Bin window

The Bin window holds registered materials such as captured video and audio clips.

[Folder] button

Toggles between showing and hiding of the folder view.

[Search] button

Opens the [Bin search] dialog box .

[Move up] button

Moves up to the folder higher than the currently selected folder by one.

[Add File] button

Opens the [Open] dialog box. Select your desired clip to add in the [Open] dialog box.

[Add Title] button

Starts up the titling application (TitleMotionPro). For the details, see the item of making the title on the reference manual.

[New Clip] button

Opens the [Color Bar Setup] and [Color Matte Setup] dialog boxes to allows you to create color bar clips and color matte clips.

[Cut] button

Cuts the clip selected on the Bin window.

[Copy] button

Copies the clip selected on the Bin window.

[Paste] button

Pastes the cut or copied clip to the Bin window.

[Show in Player] button

Shows the selected clip on the Source monitor.

[Add to Timeline] button

Pastes the selected clip to the cursor position on the timeline.

[Delete] button

Deletes the selected clip from the Bin window.

[Properties] button

Opens the [Clip Properties] dialog box to allow you to check the detailed information on the selected clip.

[View] button

Allows you to change the display style of clips to any of [Large], [Small], and [Detail].

[Hidden] button

Shows the buttons that were hidden when the Bin window was minimized.
