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To Entertainment Sites

Last update: 28th April 1996

So you're interested in the field of Entertainment, huh? well this is the place to be! We got TV, we got movies, we got books,we got sports, we've even got a link or two to something called the
"X-Files" (whatever that is). So why sit just sit there in front of the TV set getting square eyes when you can do the same thing from the comfort of your computer desk?

If you can't find what you're looking for here, you can use the search engines to scour the Internet for whatever interests you. And as ever, if you know of or find any links that you think may be of interest to other ArgoNet users mail the web page designer now!


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TV and movie companies
Films and TV Programs with a Sci-Fi section
The Printed Word · Music · Sports · Kid's Stuff · Pastimes
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Note that Argo Eclipse Interactive Ltd. is not in any way responsible for any material appearing on sites that may be linked to or found using this page.


TV and Film Companies:

A short list of the various TV and movie-related companies on the 'net.


Films and TV Programs:

Links to some of the more popular films and tele programs around, and ways to find more.

Science Fiction:


The Printed Word:

Newspapers, magazines and other tree-killing organisations with a 'net presence, or electronic alternatives.



If music be the food of love, prepare for indigestion! Some of the best sounds around are to be found right here. And remember:
If it's too loud
um, well, turn it down



All those things that you're supposed to do when you're not at the keyboard that keep you fit. Personally I prefer just to read about them :-)


Kid's Stuff:

Should keep the little 'uns happy...



Okay, so this is the section I put all the other stuff that I don't have a proper catagory for. But there's still some cool stuff to be had, honest!


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© 1996 Argo Eclipse Interactive Ltd.
Page design by Richard Goodwin.