The Weaver Issue No 15 April, 1996(1)

The Weaver

Issue No 15 April, 1996

'For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those that find it are few. '
(Mathew vii, 14)


READERS' LETTERS - Your Views and News...This month 's letters cover genetic engineering, aliens(are they here?) and news of the ITA conference.

Images, Backgrounds and Artwork - Stephen Harper, Sergio Navarro and Alex Campbell

Last month we introduced a discussion group weaver-talk. If you would like to join please email with the message subscribe weaver-talk or include your request in the feedback forms at the bottom of this index.


TEMPERANCE AND PARTNERS- By Arthur Patterson - Our ongoing exploration of the Tarot - Being an extremist in the Hall of Temperance leaves you with an exceptionally guilty feeling.

THE VALUE OF FEAR -By Rajesh Ananda - if you overcome fear and deal with your own circumstances first then anything you approach outside is far easier because you are standing on a firm foundation.

THE VALLEY OF EXPERIENCE- By L.A.Baldwin - "It is easy to be a Wiseman on a mountain top." Our deepest, most powerful, most illuminating thoughts, contemplations, ponderings, spiritual growths -- spring directly from our experiences in the physical . . . the Valley of Experience.

THE SHIP A Sufi poem of love, harmony and beauty.
THE POWER OF THOUGHT - We all know, or shall learn someday, that concentration is the secret of all accomplishments in ourselves, in our affairs and in our relations with others.
By: Hidayat Inyat Khan - Representative-General of The International Sufi Movement and Pir-o-Murshid of its Inner School

SEED OF HOPE - In the depth of agony there is a tiny seed of hope, though it may be hard to see. Sometimes our tears can and enable us to see things as they really are "wash our eye window" as Anna says.

POWER SPOTS - By Rosalind Milliken - The power spot is the connecting point. From this point we can travel to any world. The third part of the invaluable teachings of Don Jose.

ANNUAL STATEMENT BY THE DALAI LAMA - on the 37th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising - and announcing the Web site of the Office of Tibet -

'EXPERIENCE' - By: Valerie Iravani - A personal journey into unknown territory. Continuing this exploration of spirits and guides.

LET EARTH SPEAK - Celebrate Earth Day, April 22, 1996 With Michael Cohen

Our Regular Workshops


FATHER TIME GETS IMPETUOUS!!! By Rowena Wall - Saturn in Aries - Astrologically, we look at Saturn when we speak of time, for he represents time and in fact is known as Father Time -




NLP - METAPROGRAMMES 3 - A continuation of this fascinating series on Neuro Linguistic Programming, useful for our personal and business life. THE NLP INDEX - A summary of these workshops given by Joseph O'Connor and Ian Macdermott.


Our aim is to make this magazine interactive. You can help us by sending your views and comments. We will include these in next month's issue. Views and news to

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