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Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
Preparing Office Solutions for the Year 2000
Addressing Programmatic Date Manipulation

Any application that uses dates is likely to have procedural code that interrogates and manipulates date values. This is often done with string variables, especially in 16-bit programs that lack a dedicated date type in the programming language. Everywhere that such procedural code works with a date is a potential problem. Program logic needs to be examined and tested to ensure that the century part of the date is correctly initialized and maintained.

Diagnose and Fix Inter-Application Communication

If you are working with a solution that needs to communicate between desktop applications, you have to examine your logic and procedures to ensure that date data passed between applications is correct. For example, you may have routines that use the Windows Clipboard to pass data between Microsoft Word and Microsoft Access. In such a case, the Copy operation to transfer a date will grab the text representation of the date, and depending on the format of the date, it may miss the century information.

Additionally, you may be using OLE or Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) to pass data. In either case, century information can be lost from dates, causing Year 2000 problems.

These examples illustrate how inter-application communication can cause problems. Additionally, the simple act of a user using the Copy/Paste commands to move dates from one application to another can be problematic. For example, if a date is displayed in an Microsoft Access form as "12/31/33", when it is copied to the clipboard it is converted to straight text and the century information is lost--an obvious Year 2000 compliance problem.

You can solve this problem in integrated applications by using Automation to communicate between programs and using properties and methods that support specific date data types (such as Date or Variant) instead of the clipboard.

Diagnose and Fix SQL Strings

If your application uses database functionality, there's a good chance you are using Microsoft Access or Data Access Objects (DAO) to use the Microsoft Jet database engine, or an ODBC backend such as Microsoft SQL Server. In these cases, SQL is used to define the operating parameters of queries.

So as the first step, you must identify all SQL strings in your application. The next step is to ensure that the SQL contains no expression code that could cause Year 2000 problems. This is most commonly seen when expressions like Left and Right are used to break a date into its component parts. For example, the following SQL string is not Year 2000 compliant because it removes the century data from a date:

SELECT DISTINCTROW Orders.[Order ID], Orders.[Customer ID], Orders.[Order Date]
FROM Orders
WHERE ((Right([Order Date],2)>92));

To solve this problem you can either using fully qualified date values with 4-digit years as in:

SELECT DISTINCTROW Orders.[Order ID], Orders.[Customer ID], Orders.[Order Date]
FROM Orders
WHERE [Order Date] > #12/31/1992#));

You can also use built-in date manipulation functions:

SELECT DISTINCTROW Orders.[Order ID], Orders.[Customer ID], Orders.[Order Date]
FROM Orders
WHERE DatePart("yyyy", [Order Date]) > 1992);

Diagnose and Fix Object Property Values

Properties exist in modern development environments to define a specific object's behavior. You can set properties on a variety of objects that may be date related. Most properties allow the input of either an expression or a literal value. For example in an Microsoft Access form control's DefaultValue property, you specify a value to be placed in the control if one is not specified by the user. Two types of values can be placed in such a property:

Type Description
Literal values Literal Values are strings of text that are to be taken literally. For example, if the DefaultValue property contains 01/01/90, a string of "01/01/90" would be placed in the control.
Expressions Expressions are strings that are evaluated by the program, and a value is returned based on the expression. For example, in a control's DefaultValue property you could enter the value Now, which would cause the form to run the Now() function and place its results in the field. This is an example of an expression calling an intrinsic date function.
Table 2   Literal values and expressions

To ensure that property values are Year 2000 compliant, you must examine each to see if the literal value or expression could cause a non-conformant date to be stored or acted upon.

Diagnose and Correct Macro Code

Custom solutions are often based on the macros you design. Examine all macro routines to detect:

  • Actions and action arguments that work with date data.
  • Expressions in arguments of conditions that could cause Year 2000 data anomalies.
  • Product-specific date functionality that imports or exports data. For example, in Microsoft Access, the use of TransferDatabase, TransferText, or TransferSpreadsheet actions should be examined.

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Tuesday, March 16, 1999
1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.