Readers' Letters -April 96(1)

Readers' Letters

An article by the Science Correspondent of The Telegraph (March 7) hails a breakthrough in genetic engineering reported in Nature. Two sheep have been produced by cloning. This opens the way for great advances in farming and biotechnology, we are told, for a genetically engineered cell could be inserted into an empty cell from a slaughterhouse sheep and then implanted into another ewe, ensuring that the offspring has all its genetic material from the cultured cell. My reaction is one of revulsion. We think we are so clever now that we can improve on Nature. Who cares that we are flying in the face of millions of years of evolution of life on this planet? Of course, it would be unethical to use this technique on humans. We are different from other species. They are here to serve our needs, to make greater profits for us so that we can spend more money in the fruitless pursuit of the "feel-good factor". This is the language of addiction: we see techno-commercial progress as the reality which will bring us true happiness. When will we realise that we are part of the beautiful and fragile web of life, and that the integral functioning of this community is not only the primary economic reality but the primary healer? Let us step back from this latest "advance" before it is too late. Ayesha Foot

From - Connie King P.A. Email:

What a wonderful FIND! may be lost in WEAVER for a long time! Thank you, Connie

From - Joe Blair Email:

Thank you for presenting a forum on spiritual matters.Weaver has become another tile in the mosaic of my journey.

From -
Very nice layout! Too much to read right now, I'm coming back soon.
Thanks ric

From - jm Email:
Greatly enjoyed Power Places.I'm going to make the stick w/feathers.

From - Marv Miller Email:
Thank You for your "WebWork"...the threads are galactic!

From - L.J.Forth Email:
I am looking for additional Grammatical, study material and phonetical sound recordings for the Aramaic Language. Do you have any information regarding the above? Any information would be very appreciated. Thank you very much.
P.S. I already own Dr.Errico's Book 'Classical Aramaic Book 1

From To:

We believe that the acknowledgement of ourselves as citizens of the earth is a concept in direct conflict with the 20th century "philosophy" of egotistical self-importance, which to a large degree precludes compassion for others. We think this same premise inhibits our ability to look beyond the familiar boundaries of reality to which we cling so desperately. By even acknowledging the reported accounts of human-alien interaction as possible, it must be considered how closely these events mirror man's own treatment of other members of the world's community, as well as the planet itself. We believe that the alien phenomena is yet another wake up call to our own humanity. "The inescapable profundity of the alien presence has become a source of social pathology in our time. As a culture, we have not yet learned how to tell the truth about something so huge, so strange, and so unexpected. Individuals who make an honest effort to deal with it often discover that their personal stability is at risk. Consequently, the alien presence requires us all to grow, to become stronger and clearer, and to help one another to find our way in a genuinely new world." Michael Lindemann (futurist, author and UFO investigator) .

Although this information may not seem to apply directly to the subject matter of your zine, we believe that it does, as the alien phenomena personifies the moral, ethical and spiritual struggles of the 20th century which impact us all. Please allow us to supply your readers with free stickers and info. If you would like to see the stickers and info please e-mail me your snail mail address and I would be happy to send them to you. (If you're interested, I can also e-mail you the sticker image.) Thanks for your consideration, K2.
Say NO to deceptive alien entities. For FREE stickers and info send self-addressed stamped envelope to: V2, Box 911, Stanwood, WA 98292 USA (if addressee is out of the USA please include International Reply Coupon for 2oz. letter) Fear Not. Spread the Word.

From Michael Bransome - Email: Hello Weavers!
Felt it would be a service to Weaver-readers to know about the next conference of the ITA. More information can be found at the ITA website, at Here is an invitational letter from Stan Grof, one of the founders of the ITA.

Dear Friends
The International Transpersonal Association (ITA) announces its next exciting project, a conference entitled Technologies of the Sacred, which will take place on May 16-21, 1996, in the Tropical Hotel in Manaus, Brazil, in the heart of the Amazonian rainforest. In this conference, we will explore theoretically and practically a broad spectrum of 'technologies of the sacred', various ancient, aboriginal, and modern practices that can mediate experiential access to the spiritual dimensions of existence. The approaches that can facilitate transpersonal experiences have a very long history. The oldest among them, various powerful shamanic techniques and procedures, can be traced back to the dawn of human history, possibly to the Paleolithic era. Powerful consciousness-changing procedures played an important role in the ritual and spiritual life of all ancient and pre-industrial cultures in the context of rites of passage, healing ceremonies, death-rebirth mysteries, and meditation practices of both East and West. Modern science has significantly enriched this spectrum by contributing to it effective psychotherapies, transpersonal psychologies, psychedelic substances, and laboratory mind-altering procedures, such as sensory isolation and overload, sleep and dream deprivation, lucid dreaming, and biofeedback. In the Manaus conference, we will examine these approaches using the unique format of the ITA conferences that combines lectures, discussions, experiential sessions, rituals, music, dance, cultural events, films, videos, and visual arts. Drawing on the rich and multi-faceted spiritual life of South America, the program will feature Brazilian and Peruvian shamans, representatives of the spiritist movement and psychic surgery, and practitioners of Umbanda, Unico Do Vegetal, and Santo Daime. Included will be also various forms of Eastern and Western spiritual practice, such as yoga, Buddhism, Christian mysticism, Sufism, and Cabala. Modern Western approaches mediating access to the spiritual dimensions of the human psyche will be represented by Jungian psychology, psychosynthesis, past life regression, UFO research, psychedelic therapy, and holotropic breathwork. The cultural program of the conference will include native and indigenous traditions of Brazil and other countries of the world. There are good reasons to believe that exploration of the experiential strategies that can facilitate spiritual awakening are of great practical relevance for the future of our planet. As we are rapidly approaching the third millenium, we are facing a situation that is without precedent in the entire history of humanity. It is a time of undreamt of possibilities, as well as grave dangers. In the course of this century, the astonishing triumphs of science and technology have brought modern humanity to the brink of global catastrophe, since they are not matched by a comparable emotional, moral, and spiritual development. We have the dubious privilege of being the first species in natural history that has achieved the capacity to eradicate itself and destroy in the process all life on this planet. In view of the seriousness of the situation we are all facing as inhabitants of this planet, we will examine the psycho-spiritual roots of the global crisis, a critical aspect of this crisis that in the past has not received adequate attention. Special conference presentations will focus on various issues important for the future of the planet, such as ecological problems, violence and abuse on an individual and collective level, addiction, and others. We will explore the potential of the 'technologies of the sacred' to help dissolve racial, national, cultural, political and religious boundaries, increase tolerance and ecological awareness, and facilitate the development of universal and all-inclusive spirituality that would increase our chances for survival and a better future. The 1996 conference of the ITA promises to be a very unique meeting of the minds and the hearts, an opportunity for reunion with many old friends and for meeting new ones. Brazil with its rich spectrum of spiritual traditions and the beauty of the Amazonian rainforest certainly offers an ideal context for a meeting of this kind. A variety of pre- and post-conference workshops, as well as unique opportunities for sightseeing cruises on the Amazon and Rio Negro, stays in the jungle lodges with visits to the rainforest, and special tours visiting Brazilian healers will further enhance the already rich program of the conference. Stanislav Grof, M.D. Program Coordinator

From - Lawrence and Michael Sartorius Email:

THE NEW EARTH - The Ascension of Planet Earth Site address:
We invite you to visit our new Homepage and to download our book "THE NEW EARTH - The Ascension of Planet Earth" to read at your leisure. With Planet Earth and Humanity soon to undergo a major step-up in their evolutionary development, this book supplies a comprehensive resource of information, explanation, and encouragement for those who would prepare themselves for the Changes to come. The subject is treated in three separate sections: - the background of higher spiritual knowledge to provide a basis of understanding; - the events themselves (past changes, historical and current predictions, and the Higher Plan); - and a detailed view of daily life on the New Earth following the Changes. We would welcome your visit, and your comments.
Lawrence and Michael Sartorius E-mail:

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