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RTF and WordPerfect loaders and savers

Do you want to export or import text to and from applications on the PC or Apple Mac? Then you'll find these Loaders/Savers invaluable. RTF & WordPerfect 5.1 are the most common interchange formats for text that includes stylistic information.

Importing text is entirely automatic - the loader reads the file and converts the file to Impression format. Usually you can also export text automatically but, for problem files, there's optional export settings.

RTF (Rich Text Format)

There's many different 'flavours' of RTF in use but the most common is that used by Microsoft Word. We therefore made this loader/saver compatible with Word 6 RTF. (This is also the format used on the Acorn Pocket Book/Psion 3a.)

Features translated include bold/italic, font size, margins & tabs, subscript/superscript, styles, line-spacing, keep to next, space above/below paragraph, foreground/background colour, underlines. Also supported are the RTF commands chapter number, next column, next page, page number and sections.

WordPerfect 5.1

WordPerfect is among the world's most popular text handling PC programs. And now it's owned by Corel, we expect it to have a new lease of life.

Features translated include bold/italic, font size, margins & tabs, subscript/superscript, line spacing, space below paragraph, page numbers, styles/effects, text colour, underlines.

WordPerfect 5.1 is the most recent version for which a published specification is available. WordPerfect 6.1 (the current version) has an option to save in 5.1 format.

Font & character mapping

Most of the popular fonts on Acorn machines exist on PCs and Apple Macs but under different names for copyright reasons. For example, Acorn's Homerton font is equivalent to Arial on the PC and Helvetica on the Mac. A further complication is that the character sets are arranged in different orders on Acorns, PCs and Macs

[CCMapper scsreenshot]
This screenhot shows CCMapper, a utility included with the loaders & savers that makes font and character mapping simple.

Mapping for most common fonts is already built in. Adding new fonts or changing the setup is easy. And, for really difficult fonts, you can even import text using one mapping and export using a different mapping.

The Package


Price: £29.00 + VAT (£34.08 incl.)

Hardware requirements

Suitable for all models of the Acorn RISC computer for use with Impression Style and Publisher.

© Copyright Computer Concepts: page last updated 14 May 1996
For more information about this site, contact webmaster@cconcepts.co.uk.