Mail Transport Problem -- Verifying MHS Connectivity.

You are investigating whether or not you have the required MHS service connectivity required by the LAN WorkPlace Mailer.


  1. Verify that you running Network MHS, Personal MHS, Remote MHS or Global MHS.
    NOTE: The LAN WorkPlace Mailer is currently not compatible with MHS Services (available with NetWare 4.1).

  2. At the DOS prompt, type SET | FIND "MV". If the MV environment variable is not set, contact your MHS administrator to ensure that your MHS connection is properly set up.

  3. Verify that you can see the directory specified by the MV environment variable. If you cannot see this directory, ensure that you have access to your MHS file server.

  4. Verify that you can see the MHS outbound mail directory (below the directory specified by the MV environment variable): MHS\MAIL\SND. If you cannot see the SND directory, you may have a rights issue. Contact your MHS administrator for assistance.

  5. Verify that you can see the MHS inbound mail directory (below the directory specified by the MV environment variable): MHS\MAIL\USERS\user. If you cannot see the USERS\user directory, you may have a rights issue. Contact your MHS administrator for assistance.

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