Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
Preparing Office Solutions for the Year 2000
Checking Data Import/Export Routines

Many custom solutions developed using Microsoft Office have requirements to import and export data from other sources. For example, your Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel solution may use import functionality to massage data brought in from legacy systems. Whenever you bring data into your application from an outside source, or export data out, the potential for Year 2000 issues exists.

Identify Native Import/Export Issues

If you are using built-in tools to import and export data, be sure to examine your application's results to ensure that they are Year 2000 compliant. For example, you can use the TransferText command in Microsoft Access to import or export text data. Or you can use Insert, File in Microsoft Word to bring in external data that may contain dates. In all such cases, the date data is treated as strings and may cause century problems.

Review Programmatic (Custom) Import/Export Routines

You must also examine your application for any place where you are using macro or module code to import or export data. Each case needs to be verified to ensure:

  • For exports, the full four digits of the year are being output.
  • For imports, all four digits of the year are being retrieved, or in the case where the input file has only two digit years, the correct century is being assumed.

When data is imported from an external text source, the potential for bringing in dates with two-digit years exists. You must examine how date data is being brought into your application. Are you working with a data source that has all four digits of the year? When the application brings the data in is the century being maintained correctly? Similarly, when you export data for use by other programs, you need to ensure that you are always writing out the full four digits of the year.

Issues also exist when using the native BASIC file routines. As you can see from the following code example, writing dates to files these routines can have the same problems. When you run the following code:

Open "C:\testd.txt" For Output As intfile

Print #intfile, CVDate("12/13/1901")
Print #intfile, CVDate("12/13/1991")
Print #intfile, CVDate("12/13/2001")

Close #intfile

The resulting file looks like this:


The century is truncated because of the Control Panel short date settings. Additionally, customized import/export logic contained in module code may be suspect, especially if data is being imported from or exported to a format that cannot accept four digit years.

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Tuesday, March 16, 1999
1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.