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Set Key ======= Using the toolbars can be bothersome when having to enter the same symbol or function several times, so it is possible to make your own shortcut keys. Start by selecting the Set Key menu. Now the title of the window changes to "Press key to set". Hold down the shifts, alts and so on that you want to have and press the key you want to program. Note that right shift is different from left shift! Again the title changes to "Choose symbol for key". Now either choose a function, a symbol or press a letter. Title will change back to default. If you selected a symbol or function pressing the shortcut key will enter that symbol or function at the cursor. If you selected a letter, the letter will be entered, but in the Font and Mode which was active when the shortcut key was entered! Example: You want to enter an expression with lots of phi's, so you want to place that on right alt-f. Start by changing to greek font. Select Set Key. Hold right alt down and press f. Press f to get the phi programmed. Now every time you need a phi just press alt-f. The shortcut keys are saved using Save prefs.

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