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Design Processor

An Integrated Design Environment

More than just a CAD package

The Design Processor is an integrated design environment developed for use within the Technology curriculum at Key Stage 3 and beyond. Designed in conjunction with NAAIDT, teachers and advisory teachers, it provides a comprehensive range of CAD systems coupled with a huge database of resource material.

The system is integrated to provide a consistent design environment across all areas, and outputs to a wide range of printers, plotters and CAM machinery.

At the heart of Design Processor is its database. The database gives access to the different areas at a variety of levels.

Each area contains design tools which can be used in a completely open ended way to allow new designs to be created from scratch.

Alternatively, the design tools may be accessed via a resource database to allow designs to be assembled from predefined components (for example an electronic circuit or a kitchen may be designed by referencing components in the database, sourced from popular manufacturers' catalogues).

Areas covered

   Electronics     Environments
   Food            Mechanisms
   Materials       Packaging
   Pneumatics      2D and 3D CAD         

Applications include

   Analyser        Apollonius PDT
   Builder         DrawPlot
   DrawPrint       ECView
   Euclid          Genesis Professional
   Logic           OakChart
   OakPCB II       PCBDrill
   PDTView         Pneumatic
   Projector       ResColour

Designs generated from the resource database can readily be converted into other related formats - a system block diagram can be automatically converted into a schematic or PCB layout, or a plan view of a living room layout can be converted to a 3D perspective view and a fly-through animation generated.

Project areas give a gentle introduction to Design Processor with the guarantee of a successful outcome.

The information areas form a reference section to allow the subjects to be researched and, as with all areas of Design Processor, the information can be readily transferred to other applications for inclusion in project documentation and worksheets.

The Design Processor is split into several modules covering important areas of the Design and Technology curriculum. Packaging, environments, electronics, food, mechanisms and materials exist in the current release with other areas in the pipeline for inclusion in later releases.

As part of the purchase price of Design Processor two annual updates are forwarded to you automatically, free of charge. Each module is further divided into three areas:

information - an electronic book containing information about the module.

resources - a database of pre-defined objects which can be used in design work.

tools - the CAD systems, editors, simulators, utilities and drivers used to create the design.


Information on packaging, how it is produced, standards used, how to select appropriate materials for different jobs and how nets are used to create packages of different shapes and sizes.

The section also includes a range of pre-defined box nets and the software tools to manipulate the dimensions, add artwork or even design new packages from scratch. Drivers exist to output the finished package to paper, card and other sheet materials.


The environments section currently covers kitchen and living room design. It includes libraries of commercially available kitchen units, walls, doors, white goods and furniture.

A simple 2D plan view is used to lay out a room simply by dragging units from the database to the editor. Once in place, a 3D view can be generated and ‘flown’ around. In addition, costings can be produced based on the real prices of the units.

Food technology

The food technology module contains a database of a wide range of foodstuffs along with a library of ‘scenarios’. Each scenario describes the dietary requirements of a particular person, for example, a fourteen year old lacto-vegetarian girl. The user can create a daily menu by dragging foods from the database. A dietary analyser can then produce a graph of dietary reference values against actual intake.


In order to simplify the introduction to use of the Design Processor a number of projects are included. The children can refine and modify these designs before embarking on a ‘clean sheet’ design for themselves. Current projects include an ocarina, a periscope and a zoetrope. The projects follow a typical route through the system allowing the children to gain familiarity with it.


Design Processor costs £1200 and includes a site licence for all applications (worth over £4000 if purchased separately). The cost may be spread over three years if required.

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Last updated: 4.4.96