Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 15, 1999.

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure & Resource Center
Preparing Office Solutions for the Year 2000
Year 2000 Compliance: A Definition and Roadmap

So if you can't rely on the default behavior of desktop applications to work in the Year 2000, how do you solve the problem? Although the answer is simple, the implementation of the solution can be complex and time-consuming. This section outlines a strategy for dealing with the Year 2000 problem on a step by step basis.

How Does Microsoft Define Year 2000 Compliance?

Many definitions for Year 2000 compliance exist and the interpretation of compliance varies widely depending on the source. This paper uses MicrosoftÆs definition Year 2000 compliance.

The term "Year 2000 compliant"-as used in Microsoft materials concerning the Year 2000, means that a product has all of the following internal capabilities that allow it to handle dates within and between the 20th and 21st centuries:

  • The product stores and calculates dates consistent with a 4-digit format throughout its operational range.
  • If the product allows the user to enter a 2-digit short cut for the year, the product recognizes the year consistent with a 4-digit year.
  • The product will correctly execute leap year calculations.
  • The product does not use special values for dates within its operational range for data.
  • The product will function into the 21st century, through the end of the year 2035.

Note   all references to "dates" refer to using either 4 digits or 2 digits for the YEAR portion of the date.

Saying that the product "handles" dates correctly means that dates in the 21st century are calculated as occurring after dates in the 20th century and that date calculations across the century boundary are performed correctly for the purposes for which they were intended.

We encourage customers to review all elements of their information technology systems as a single system to determine any specific issues you may face after the year 2000. Furthermore, user-customizable features of a Year 2000 compliant product, such as macros, custom programming and formatting features, may produce results that do not comply with the criteria described above. In addition, due to the lack of industry standards concerning the import, export and exchange of date data among both the hardware, firmware and software components of information systems, you may experience results that do not comply with the criteria described above. This definition of compliance does not constitute a warranty, commitment or certification, expressed or implied, of any kind.

Your Definition of Year 2000 Compliance

Your definition of Year 2000 compliance depends entirely on what your application is supposed to do. If your application is mission critical, Year 2000 compliance means that every area of your application that deals with dates has been examined, tested and certified as Year 2000 ready. On the other hand, if your desktop application simply stores personal information that is not used within an organization, or deals with no date data, Year 2000 compliance has a less rigorous meaning. In a nutshell, you should strive for 100% compliance meaning that every aspect of your application will function correctly when year data beyond 1999 is used.

As you go through the certification process, budget and time constraints may force you to address only high-risk issues in your application. The end result of such a process would not be 100% Year 2000 compliance, but the realities of life sometimes dictate a less than perfect solution.

The Certification Process

To ensure that your desktop application is Year 2000 compliant, follow a process that allows you to accurately detect and fix all potential issues. While the exact details of the process you use depend on your budget and application complexity, this section outlines a generic certification strategy that can help.

Step 1: Cataloging Objects

Before you can identify risks and fix objects, you need a catalog of all objects that make up the application. For example, in Microsoft Excel solutions, include all workbooks, spreadsheets, and macro and module code. Microsoft Access applications typically store all program objects in one or more MDB files, but you still need to consider library databases and ActiveX controls. Within these objects, catalog each of the constituent parts. This information can be kept in a variety of formats, including paper logs. Consider using a database to manage the process, especially for complex projects.

Step 2: Analyzing Objects

The next step involves examining each object identified in the catalog for possible Year 2000 issues. This can be the most time-consuming step of the entire process because it requires a good understanding of how dates work within your chosen environment, and how your application itself is suppose to work.

Step 3: Assign A Risk

In this step, you assign a risk to each object identified as having Year 2000 issues. The granularity of your risk categorization scheme depends on the level of effort you plan for the certification process. In general, three categories suffice:

  • High Risk: The object identified will absolutely cause the application to fail in the Year 2000.
  • Medium Risk: The object identified may cause the application to fail under certain circumstances.
  • Low Risk: The issue identified may cause the application to fail, but most likely not.

Step 4: Schedule Corrective Action Based on the Identified Risk Level

Once you have defined the risk level of each issue, you must prioritize what needs to be fixed in what order. Common sense dictates that high-risk issues are addressed first, but the dynamics of application-object interaction and multi-member development teams may make such strict coordination impossible. If your goal is 100% compliance, then all risk issues need to be eliminated, so the scheduling by risk becomes less important.

Step 5: Develop Corrective Action for the Issue

For each issue detected, you need to develop a corrective action. In some cases, this may be as simple as changing the InputMask on an Access form, or changing the format of a date displayed in a spreadsheet. In other cases, major data restructuring or complete overhauls of large amounts of procedural code may be needed.

Step 6: Apply the Correction and Test the Results

Once the corrective action has been determined, apply it to the object and test the results. Test by using dates in both the 20th and 21st century, and if necessary, with the computer's system clock set in each century.

Step 7: Certify the Object as Year 2000 Compliant

Once the test has passed, certify that the object is Year 2000 compliant. Do this by updating the catalog your created in the first step to record the fact that object has been examined, fixed, and tested. It is also a good idea to record details about:

  • What corrective action was taken.
  • The names of the developers who fixed and tested the object.
  • The date the object was tested and certified.

Step 8: Test the Entire Application

This step ensures that corrective actions applied to individual objects do not destabilize the application as a whole. The level of testing required in this step correlates directly with the number of corrective actions that were applied in the previous steps. In other words, if only one issue was detected and fixed in an entire application, the testing carried out in this step could be less rigorous than an application that had 1000 issues detected and fixed.

Step 9: Certify the Application as Being Year 2000 Compliant

Once all previous steps have been completed, and no issues have been left uncorrected, and all testing indicates that the corrective actions work, you can certify that your application is Year 2000 compliant.

Note that the use of terms like "compliant" may involve legal issues and guarantees that you are not willing to make. In general, software is never licensed with any type of warranty. If you are working in a commercial or licensed environment, consult the proper legal sources before making any claims about your software.

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Tuesday, March 16, 1999
1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.