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Oak Logic

Oak Logic is designed to allow logic circuits to be designed and tested on screen before being made - an invaluable tool for the teaching environment.

NOT, AND, NAND, OR, NOR and XOR gates can be combined with inputs, outputs, astables and light bulb indicators to generate a diagram of a logic circuit. Once all connections have been drawn, the circuit can be switched on to see how it would behave in practice - inputs, outputs, indicators and wires change colour to reflect their logic state as the circuit is simulated.

Chips can be created, and their inner workings hidden from the user. They can be made to look like the item they represent simply by dragging an appropriate drawfile onto the chip.

Truth tables can be displayed for all gates supported, and the completed circuit can be exported as a drawfile into other applications or printed via the Draw Print & Plot applications, supplied as part of the package.

What it does

desktop logic circuit simulator

supports NOT, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR gates

a click with the mouse is used to toggle the value of inputs to the circuit

variable speed astables can also be incorporated as inputs

outputs can be on screen light bulbs

inputs, outputs and gates are connected together by clicking with the mouse

the inputs, outputs, bulbs and connections change colour to reflect their state

circuits can be turned into chips which can be used within other circuits as black boxes with inputs and ouputs, their inner workings being hidden

truth tables can be displayed for all gates supported

the completed circuit can be exported as a draw file for use within other applications


Single copy £70 (£82.25 inc.VAT) Site licence £280 (£329 inc.VAT)

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Last updated: 2.4.96