Microsoft Y2K  
 This static CD-based web site is representative of the site as of October 14, 1999.
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Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure. A special feature brought to you by Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions
Interested in a complete copy of the FAQ? Download it!

Download Year 2000 FAQ
  1. What is the year 2000 problem?
  2. Why do we have this problem?
  3. What kinds of computers are affected by the year 2000 problem?
  4. I purchased my computer last year. Because it is new, isn't it immune to year 2000 issues?
  5. I've heard that the year 2000 issue is a virus. Will virus detection software resolve these issues?
  6. What are some potential types of year 2000issues?
  7. What is Microsoft's year 2000 strategy for helping home and small business PC owners?
  8. How exactly do year 2000 issues affect a PC system?
  9. What actions does Microsoft recommend home and small business owners take to address PC readiness for the year 2000?
  10. What is the BIOS "century rollover" hardware problem?
  11. How can I know if my computer's BIOS is ready for the year 2000?
  12. Is there a way to check the computer's RTC/BIOS prior to year 2000, without contacting the PC manufacturer?
  13. How does the Windows operating system handle a BIOS rollover problem?
  14. How can I find out which version I have of the Windows operating system?
  15. Where can I find the latest update for Windows?
  16. How can I find out which version I have of my Microsoft software program (application)?
  17. Where can I find the latest update for Microsoft Office 97?
  18. Where can I find the latest update for Microsoft Office 95?
  19. What is the Microsoft Year 2000 Product Analyzer and what does it do?
  20. Where can I find the complete Microsoft product testing results?
  21. How does Microsoft software handle the date 9/9/99?
  22. I have read that Microsoft products will function through the end of year 2035. What happens in 2035?
  23. How do I download and install a software update?
  24. How do I create a "Download" folder directly on my Windows desktop?
  25. Why should I use four-digit-years in my documents or data files?
  26. Why do you recommend changing the default for the Short Date in the Windows Regional Settings to a format that has a 4-digit year (YYYY)?
  27. How can I reduce the year 2000 risk for my Excel spreadsheets?
  28. What should I do about existing spreadsheets that have two-digit years?
  29. Should I be concerned about personal (data) files that I receive or share with others?
  30. What is the best way to enter dates using Access 97?
  31. How do I permanently change the way Word formats the date when I use Word's "Date and Time& " dialog box?

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