[Voice Over] dialog box

Voice over is a function for adding narration or atmos while previewing a timeline clip.

Allows you to select a device on which voice over is run.
Allows you to select an audio source to add.
Depending on the selected source, items in the [Voice Over] dialog box change. When a monaural source (monaural mixer, microphone, telephone line) is selected, volume setting and display become monaural.
Set the volume of source data by moving the L (Left) and R (Right) sliders.
If the volume is set to a level beyond 0dB Peak, the white line right to the level meter turns red. When the red line is clicked, peak state is reset.
Select the destination to output audio clips from either of [Track] or [Bin].
If you wish to register audio clips to the Bin window without placing them on a track, select [Bin].
File name
Specify here the filename of audio source data created from selected source including a path to the saving location. You can also click the [...] button to open Windows' [Save As] dialog box and specify the filename and saving location in it.