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It has the power to change the way we live, and we re starting to see that potential today. With only a few mouse-clicks, you can follow the news, look up facts, buy goods and services, and communicate with others from around the world  even people you might never have met. It s important to Microsoft to help its customers retain their privacy when they take advantage of all the Internet has to offer.</P> <P>What this means to you is, we are committed to protecting your privacy, and developing technology that gives you the most powerful, safe online experience that you can get anywhere. </P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold><U>Privacy Principles</U></SPAN></P> <P>Because your privacy is important to us, MSN sites displaying this privacy statement will operate by six the following six principles. Users should additionally consult the Frequently Asked Questions section accompanying this statement for more information regarding the principles.</P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold>Principle 1.</SPAN> <BR>MSN sites will explicitly ask when they need information that personally identifies you or allows them to contact you ("Personal Information"). Generally this information is requested when registering for a site, when requesting a particular service, or when entering a sweepstakes or contest. When possible, MSN sites will provide you with the means to make sure that your Personal Information is correct and current.</P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold>Principle 2.</SPAN> <BR>MSN sites and their necessary service partners use your Personal Information to operate the sites and services and to inform you of new features, services, and products from Microsoft and its affiliates. Some MSN sites may also carefully select other companies to send you information about their products or services which are related to the site╕σ service but are not necessary to its operation (a "Secondary Use"). </P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold>Principle 3.</SPAN> <BR>If an MSN site intends to use Personal Information for a Secondary Use, the MSN site will provide you with instructions on how to decline this service. A list of aliases that allow you to decline this service is in the "Frequently Asked Questions" section accompanying this statement. You may also stop the delivery of informational or promotional mail from MSN sites by following the instructions on the mail.</P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold>Principle 4.</SPAN> <BR>MSN sites that are primarily directed at children will not use Personal Information for a Secondary Use without obtaining the consent of a parent or guardian. When possible, these MSN sites will provide email notice to parents that children have provided Personal Information to the site.</P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold>Principle 5.</SPAN> <BR>MSN sites may disclose Personal Information if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Microsoft or the site; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Microsoft, the site or the users of MSN, and (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Microsoft, MSN, the site or the public.</P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold>Principle 6.</SPAN> <BR>If at any time you believe that an MSN site has not adhered to these principles, please notify MSN by email at MSNPrivacy@msn.com and we will use all commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and correct the problem. </P> <P>For more information about our privacy statement, see the following <A href='javascript:linkOut("http://www.msn.com.hk/global/")'></A>Frequently Asked Questions<A LOC><A> or the <A href='javascript:linkOut("http://www.msn.com.hk/global/help/faq.asp")' LOC>FAQ's accompanying the MSN sites</A>. </P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold><U></A><A name=back></A>Frequently Asked Questions</U></SPAN></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq1">Do all sites on MSN follow these privacy principles?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq2">How will users know which privacy policy statement applies to their personal information?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq4">Does Microsoft belong to any privacy organisations?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq5">Do all sites on MSN need Personal Information?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq6">How do MSN sites collect the Personal Information?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq7">What about Cookies?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq8">How do MSN sites use Personal Information?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq9">Does that mean MSN sites sell my Personal Information to other companies?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq10">What if I do not want my Personal Information shared with another company?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq11">What about companies that partner with MSN sites to provide the products or services on a site?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq12">What about the privacy of children?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq13">Do MSN sites collect other forms of information about its users?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq14">How do I correct or change Personal Information that I have given to an MSN site?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq15">Is my Personal Information secure from others using the MSN site?</A></P> <P><A href="privacy.htm#faq16">How else might someone learn of my Personal Information while visiting an MSN site?</A></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P><U><A name=FAQ1></A>Do all sites on MSN follow these privacy principles?</U></P> <P>MSN is made up of many sites, and new ones are added all the time. At this time, the MSN privacy policy statement applies to those sites which display this policy in conjunction with the privacy notice on the site╕σ Web pages. While MSN encourages other site operators on MSN to comply with these principles, users should carefully examine the privacy statements of sites appearing on or linking to or from MSN which do not display this statement. Personal Information that you choose to provide to other sites will be subject to the privacy policies of that Web site.</P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ2></A>How will users know which privacy policy statement applies to their Personal Information?</U></P> <P>Pages throughout MSN display a "Privacy Policy" link which identifies the policy statement applying to the site. Users may click on the link at any time to read the applicable policy statement. </P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ4>Does Microsoft belong to any privacy organisations?</U></P> <P>Microsoft has taken a leadership position on privacy, working closely with both policy and technology organisations to create standards and best practices for putting people in control of their Personal Information online. Among others, Microsoft is a member of TrustE, the Online Privacy Alliance and the P3P Working Group at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). </P></A><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ5>Do all sites on MSN need Personal Information?</U></P> <P>No, for many MSN sites it is not necessary for you to provide any information in order for them to provide their services. In other instances, the MSN site may request minimal information, such as your ZIP code, in order to personalise the site. ZIP codes allow the site to provide targeted services, such as the local news or weather, but do not provide the site with any information regarding who you are or how to contact you. Other MSN sites need more information about you in order to operate their service. For example, MSN CarPoint needs your name and other contact information in order to allow its service partners to respond to your request for more information about a particular vehicle. </P></A><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ6>How do MSN sites collect Personal Information?</U></P> <P>Personal Information is collected by specifically requesting it from you. Generally this occurs when you register at a site, request a service, or enter an online contest. </P></A><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ7>What about Cookies?</U></P> <P>Cookies are pieces of information that a Web site transfers to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Cookies can make the Web more useful by storing information about your preferences on a particular site, such as your preferred chart settings for MSN Encarta. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and many major Websites use them to provide useful features for their customers. Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user╕σ computer. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you'd prefer, you can set yours to refuse cookies. However, you may not be able to take full advantage of a Web site if you do so. For example, the subscription services of MSN Encarta may only be accessed if you accept cookies.</P></A><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ8>How do MSN sites use Personal Information?</U></P> <P>Usually, MSN sites and their necessary service partners use your Personal Information to operate the site and to deliver their service. For example, if you are using MSN HomeAdvisor, a completed mortgage application may at your request be forwarded to potential lenders. MSN sites also use your Personal Information to inform you of other products or services available from Microsoft and its affiliates. Some MSN sites also use Personal Information to allow other companies to contact you regarding products and services that may be of interest to you (Secondary Uses). If an MSN site proposes to use Personal Information for Secondary Uses, you will be provided an opportunity to instruct the MSN site to not allow such contact. </P></A><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ9>Does that mean MSN sites sell my Personal Information to other companies?</U></P> <P>No, MSN does not sell customer lists<I>. </I>However, individual MSN sites may partner with businesses to provide special services to our customers. This type of use of Personal Information is called a "Secondary Use" because it is not necessary to the operation of the business or site. For example, a site may offer discount coupons for services or related products. In many cases these discounts would be an added benefit to our customers. </P></A><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ10>What if I do not want my Personal Information shared with another company?</U></P> <P>If an MSN site proposes to make a Secondary Use of your Personal Information you will be given an opportunity to instruct the MSN site not to allow such contact. A list of aliases which allow you to decline this service follows. You may contact these aliases at anytime in order to terminate this service. </P> <P><SPAN class=helpBold>Secondary Use aliases or locations:</SPAN></P> <P>MSN.com: <A href="mailto:msnprivacy@msn.com">MSNPrivacy@msn.com</A></P> <P>Computing Central: <A href="mailto:msnprivacy@msn.com">MSNPrivacy@msn.com</A></P> <P>MSN Plaza: <A href="mailto:msnprivacy@msn.com">MSNPrivacy@msn.com</A></P> <P>Underwire: <A href="mailto:msnprivacy@msn.com">MSNPrivacy@msn.com</A></P> <P>MSN Gaming Zone: <A href="mailto:zprivacy@msn.com">Zprivacy@msn.com</A></P> <P>Money Insider: <A href="mailto:mi-react@microsoft.com">mi-react@microsoft.com</A></P> <P>Encarta: <A href="mailto:encweb@microsoft.com">encweb@microsoft.com</A></P> <P>Sidewalk: <A href="mailto:contact@sidewalk.com">contact@sidewalk.com</A></P> <P>Expedia Maps: <A href="mailto:exmaps@microsoft.com">exmaps@microsoft.com</A></P> <P>MSNBC: <A href="mailto:webmaster@msnbc.com">webmaster@msnbc.com</A></P> <P>Slate: <A href="mailto:help@slate.com">help@slate.com</A></P> <P>HomeAdvisor:<A href="mailto:homeadv@microsoft.com">homeadv@microsoft.com</A></P> <P>CarPoint: no permitted Secondary Uses</P> <P>Expedia: notice is given at the member registration page</P> <P>MSN Internet Access: notice is given at the member services area</P> <P>Investor: notice is given at the billing information page</P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ11></A>What about companies that partner with MSN sites to provide the site╕σ products or services?</U></P> <P>An MSN site may have several necessary service partners who assist in providing the service or product associated with the site. As part of the operations of the site, these companies may have access to your Personal Information. These companies may provide routine services, such as credit card processing, or may provide essential elements of the site. For example, MSN CarPoint must provide contact information to automotive dealers in order to respond to specific requests made by customers. Without this relationship MSN CarPoint could not provide its service to you. These uses of Personal Information are primary to the operation of the site and are not considered Secondary Uses. </P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ12></A>What about the Privacy of children?</U></P> <P>Safeguarding the Personal Information of children is extremely important. For those MSN sites specifically directed at children, and where users have indicated they are younger than 18, MSN sites will collect the minimum amount of Personal Information necessary to the operation of the service. These MSN sites will also send follow up mail to the user╕σ email address instructing them to seek parental permission for their use of the site. A child╕σ Personal Information will be used for the operation of the service but it will not be used for Secondary Uses without a parent╕σ permission. </P> <P>There are a number of emerging standards in the area of children╕σ privacy that will affect how we process a child╕σ Personal Information in the future. Through its participation in the Online Privacy Alliance and TRUSTe, MSN is monitoring these changes and is redesigning its systems so as to comply with these new requirements. </P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ13></A>Do MSN sites collect other forms of information about its users?</U></P> <P>In addition to the use of Personal Information to operate MSN sites, an MSN site may also gather anonymous information, which may be used by Microsoft or shared with third parties. This is information which does not personally identify you, but which may be helpful for marketing purposes or for improving the services we offer. For example, MSN might tell its advertisers how many users visited a particular advertisement, and for how long, so they can measure whether the advertisement was effective. This information is also used to generate advertising rates. Generally this information is collected through "traffic data" and may entail the use of "Cookies" "IP addresses" or other numeric codes used to identify a computer. </P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ14></A>How do I correct or change Personal Information that I have given to an MSN site?</U></P> <P>Some MSN sites operate registration pages that allow you to review and update the Personal Information you have submitted. Elsewhere, you are simply given the option of unsubscribing to the service for which you signed up. In all other cases where you need to correct Personal Information you have submitted to an MSN site, please contact the service address published by the particular MSN site. </P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ15></A>Is my Personal Information secure from others using the MSN site?</U></P> <P>Personal Information collected by MSN sites is stored in secure operating environments that are not available to the public. In many instances, such as in the case of credit card numbers, the Personal Information is encrypted before you conduct your transaction. </P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P><U><A name=FAQ16></A>How else might someone learn of my Personal Information while visiting an MSN site?</U></P> <P>In addition to directly providing information to an MSN site, you might also provide Personal Information through chat sessions, email exchanges or bulletin board use made available to you on MSN. The Statement of Privacy does not cover this type of transfer of your Personal Information. You should always be careful when distributing your Personal Information in this manner. </P><A href="privacy.htm#back">[Back]</A> <P></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P> <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width="100%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><IMG height=1 src="./images/space.gif" width=137></TD> <TD width=9><IMG height=1 src="./images/space.gif" width=9></TD> <TD width="100%"></TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle><IMG border=0 height=40 src="./images/msn.gif" width=88></TD> <TD align=left width=9><IMG src="./images/greyline.gif" width=1></TD> <TD width="100%">⌐ 1999 Microsoft and its suppliers. All rights reserved. <A href="terms.htm"><IMG border=0 height=8 src="./images/bluearrow.gif" width=8> Terms of use </A><A href="privacy.htm"><IMG border=0 height=8 src="./images/bluearrow.gif" width=8> Privacy Statement </A><!-- <A HREF="/global/advertise.asp"><IMG SRC="/images/bluearrow.gif" WIDTH=8 HEIGHT=8 BORDER=0> Advertise on this site</A>--></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P></BASEFONT></BODY></HTML>