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Resident Commands ================= This list includes all resident commands. That means all commands you find in ROM and the commands you made `resident' through the `resident' command. Positions and sizes of their hunks you will find here, too. Column items ------------ `Name' Name of the command `UseCount' Here you can see, how often a command was being executed at the time the list was build. `Lower' First address of hunk in memory `Upper' Last address of hunk in memory `Size' Size of hunk (upper - lower - 8 bytes overhead) Actions ------- `Update' The list of `Resident Commands' will be updated. `Print' This function allows you to send the list of `Resident Commands' to printer or a selected file. `Remove' The selected command will be removed with this function provided that no program uses this command anymore and the `UseCount' is zero. `Exit' The window disappears.

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