Microsoft Y2K  
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Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
Preparing Office Solutions for the Year 2000
The Generic Problem

Although there is a general awareness of the Year 2000 problem some developers do not understand it or its significance. The problem arises from the way certain, especially older applications store and use data that the programmer or user of the system interprets as dates. (For a complete discussion of the problem see the Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center (

Specifically whenever a product stores or accepts input of data information using only 2 digits to represent the year it puts the user at risk of data loss. In early computer programs that were not last as long as the have the concept of a 2-digit year was perfectly plausible. Two digit years were always assumed to occur in the 20th century. For example, an order entry system designed in 1970 could assume that a date entered as 1/1/75 was January 1st, 1975, not 2075. As the new millennium approached, however, it became clear that only storing 2-digits would be enough if a computer system was to effectively accept, store, and display dates from both the 20th and 21st centuries.

The Year 2000 problem can be further decomposed into two main parts:

  • The storage problem
  • The interpretation problem
  • The system problem

The Storage Problem

The first Year 2000 problem is one of storage. On many older systems application developers worked hard to minimize the storage space required for data. After all, disk storage was very expensive in the early days of computing. A common practice was to set up date fields with only two digits for the year.

While this practice may seem shortsighted, remember that in previous years the cost of fixed storage was much higher than in today's market. This, coupled with the traditional developer's goal of making the most efficient system possible, leads to a situation where many legacy systems simply cannot store year data beyond this century. And fixing this part of the problem requires not only restructuring the data to accommodate four-digit years, but rewriting and re-testing all of the business and program logic associated with those fields.

The Storage Problem and the Desktop

So how does the storage problem affect desktop developers? It depends on the type of data that you are working with. If every database or spreadsheet you work with uses formal date types for fields, instead of representing dates with text strings for instance, the storage issue isn't a problem. Database programs such as Microsoft Access (which shares the Microsoft Jet Database Engine with other Microsoft Office programs) handle dates correctly. That is, they always store all four digits of the year. So, if your database engine always stores four digit years, what's the problem? In a nutshell, the problem occurs when data comes into your application, either through human data-entry, or by links to external data. This data is often stored using a string format, and there is often only a two digit year.

Example Scenarios

Think of a mainframe database that stores credit card member information. The database has three date related fields: a membership date, an expiration date, and an anniversary date. Now assume that part of your application needs to bring this data in, modify it, and provide a series of forecasting reports to management.

Scenario 1: Probable Date

The first field, called membership date, signifies the date that the customer became a cardholder. The contents of this field equates to a 6 character text field that holds data like "120395". Such a value is supposed to mean December 3rd, 1995 and "sort of looks like a date".

But when you import the data into your application, one of two things happens:

  1. If the importing program allows you to specify that this field is a date field, it should be able to parse the string text into a formal date field. But the problem here is: what does "95" mean? Does it mean 1995 or 2095? What happens next is based solely on the rule your application's import logic uses.
  2. If the importing program doesn't handle conversion of text fields to dates, you'll end up with a 6-character text field. This can be even more troublesome. Because itÆs not readily identifiable as a date field, it can be hard to spot and restructure for Year 2000 compliance.

Scenario 2: Possible Date

Now let's look at the second field in the mainframe database. This field stores the member's card expiration date. And anybody who has ever had a credit card knows that that expiration date is expressed as four digits. For example, an expiration date of "12/97" means that the card expires in December of 1997.

Now imagine that the mainframe data field that stores this is either a 4-digit number, or a 4-character string. Either way, when you import the data in, you are introducing potential Year 2000 issues. What does the "97" mean? Is it 1997 or 2097?

Scenario 3: Unlikely Date

And now we move onto the most insidious issue relating to data storageùthe "hidden date" problem. Looking through the data in the third field, anniversary date, you see values like 908, 201, 3E9, F28, and so on.

What you probably don't know is that the programmer who designed the mainframe storage model was running desperately low on disk space when he was asked by the IT manager to add a new date field to hold the cardmember's anniversary date. Our resourceful programmer realized that he could stuff an entire date into three characters using a simple compression algorithm.

Now you are importing the data into your system on a regular basis. But how do you know what this means? More importantly, when your application goes through a Year 2000 analysis, this mystery field may never be flagged as an issue to address. Why not? Because neither the field name nor the data in the field can identify it as date-related.

As you can see, Year 2000 issues can be deeply hidden in a system. Because of this, automated tools can only go so far in identifying the problem. When dealing with data, there is no substitute for good old human know-how.

The Interpretation Problem

The second Year 2000 problem is the one that will affect you most as a desktop application developer. It is the problem of interpretation. Almost all software that is hosted on the Microsoft Windows platform is designed to hold date data with 4 digits for the year. Development environments such as those found in Microsoft Office store the full four digits of the year. Therefore, it is very unlikely that you will have to restructure systems to increase date storage size.

The problem then is one of interpretationùeven though your applications store four digits for the year, most will show only 2 digits on data-entry forms, view forms and reports because this is how humans most often think about years. (When was the last time you included four digits for the year when writing a check?) So if a user types in a two digit year, such as "1/1/99", what is actually stored in your application? Unfortunately, the way applications interpret this date differs. The rules for interpretation of short years (those with only 2 digits) depend on a variety of factors. The rules used by each of the products covered in this paper are discussed later.

The System Problem

Finally there is the operating system to consider. The MS-DOS operating system understands four digit dates up to the year 2108. Microsoft Windows 3.11 and Microsoft Windows 95 support years up to 2108 also. On the horizon, Microsoft Windows 98 will automatically handle all DOS date century problems. Additionally, Microsoft Windows NT handles BIOS and date century problems automatically as of version 4.0.

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Tuesday, March 16, 1999
1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.