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How to use Scout **************** If you start the program, you will get following window: �-------------------------------------------------� | Libraries Devices Resources | | Tasks Ports Resident Cmds | | Expansions Memory Residents | | Assigns Locks Mounted Devs | | InputHandlers Interrupts Vectors | | Fonts Semaphores Windows | �-------------------------------------------------� Every gadget you see represents a certain kind of system structures. Click one of these gadgets and another window will be opened with a list of the structure type that is indicated on the pressed gadget. *Example:* Press the task gadget and you will get a window with the list of tasks and processes. You can also select these functions by pressing the underlined key you see on each gadget or by using the right mousebutton menu. If you wish to handle/remove a given structure, you should know what you do. *Warning:* Wrong handling of the showed structures can crash your system. At the worst you will lose your data. *Please note:* You should not be surprised, if you don't find a certain detail information in this manual, because it's to much work to explain each element of all the structures you could see in this program. Many books are written about these things and if you want to have more information about them, you should have a look in the specialized literature.

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