The Power of Thought - Sufi(1)

The Power of Thought

Hidayat Inayat Khan

Thought is a power which can be kept under control by directing it upon a given subject, which is understood as concentration. Otherwise, thought wanders at leisure ,improvising without any reasonable intent. from the point of view of the mind world, this wandering can be constructive, which is called imagination. Or that same impulse of thought could be just running from one subject to another without any logical or constructive consequence, which implies a certain weakness. Obviously, it is the power of the will which determines stability of thought.

The will power constitutes, therefore, the intensity of concentration. One could perhaps say that concentration is the training of the mind by holding in thought the characteristics of a chosen object, whereas contemplation is a more intense level of thought. Contemplation begins when the object of concentration has taken hold of the mind, which is yet still conscious of its individuality, meaning that the subject/object duality still applies.

We all know, or shall learn someday, that concentration is the secret of all accomplishments in ourselves, in our affairs and in our relations with others. This subject as it is, could very well be an important study and practice in our lives. It only becomes important inasmuch as we understand it. This subject stands as the basic mechanics of all the different yogas which have existed for hundreds and thousands of years. Pir o Murshid Inayat Khan, who brought the Sufi message to the West, has given new life to this subject in many teachings, but like all studies, unless we really practice concentration, it is hardly possible to perceive the importance of it.

The will power plays the most important part in concentration. Its first action is to collect the atoms of thought from the storehouse of memory, and then to hold those particles together, thus creating the substance upon which one concentrates. Those who accomplish great and difficult works, and those who are successful in everything they undertake are the possessors of a strong will-power.

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