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InputHandlers ============= Input handlers take care of all user input arriving in system (pressed keys, mouseclicks, inserted disks, etc.). They stand one behind the other like on a production line and analyze the user input. The input handler with the highest priority gets the `events' first and if it doesn't know how to react on these `events', the second input handler gets them, and so on. Usually the system input handler has a priority of 50. Every input handler, that wants to get the user input before the system, must have a higher priority. Column items ------------ `ln_Name' Name of the input handler `ln_Pri' Its priority `is_Data' This address points to some data needed by the input handler. `is_Code' The program code starts here. If the code is located in RAM, the address is of different color. Otherwise you can find the code in ROM. Some viruses install an input handler in system. In this case the `is_Code' address points into RAM, but many other programs uses input handlers, too. Don't panic! Actions ------- `Update' The list of input handlers will be updated when you select this gadget. `Print' This function allows you to send the list of `InputHandlers' to printer or a selected file. `Remove' Removes an input handler from system. `Priority' Changes the priority of an input handler. `Exit' The window will be closed.

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