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Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
Preparing Office Solutions for the Year 2000
Examining Module Code

Module code represents one of the more difficult challenges in making your application Year 2000 compliant. Because code can represent dates in so many ways, it can be difficult to find all of the date-related logic in the application. Microsoft products support several variants of module code, all based on the BASIC language:

Non-Compliant Procedural Code

Most desktop applications contain macro and module code that manipulates data in a procedural fashion. This brings up what could be the costliest Year 2000 issue in terms of identifying and fixing problems.

If procedure code that works on dates is not written with Year 2000 compliance in mind, then its operations should be considered suspect. For example, consider the following code snippet that determines a credit card's expiration date based on the membership date:

strYear = Right$(Me!JoinDate, 2) ' Just lost the century information!

intYear = CInt(strYear) + 5

Me!Expire = Month(Me!JoinDate) & "/" & Day(Me!JoinDate) & "/" & intYear

Code Listing 6   Examples of Non-Compliant Procedural Code

This code isn't Year 2000 compliant because it removes century information from existing data before making its calculation. The above code will generate incorrect results.

Identifying non-compliant procedural code is not something that a utility program can do with 100% reliability. This is because the code may not contain any words, phrases, expressions or numbers that identify it as being date related. For this reason, finding issues with procedural code can take more human intervention time than any other area.

The Problem of Identification

The typical approach is to search module code for any word or phrase that identifies the code as date-related. For example, you can search for all language keywords that deal with dates, such as CVDate, DateValue, Year, etc. This technique should identify most of the code that deals with dates. Other code may represent dates but that fact may not be obvious from viewing the code. For example, the following fictitious procedure adds two years to a string date:

Sub AddIncrement ()
   Dim str1 As String
   Dim str2 As String
   Dim str3 as String

   str1 = left$(strCurrent, 2)
   str2 = mid$(strCurrent, 3, 2)
   str3 = right(strCurrent, 2)

   strNew = str1 & "/" & str2 & "/" & CInt (str3) + 2

End Sub

Code Listing 7   Unidentifiable Date Functionality in Procedural Code

This code contains no calls to native date functionality, nor does it use names that identify it as date related. This example shows how difficult it can be to identify, let alone fix, procedural code.

Identifying Issues with String Dates

Anytime that a date is represented by a string, you have the potential for problems. This is because the string data type does not "understand" what dates are, or the special rules that govern them. And use of strings for dates in not uncommon in desktop applications. For example, say you get the value of a Date/Time field from a Microsoft Access form and assign it to a string variable. At that point, the string variable is just an assemblage of characters, it has no meaning as a date. Why is this a problem? Because most century errors in date related code happen because they have been converted to strings. Then, the string is decomposed into days, months and years. Subsequent operations on that string or its parts are prone to error unless century issues are handled explicitly by the code.

The issue can be further clarified by thinking in terms of how variants (and Date types in VBA) differ from strings. Date-type Variant or Date variables always store the full four digits of the year. Even when you display such a variable (in the immediate window, or on a form) and only two digits of the year are shown, the full four digits are still there. The century information is merely "hidden" by the application according to the Short Date format defined in the Control Panel.

Identifying Issues with Variant Dates

Access Basic (the language in Access versions 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0) and Visual Basic version 3 do not have a native date data type. It does support date values through the variant data type. Most problems occur when a variant date is used by module code, and the date already has century errors.

For example, assume that code gets a date from a form's control into a variant. Microsoft Access automatically converts the value to date-type variant, but by then, its too late. The century information included in the date is based upon the rule that Microsoft Access used when the user entered the value into the form. So if only two digits of the year are entered, the variant will contain the century dictated by whatever rule is in effect for that version of Microsoft Access or Microsoft Visual Basic. In such a case, the century information contained in the variant must be considered suspect.

Creating Your Own Sliding Window Algorithm

If you are using an application that doesn't use a sliding window algorithm, you should write your own. Call this routine any place your application could work with a two-digit year. And remember that even though the newer 32-bit programs such as Microsoft Visual Basic 5, Microsoft Excel 97, and Microsoft Access 97 have a sliding window algorithm, you must determine if the number used for the pivot year is correct for your needs. If not, create and use your own sliding window algorithm. See the sample code earlier in this paper for details.

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Tuesday, March 16, 1999
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This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.