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Contacting Computer Concepts

Computer Concepts has the following e-mail addresses:

[*] sales@cconcepts.co.uk - placing orders with Computer Concepts.
[*] support@cconcepts.co.uk - technical support - please quote your serial number.

Computer Concepts's address is:
Computer Concepts, Gaddesden Place, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 6EX, ENGLAND
Tel: +44 1442 351000 (01442 351000 within the UK)
Fax: +44 1442 351010 (01442 351010 within the UK)

Wild Vision, the video and audio hardware specialist company bought by Computer Concepts in 1992, can be contacted directly on tel: +44 191 519 1455 and fax: +44 191 519 1929 or by e-mail to wvsales@cconcepts.co.uk.

© Copyright Computer Concepts: page last updated 13 May 1996
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