of operation history which is shown by clicking the [] button.
[Redo] button Redoes a canceled operation. You can select operations to redo from the list of canceled operations which is shown by clicking the [] button.
[Transition] button Set the default transition between clips. You can select the following options for specifying the transition position from the list shown by clicking on the [] button.
Cursor Sets a transition at the position of the timeline cursor on the selected clip.
In Sets a transition at the In point on the selected clip.
Out Sets a transition at the Out point on the selected clip.
[V Mute] button Sets V mute based on the timeline cursor position.
Partial Rendering render In/Out
  • When the In and Out points have been setRenders the range between the In and Out points.
  • When only the In point has been setRenders the timeline from the In point to finish.
  • When only the Out point has been setRenders the timeline from start to the Out point.
  • When neither In point nor Out point has been setRenders the timeline from start to finish.
render non-realtime area All Renders red segment between thetimeline.
Between In/Out Rrenders red segment between the In and Out points on a timeline
Delete temporary files Deletes rendered files saved for replay.
Render and add to timeline You can render the range between the In and Out points on a timeline and save it as a file. You can position the saved file onto a timeline as a usual clip.
[Voice Over] button Shows the [Voice Over] dialog box .
[Show Bin] button Shows the Bin window .
[Set master volume] button Shows the [Audio mixer] dialog box .
[Vector Scope/Wave Form] button Shows the [Vector Scope] dialog box .
[Palette] button Toggles between showing and hiding of palettes. You can select palettes to display from the list shown by clicking the [] button
Effect palette Displays [Effect] palette.
Information palette Displays [Information] palette.
Marker palette Displays [Marker] palette.
Show All Palettes Displays all palettes.
Hide All palettes Close all palettes.