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Rocket Pictures!

Fan Artwork

by Slimu by Slimu by Slimu by Slimu By Chibi TR
20 - Team Rocket! by Slimu 1999New! 19 - Jessie and James Sugimori-style by Slimu 1999 18 - Sailor Jessie and Tuxedo James! by Slimu 1999 17 - Jessie, James and PokΘMon by Slimu 1999 16 - Chibi! James holding Jessie!  By CTR 1999
by Slimu By Chibi TR by Slimu by Slimu by Slimu
A Rocketshippy embrace! Team Rocket Wedding! Team Rocket Poster James holding Jessie by Slimu 1999 James and Jessie...with her hair cut?! by Slimu 1999
By Slimu By Sillabub By Chibi TR By Chibi TR by Chibi TR
In the rain by Slimu 1999 Classical Team Rocket by Sillabub 1998 A Romantic Kiss... by Chibi Team Rocket 1999 A happy hug!  By Chibi TR 1999 A lovely Team Rocket Ballroom Scene by Chibi TR 1999
By Slimu By Slimu By Sillabub By Sillabub By Slimu
Team Rocket Picnic! by Slimu 1999 Team Rocket! by Slimu 1998 03 - Team Rocket by Sillabub 1998 02 - Team Rocket by Sillabub 1998 01 - Super-deformed Team Rocket! by Slimu 1999

By Chibi TR By Slimu
07 - Jessie with short hair!  By CTR 1999 06 - Jessie and her PokΘMon  By Slimu 1999
By Slimu By Cyprus By Sillabub By Slimu By Slimu
05 - Jessie with a..Master Ball!  by Slimu 1999 04 - Chibi Jessie! by Cyprus 03- Jessie in a pose! by Sillabub 02 - Jessie with her PokΘBall!  By Slimu 1998 01 - It's Jessie!  By Slimu 1999

By Slimu By Chibi TR By Cyprus By Slimu
James and PokΘMon!! 03- James in da Big City! by Chibi TR 02 - Chibi James! by Cyprus 01 - It's James! by Slimu 1999


Mondo Picture Book Scans
Scanned by Chibi Team Rocket - Team Rocket Torture Chamber
Mondo Arrives! Ike!  Metamon!  (Go Ditto!) Bye Meowth! Jessie claims Ditto's ball
Bye bye Meowth Balloon! Meowth's mad at Mondo Rocket in Silk Hero Meowth!
...Thanks Meowth...::blushes:: Mondo!

Online Since August 31, 1998

The PokΘDome Copyright ⌐ 1998-1999 Slime Mansion. All rights reserved. All contents found in the pages of this server are all the property of Slimu and the staff of the Slime Mansion, unless otherwise noted. Stealing images and HTML, or editting them, is strickly prohibited without written permission.

Images composed by Slimu using MS Paint Brush, Paint Shop Pro 4.12, and Corel Photo-Paint 8. This web site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 3+ with an 800 ╫ 600 resolution with 16 bit or above.