PokΘDome Welcome
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Old Highlights!

Haven't been here in a while? Check out what you've missed! We keep storage of the updates for the past seven updates, JUST so you people who had something ELSE to do while PokΘDome updated can come here to see what's going on *smiles pleasantly*.

October 31, 1999

Slimu! It's the last Halloween of the millenium. Scared? ::laughs evilly:: Ooh, be scared my little friends, because...because... Drat, I lost my Venus the Butterfree! Evilnes. *sigh* So did da rest of da PokΘDome, it would seem. Yup, we're all geared up for a November of love and harmony and... Mushi the Butterfree! er, wrong month I think...Well, anyhow, da splash page has a new piccle as well, and so does da sidemenu.

Another Happy Birthday!: JigglyJen! How beautiful you sing! How graceful you draw! And now you'll be even more graceful now dat you're turning one year older ~.^. My dear friend, JigglyJen, who's also da official Interviewer of PokΘDome, is turning 12 on November 2nd! Let's all wish her many more years of singing and groove! Happy birthday, JigglyJen!

Petal Dance! Multimedia: Dance! Dance! Let's DANCE! Let's dance La Petal Dance! Yesu, to start off November, we dance a Petal Dance! And there's much more fan art as well! 3 Sabrina artwork, and another one which I'd like to call "Weightliftin' with Surge"! And another one which is a tribute to Rachael Lillis, the Voice Actress for Jessie, Misty, Jigglypuff, and more! And another artwork by someone else named ARNie, who drew a pun-inspired piccle of Mewtwo Strikes Back ~.^

Jessie and James - Ken Sugimori Style! Rocket Shoppe: Ken Sugimori - da lead, and only, character designer for Game Freak. He is perhaps one of da greatest artists to ever live! I can only try to be like him. And that's sortov wot I just did...I drew Team Rocket in his style of drawing ^.^

Cartoon: "Round One Begins!" The first battle of the PokΘMon League with Ash and Mandi! I think Mandi was odd. He seemed to have been so busy with his magic dat he didn't bother changin' his wardrobe since da 70's...now, da 70's were groovy, but I don't think anyone today should be caught wearing pink frills and neon-green bellbottoms o.O Anyhow, I also added information on Ash's PokΘMon to his profile, and changed some other stuff here and there.

Stuff: Added staff members onto the Credits page ^.^. Sillabub's profile is now online! And da new staff members on da page are JigglyJen and GonkJM.

October 24, 1999

Slimu! The torch of the PokΘMon League illuminates the stadium, brightening the faces of determined trainers as they gaze at the burning blaze, Venus the Butterfree! eyes wide with awe, their fists clenched, ready to battle. Meanwhile, Slimu is scrubbin' off da stains and spider webs from da walls of Mushi the Butterfree! PokΘDome. Yes, it has happened once again, folk. 'Tis yet another update to the vast, somewhat deserted Dome of PokΘMon. Gaze with wonder as you witness a slimeball at work.

Happy Birthday!: A vahry happy birthday to my good friend, Garrett, who has just turned 16 yesterday! For those who don't know, he's also an assistant of mine here in da PokΘDome. Let's all give a loud cheer to him! I just want to say dat even though I've known him for a vahry short time, he is one of my best online buddies ^.^ May he be with us for several more birthdays to come!

PokΘMorphs! Multimedia: Quite a Halloween-type update to da Multimedia section! Somewhat. I drew a new picture of PokΘMorphs! It's a picture of my PokΘMon, morphed and super-deformed ^.^ Also, I drew a picture for Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden, and let's just say now we know what Erika likes to do on her Halloween nights ~_^. Also, one last piccle! It's of Kamon, the new and groovy rival of PokΘMon Gold!

Sailor Jessie and Tuxedo James! Rocket Shoppe: Team Rocket? Dey like to dress up, don't dey? Mmm, dey like dressing up lots. So what are dey dressing up as for Halloween? Sailor Jessie and Tuxedo James of course! And we COULDN'T forget Artemeowth, their talking lunar feline ^.^.

Cartoon: Episodes are slowing down these days. We used to have 4 new episodes a week, but now? 1 episode every weekend. What a drag, don't you think? Anyhow, my theory is dat because the new PokΘMon movie takes place between the time Ash gets his 8th badge and the PokΘMon League competition, dey must be slowing down da episodes so dat da movie will make sense when it debuts. ^.^.

Stuff: Oh, it's just STUFF! Significant...stuff...Yes, da Dome Poll has finally been updated after 3 months with da same poll! Now we're askin' ya which Technique Machine or Hidden Machine is your favorite? And I'd like to thank Garrett for giving me this poll idea ^.^. And there's da results to da last poll as well.

Mail: Da e-mail section. Let me say something first; I'm not too fond of replying to e-mails. It just seems somewhat insignificant... Well, to make e-mails more significant, I've decided to open up a Mailbag in the Mail section! Now I can respond to e-mails through the PokΘDome ^.^.

Links: The Links page has finally been updated with SEVERAL new links in the Fan Sites section. Thanks to Garrett for helping me out with it ^.^. Also, fellow affiliate Team Rocket HQ has moved, if you didn't know, to http://teamr.bulbagarden.com.

October 3, 1999

Slimu! A SPECIAL October Update in the PokΘDome! As most of you have noticed, I've changed some things. For example, in the Splash/Entrance Page, you'll see that it's a lot groovier now! ^.^ And I've also added a smaller-sized version of this page for the people with the small monitors! Venus the Butterfree! Now all of you can enjoy PokΘDome in its full glory! What's more is that I've changed the Advertisement Banner! It's now located at the bottom of the screen. While you have to see more of it nowadays, it's for the better for me! I'll get more money now! Mushi the Butterfree! ::Venus applauds:: However, you can ignore the ugly banner now. And I advise you do too...the banner has some bad things in there ¼_¼. Don't worry, it'll change soon enough ^.^

Games: A ground-breaking update in the Games Section! All new, EXCLUSIVE PokΘDome information on PokΘMon Gold and Silver! What information do we have? Well, the names of the Gym Leaders! The names of the new locations in the game! The names of the Hero and Rival! And more! And it's ALL EXCLUSIVE AT POKΘDOME! (That means you CAN NOT steal the information =P)

News: There's something juicy here...you may want to check it out ~.^ It's about the status of the PokΘMon anime in Japan. You heard the rumors, you've bit off your nails, but have you actually found an answer? Find the answer here ^.^

PokΘDex: A New PokΘMon Analysis! Good friend GonKJM has written a full analysis on the two Oysters/Clams, Cloyster and Shellder! It's the Slammin' Clams, as he calls them ^.^

Halloween! Multimedia: Well, it's a new picture! Dat most of you probably already saw. It's da picture found on the Splash page of da PokΘDome, but I felt that it needed to be displayed in the Pictures gallery as well ^.^ Also, a picture of Cloyster and Shellder is up, which is for the new PokΘMon Analysis! AND, last, but DEFINITELY not least, my good friend Pixy Jessie has made a GIFT FOR ME! YAY! It's in honor of my 100,000+ visitors and my one year anniversary ^.^. And thank you all for coming! =)

Cartoon: Once again, new episodes! As much as I'd love to share my opinions on the new episodes, I won't ^.^(). But I can say that I loved the episodes aired on Saturday, which were "The Evolution Solution" and "The Pi-Kahuna" ^.^ Also, I found who the voice actors for Kenji are! Both English and Japanese voice actors, by the way.

Rocket Shoppe: Just a small little update. I found Mondo's voice actor ^.^ Here's an interesting snip-bit: Mondo's voice actor is the same as Kosaburou's (Butch's) voice actor ^.^

Links: Quite a handful of new links in the Links section! Also, I updated the PokΘMon Alliance section quite a bit.

September 26, 1999

Slimu! Hallo everyone and welcome to da PokΘDome! For another update! Yay! Albeit small. But oh well ^.^(). School's been REALLY taking up my time >_<. ::kicks textbook:: Venus the Butterfree! Lucky for my Butterfree, they don't have school >:(. I'll have to make dem suffer one day...*keke* Dey'll soon experience da wrath of da 20-pound History book... Mushi the Butterfree!::laughs maniacally:: HAA HAA HAA HAA! Erhem...Dat's all I have to say...::goes back to working on math problems::

News: A new revolution in PokΘDome News! As most of you know, the Dome News hasn't been updated in quite some time. However, now it will be updated! A LOT of times! More times than this page updates! There's a new News service here that lets staff members add news whenever they want!

Mushi and Venus! Multimedia: Don't you all adore Mushi and Venus? My Butterfrees, of course. J'adore Mushi et Venus beaucoup! I love dem! So I tried something... I drew Mushi and Venus...as POKΘMORPHS! WEE! For those who don't know what a PokΘMorph is, it's a PokΘMon, but turned humanoid. Anyhow, please look at my first PokΘMorph of Mushi and Venus! ^.^

Team Rocket! Rocket Shoppe: A new Team Rocket picture! Just a traditional group piccle of Jessie, James, Arbok and Weezing ^.^. I like dis picture though... I drew it while bored in History class *keke*.

Cartoon: New episodes! Hooray! And I added the new episodes to the episode listings!

September 18, 1999

Slimu! As most of you probably know, school started like 2 weeks ago for me >_<. So I don't have as much time with PokΘDome as I did in da summer, but there will still be at updates ^.^!
Sting the BeedrillSting: Meanwhile, I must leave da PokΘDome centerfold! ::cries:: It was fun!
Slimu: Don't worry, you can come back anytime ^.^
Mushi the Butterfree!Mushi: Just as long as you continue to not use your stinger or anything ^.^()
Sting: I wouldn't harm a fly! =▐
Slimu: Ya, ya. Everyone say Goodbye to Sting now!
Venus the Butterfree!Venus: Bye! ^.^
Mushi: ::waves::

Lugia! Multimedia: Oh great and powerful PokΘMon, Lugia! I really love dis PokΘMon. In da Pictures gallery, I've put up my first picture of the new PokΘMon, Lugia! As many of you know, Lugia is the main PokΘMon in the new PokΘMon movie in Japan, titled "Revelation - Lugia" ^.^

A romantic embrace! Rocket Shoppe: I'm what dey call a Rocketshipper; someone who thinks Jessie and James are romantically involved. ^.^ Rocketship is a play on the word "Relationship", thus comes the word Rocketshipper ^.^. Anyhow, I have a new picture in the Rocket Shoppe, which is VAHRY Rocketshippy! Also, my friend CTR drew a couple of pictures too ^.^

Features: Yay! A new fan fiction! Chira tells da first two parts of her story of Pikachu's birthday! Also, JigglyJen has added another chapter to "The Next Generation," and Garrett has added another chapter to his story "A New Journey"! Have fun reading ~.^.

Cartoon: Yay! I have episodes 91~109 on tape now! ^.^ The Blaine episodes were shown in America, but sadly I didn't see them :(. Oh well, I got my new episodes! HA HA HA HA! Anyhow, I rewrote Pikachu's profile.

Links: Well, I updated da Links! Hoorah! Also, you probably noticed the buttons button on top of da page! Dose are sortov like affiliates... Anyhow, dat's all.

September 5, 1999

Slimu! EEEK! A month without updates! What horribleness! *sigh* Bouncin' fer a month with absolutely nothing new is an awful drag. Anyhow, a lot has happened since da last update...for one thing, I got a new Pentium !!! 500 =D. It's beautiful...Love it ^_^. Another thing Venus the Butterfree! dat happened was dat on August 31, 1999, PokΘDome has reached its 1 year anniversary! YAY! Both of my Butterfree are vahry happy too for this wonderful day ^.^ Mushi the Butterfree! In honor of one year of PokΘDome, we've made a special statue for this wonderful occasion ^_^. On the statue, there's a gong, which I shall strike, letting it be known dat many more PokΘDome years shall follow ~_^.

One PokΘDome Year

Sting the BeedrillHallo everybody!
Mushi and Venus: EEEK! A Beedrill! ::starts flapping around like crazy::
Slimu: *sweatdrop* Dis is a Sting the Beedrill, a FRIEND!
Mushi: Oh no. Slimu's turned evil.
Slimu and Sting: *sweatdrop*
Slimu: Anyhow, Sting's from da Prussian PokΘMon Network so be nice ::sticks tongue out:: Sting: Yeah...::wipes tears away from eyes::
Mushi and Venus: OH! The Prussian PokΘMon Network! ::both waves to Sting::
Slimu and Sting: *sweatdrop*

Gym Leaders! Multimedia: LOTS of updates in the multimedia! While being away from my new computer, I've had lots of time to draw pictures. LOTS of pictures... So, I decided to share them all with ya ^_^. There's about 15 new artworks done by me, so please enjoy ^_^. Since there's so much, I couldn't talk about ALL of them ¼_¼.

James! Rocket Shoppe: Oooh, just thought I'd mention dat I drew a new James picture, for da James fans out there ^_^. It's of him and all his PokΘMon...minus Growlie-chan and plus Meowth o.o. Well, it's still a groovy picture =).

Cartoon: Yatta! Finally a new episode ^_^. As most of you know, yesterday, Kids WB aired the episode "Princess vs. Princess", an episode dat was cut out of the first season due to lack of time for the translation. I'm going to start typin' a transcript of this episode ^_^. I also updated da Episode listing.

Encyclopedia: So one day this person e-mails me saying what a great website I have *Teehee* and I got in contact with this person, and he turns out to be a plant lover. SERIOUSLY! No, not just "Save the Rainforest"-type. No, sir. This guy knows over a dozen ways to kill someone with plants. Yes, scary. Anyhow, he's a vahry good writer, and his favorite PokΘMon is Vileplume...and he so kindly made an analysis on the Oddish evolutions for us ^_^. I also drew a picture to go along with the analysis.

August 4, 1999

Slimu! "Calling all trainers. You are summoned to the greatest challenge. Prepare to witness the greatest of all. Kids WB Presents the first PokΘMon movie ever! CATCH IT! November 12. Only in theatres." ::Slimu develops a large sweatdrop:: Well, there you have it folks; the Movie trailer for the PokΘMon movie. Venus is scared now. Venus the Butterfree! Very very scared. So am I. ::shudders with fear:: I wonder if there will be celebrity voices. ::shudders with fear some more:: Mushi the Butterfree! Indeed, a scary thought. Oh yes, it's coming. The PokΘMon movie. I've seen it a million times, but it's in English now. ::shudders some more:: MUSHI! Let's all be scared. ::huddles together::

Cartoon: Ah, I was feeling doggone bored. So I typed up something in the Cartoon section. Just a small update to Ash's Profile, and a significantly larger update to Misty's profile. Ooh yesh. The water baby herself. Now you can witness info on her PokΘMon as well.

Encyclopedia: Amazing! Wow! Wow! There's new analyses! WOOOOO! Okay, so maybe I didn't make the Analysis-per-week schedule, but oh well. Fellow Bone-lover friend decided to help me out, so he typed a lovely Analysis on Cubone and Marowak! Wee!

Features: PokΘMon Quotes Bank has been updated ^_^. But want to know what's even MORE special! Lots and lots of new fan fiction! WEEE! Chapter 3 for the wonderful Rocketshippy story "The Vow" has been put up! ::cheers with glee:: Also, chapter 5 and 6 are up for the story "The next generation", and a new story titled "PokΘMon V" is put up! Other than that lil' treat, there's MORE! New section! The INTERVIEWS section! Yesh, interviews! Fellow Jigglypuff, JigglyJen, has roamed the world, and has come across Brock, Meowth, Ash and Pikachu, and has so kindly interviewed them for us! Wee!

More Stuff: Hooray! I won an award! It's da UPNetork Superior Site Award! But quite ironic. VERY ironic. I designed the award. Yesh, I designed the pretty award. And I'm WINNING the award. Wooo ^_^. Ironicy.

A pretty award drawn by me for me *teehee*

Links: I put up a few more links...but not all of them. 'Cos I didn't have time *sigh*. I'll put the rest of them up next update ^_^.

Note: I've been invited to a PokΘMon Online Convention! Keep them bundles of roses comin'! ^_^ It's a chat, basically, with 24 other elite webmasters of PokΘMon sites. PokΘPLUS is going to host this chat, and there isn't a set date at the moment, because PokΘPLUS is getting it's own domain soon! *applaud*

July 25, 1999

Slimu! Prepare for trouble...make it double...we'll be the richest rogues of all time...Creators...of a GRAND design! I'll be the king! I'll be the queen! I'll be da joka...of crime... Venus the Butterfree! I love dat song ^_^. TEAM ROCKET' ROCKIN'! Talkin' trouble, walkin' trouble, double trouble, BIG trouble's gonna follow you! ::laughs evilly::. Venus and Mushi are scared of me now. ::laughs:: HA HA HA!!! Mushi the Butterfree! Mushi's scared of Venus now actually. She's been having fun buying stuff at our Market. Poor Mushi's wallet *teehee*. ::laughs evilly again::

Team Rocket Poster Rocket Shoppe: My greatest masterpiece thus far! It's so beautiful! It's my Team Rocket Poster! I've been working for the past week on this great picture! Drawing day in, day out, colorin'...and now I have my greatest work ^_^. Aside from that, Meowth's profile looks a bit better now too ^_^.

Cartoon: Lah dee dah...for those of you interested in more information about the mysterious Kenji, I just added profiles of his PokΘMon inside Kenji's profile! Learn 'bout his Mariru, Venonat, and Scyther ^_^.

Downloads: Gasp! An update to the Downloads section! Along with the normal version of my Team Rocket group picture which I mentioned above, I also have the wallpaper version! Wee! It's so beautiful, isn't it? ^_^.

Team Rocket background

Features: Of course the PokΘMon Quotes Bank has been updated once again ^_^. See what tha PokΘMon peoples have to say!

More Stuff: If you haven't been to the Bulletin Board in a while (say a week or more), then go! There's several new forums, AND there's new icons for you to use in the Bulletin!

Links: I just added a new button for you people to link me with! It's a Raichu edition ^_^. It's vahry cute =D. But Butterfree's still cute ^_^. Also added a few links, because I didn't have time to add all of the ones you people sent in. I'll add them next week though.

July 18, 1999

Slimu! Prepare for trouble...make it double...we'll be the richest rogues of all time...Creators...of a GRAND design! I'll be the king! I'll be the queen! I'll be da joka...of crime... Venus the Butterfree! I love dat song ^_^. TEAM ROCKET' ROCKIN'! Talkin' trouble, walkin' trouble, double trouble, BIG trouble's gonna follow you! ::laughs evilly::. Venus and Mushi are scared of me now. ::laughs:: HA HA HA!!! Mushi the Butterfree! Mushi's scared of Venus now actually. She's been having fun buying stuff at our Market. Poor Mushi's wallet *teehee*. ::laughs evilly again::

Features: Oh my. There are SO many updates to the Fan fiction section! There's lots of new stories! Chibi Team Rocket put up the last chapter of her short fan fiction, Snapshot (about Todd)! And also, faithful Rocketshipper Frogwoman has submitted a beautiful 2 chapters of her long novel about the history of Jessie and James. MUST READ IT! It's absolutely sweet ^_^. Another recommendation would be JigglyJen's story about Ash and Misty's children (o_O) and their PokΘMon journey! The PokΘMon Quotes Bank has been updated as well!

Note: I've been invited to a PokΘMon Online Convention! Keep them bundles of roses comin'! ^_^ It's a chat, basically, with 24 other elite webmasters of PokΘMon sites. Just different subjects about PokΘMon. *Educational* experience for me, to say the least (perhaps). I guess. ::blinks:: Anyhow, convention's taking place at PokΘPLUS next Friday :).

July 11, 1999

Slimu! Hello kids! Kimi wa mou, tatsuburi Pokemon tsukamaeta? Pokemon 151-biki tsukamaeta kimi mo madamada no kimi mo Pokemon ierukana ni chousen da! How's your mouth rolling today?! Don't ask. Venus the Butterfree! Anyhow, Venus is so happy today! She gets to shop! AT HOME! Yes, I've opened up the Dome Market! YOU COULD SHOP THERE! HAA HAA HAA! Mushi's not happy at all. It means more expenses to his wallet. Poor Mushi the Butterfree! Mushi! Help Mushi's wallet out by clicking on that ugly banner up there in hopes that his wallet isn't as ugly as that is when Venus is done with it!

Dome Market: Ooh! It's the Dome Market! It's a new section to the PokΘDome! See, we're now affiliates with Amazon.com, so now we could sell their products right here in the PokΘDome, and get MONEY for it! We have a nice selection of PokΘMon items available at this moment for you to buy, but if you ARE planning to buy them, buy them from here so you could help a lil' slime like me to achieve the dream of riches and wealth :).

Features: The PokΘMon Quotes Bank has been updated! It's much milder than the previous update, which is either good or bad depending on how you look at it *heh heh*. Keep on submitting those quotes! Let's help tha Quote gallery grow! ::eyes sparkle::

Links: The ever-updated Links section! Just a simple update to tha links. We've got a nice hefty collection of links now! ^_^ Also did some stuff with tha PokΘMon Alliance page. It looks better in one form or another ::blinks::

Online Since August 31, 1998

The PokΘDome Copyright ⌐ 1998-1999 Slime Mansion. All rights reserved. All contents found in the pages of this server are all the property of Slimu and the staff of the Slime Mansion, unless otherwise noted. THAT INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIMATED GIF!!! THAT IS MY MOST PRIZED POSESSION! I MADE THAT FROM SCRATCH!!! Stealing images and HTML, or editting them, (that INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIGIF TOO) is strickly prohibited without written permission.

Images composed by Slimu using MS Paint Brush, Paint Shop Pro 4.12, and Corel Photo-Paint 8. This web site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 3+ with an 800 ╫ 600 resolution with 16 bit or above.

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