Let Earth Speak Michael Cohen(1)




For Earth Day, April 22, 1996

Carefully read this section first. The specific instructions for how to do the activity are at the end of this page.

Let Earth speak. For Earth Day, 1996 scientifically learn how to create moments that let Earth touch you and teach you peace.

Celebrate Earth Day with the secret way to make a vital communicative contact with Earth. It will give new knowledge and new reasons for hope.

Once you have experienced a natural communication with Earth, you may choose to share it with other people. You may posting it on our special internet Message Board. At that site, you may also read and respond to the personal Earth messages received and posted by others all across the globe.

HOW? Here is the secret science of how the Earth-contact process works: To be part of any system, a person, place or thing must be in communication with that system. Earth is a global ecosystem and we are part of it. It communicates with us, and all other beings, in supportive ways that we usually learn to ignore. A special Earth Week ecopsychology activity enables you to sense these communications. (for further "How" details see http://www.pacificrim.net/~nature or write the address below)

WHY? Here is why an Earth-contact promotes peace: The Earth ecosystem normally sustains an optimum of life, diversity and beauty without producing our runaway pollution, war and abusiveness. Learning how to do this ten minute Earth-contact activity will enable you to tap into Earth's natural beauty, wisdom and peace. You will also know how to do it again, whenever you so desire.

Further information, via e-mail, about Earth connected activities is available by sending a blank email to

Each of these articles are also available via FTP at: ftp.igc.apc.org /pub/MISC/globaledu/ They are also available at http://www.pacificrim.net/~nature/

If you know of someone without e-mail whom you would like this letter sent to, send a stamped envelope with their address on it to Let Earth Speak POB 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250


( Please share this activity with others)

During Earth Week, 1996 let Earth speak:

Learn how to create moments that let Earth touch you and teach you peace.

INTRODUCTION: Although we are part of Earth and it is part of us, the global life community does not exhibit our runaway personal, social and environmental problems. The Earth community knows how to communicate and relate in ways that sustain an optimum of life, diversity and beauty without producing our runaway garbage, war or abusiveness. The activity below lets Earth communicate with you and share its wisdom. It is from the book Reconnecting With Nature by Dr. Michael J. Cohen and used by permission.

INSTRUCTIONS: Consider what is being asked in each step that follows, and when you have achieved it, go on to the next step.

STEP 1. Identifying and accepting this challenge:

Human beings depend on reasoning and language to survive. We are the only species on Earth with the ability to communicate and think with words. Unlike us, the global life community sustains its beauty and balance via non-verbal attraction communications and acts, not words.

We can not teach Earth to speak English or any other verbal language. We can, however, learn to participate in Earth's non-verbal ways since we are born knowing them. They are part of our natural inheritance.

When you sense that you will enjoy learning how to safely communicate with Earth, proceed to the next step.

STEP 2. Go to the most unspoiled, safe, natural environment available to you, be it a potted plant, weed, pet, backyard, park or sanctuary. Go to a real natural area or plant, animal or mineral, not to a picture, video, visualization, memory or spirit of it.

STEP 3. Try to know the natural place or thing that you choose in a non-verbal way, similar to how Earth and nature knows it. You may accomplish this by focusing your words and thinking to the word "attraction." A variety of natural attractions are what hold the Earth community together in balance. Say "attraction" over and over again while touching, smelling, hearing, and viewing whatever attractive natural colors, sounds, shapes, motions, smells and sensations are present in this natural area. Do this with your eyes closed as well as open. Then chose one special thing that feels most attractive in this moment, otherwise choose any natural attraction that is present: a vibrant leaf, breeze or view; a delightful smell, flower or shape, a captivating bird, sound, motion or texture.

STEP 4. Notice that this attraction feels good. Thank it for giving you that comfortable feeling. Enjoy that good feeling for a moment. (If it did not feel good, find another natural attraction that does)

STEP 5. Now translate the truth of this enjoyable natural moment into words. Write the sensory attraction experience you just had in the space provided in following sentence.

"I am a person who gets good feelings from (or by):_____________________ For example: An individual who was attracted to a bee in a flower said: "I am a person who gets good feelings from silently watching and hearing a bee in a flower. I love watching different things in nature nurture each other. They have a special beauty. They tell me that nature can be a safe and enjoyable dance."

Note that, as in the above example, you may write up to 3 additional sentences about how and why this experience feels good and what it means to you.

STEP 6. Read your statement to yourself and/or share it with others. You may copy and post it, with or without your name, at our Activity Posting Message Board at http://www.pacificrim.net/~nature/submit. If you can't access the internet, have someone else post it for you. There it will be available to the internet and the media too. Please note that inappropriate messages will not be accepted. No advertisements please.

STEP 7. Think about the experience you have just had and what value or meaning it may have for you. What does it suggest to you? How did it let Earth speak? Repeat the activity whenever you so desire. You will continually find new attractions, good feeling and meanings. Then, when the time feels right, complete the following sentence:

"My earth-connected good feelings motivate me to help Earth and its people by__________________________________."

Write what you do, or would like to do, to support the global life community. You may post this information as well. We will keep the Posting Station open all year at http://www.pacificrim.net/~nature/view

CONTINUE THE PROCESS: To enjoy an additional 108 Earth and nature reconnecting activities: -write Project NatureConnect at nature@pacificrim.net. -visit us at http://www.pacificrim.net/~nature/

-request information by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to P.O. Box 1605 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (360) 378-6313.

Many introductory reconnecting activities are published in the book "Reconnecting With Nature" by Michael J. Cohen. All 109 activities are found in the Project NatureConnect training manual "Well Mind, Well Earth." Both are available at the above address.

Volunteer and professional sponsors for this project are welcome.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Tangible, conscious, sensory reconnections with nature have shown to naturally satisfy natural wants. When unfulfilled, these wants stress our inner peace and create our runaway disorders.

Project NatureConnect


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