Possible ODI Configuration Problem -- Multiple STARTNET.BAT files.

  1. Look in AUTOEXEC.BAT to see if the correct STARTNET.BAT is being called.
    • LAN WorkPlace uses \NET\BIN\STARTNET.BAT.
    • NetWare uses \NWCLIENT\STARTNET.BAT.
  2. If your AUTOEXEC.BAT calls the STARTNET.BAT on the DOS PATH (STARTNET.BAT is invoked without an explicit path), do one of the following to determine if you have multiple STARTNET.BAT files.
    • Use the MS DOS command DIR \STARTNET.BAT /S
    • Use the Novell DOS command TREE \STARTNET.BAT
  1. Use an explicit path to invoke STARTNET.BAT.
  2. When working on a problem, load the network drivers last so that you can maintain a consistent environment when unloading and reloading network drivers.
  3. Don't keep multiple STARTNET.BAT files on your file system.
  4. If you must merge multiple STARTNET.BAT files into a single batch file, rename it to something else so that the configuration programs don't overwrite your batch file.

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