PokΘDome Welcome
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Welcome to the PokΘDome!

The grooviest hangout of PokΘMon as well as PokΘFans! We provide you with strategies and info on the game, information about the show, and basically the entire PokΘMon industry!

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Team Rocket HQ Brock-O-Rama Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
Caterpie Forest Air Balloon Team Rocket Torture Chamber


November 28, 1999

Slimu! Greetings, citizen, and welcome to the PokΘDome! ::bows:: Anyhow, last week was quite bumpy and unpleasant fer us here at da PokΘDome. ¼_¼ No, dere was not any earthquakes, but dere WAS downtime >_<. Venus the Butterfree! A reason, you ask? And a reason I shall give. We've been moving da internal server of PokΘDome da past week, and because of dis, downtime has occurred to our displeasure ¼_¼. Yet, eventually, we came back. 'Twas quite a miracle ^.^ And at just the right time of year; Christmas is approaching! Mushi the Butterfree! In celebration of da last month of the millenium, we've added a new Splash piccle and a new background to the sidebar ^.^()...but nothing much else o.O Ya, it's small, but it's...something ^.^() Dere'd be more next week ^.^ Anyhow, I'd also like to show my deepest gratitude to the Fire Realm Network, which now hosts dis site ^.^ Thank you! =D

Mail: Hmph. Since we moved to da new server, our e-mail system hasn't been properly set up just yet ¼_¼. Therefore, if you wish to send us e-mail, please wait until next week when we hopefully will have the e-mail system working again. If you absolutely must have a response to something, please go to the Dome Bulletin and post whatever you want to say on dere ^.^

November 14, 1999

Slimu! Greetings, everyone, and welcome to the world! ::blinks:: Well, welcome again I s'pose. Anyhow, I finally updated da PokΘDome! After two weeks *phew*. Venus the Butterfree! Y'know, I got some people complainin' *eck* 'bout me not updatin' like daily...well, as Venus and Mushi here can tell ya, I'm a busy slimu who can't quite fit my website into my schedule at all times Mushi the Butterfree! o.O But I try ^.^() Anyhow, usually dis website updates once a week, although rare occassions allow me to update more...or less ~.~ But dat's okay ^.^

Cartoon: Durin' da last two weeks, two groovy episodes played, first one being "Fire and Ice", and second being "The Fourth Round Rumble." *drool* Janette...she should win ^.^() To tell da truth, I wanted Ash to lose so Janette *drool* could win ^.^() But Ash won...and GARY LOST! ::weeps:: ...Anyhow, PokΘMon: The First Movie also was released, and I got a chance to see it =D I already have a review of it for da JAPANESE Mewtwo Strikes Back, but my views on da movie changed now dat I saw da English version, so I'll make a new review sometime soon.

Petal Dance! Multimedia: I changed da Media section quite a bit...'cos I added a FAN ART SECTION! I decided da Pictures section was too small fer both pictures and Fan art to be in it, so I made a new Fan Art section. Anyhow, da Fan Art section has a whole part of it dedicated to my artwork ^.^() and da rest has da artworks of other fans. Anyhow, I added 7 new piccles of mine, and 4 piccles of others ^.^

Team Rocket! Rocket Shoppe: A wonderful Team Rocket group piccle which I recently finished! HOORAH! It has Jessie, James, Meowth, Arbok, Weezing, Lickitung, Victreebel, Mondo, Ditto, Cassidy and Butch! ^.^

Stuff: My profile has been UPDATED! HOORAH! Yes, now you'll find out new information on da great SLIMU! Oh, and Garrett, my friend, has been added to da Staff list as my assistant with his profile.

Links: Da links has been updated as well! I changed a few stuff here as well. Da main Links page now displays all da websites I maintain or help out with. And a few links added to da other Links places.

Online Since August 31, 1998

The PokΘDome Copyright ⌐ 1998-1999 Slime Mansion. All rights reserved. All contents found in the pages of this server are all the property of Slimu and the staff of the Slime Mansion, unless otherwise noted. THAT INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIMATED GIF!!! THAT IS MY MOST PRIZED POSESSION! I MADE THAT FROM SCRATCH!!! Stealing images and HTML, or editting them, (that INCLUDES THE BUTTERFREE ANIGIF TOO) is strickly prohibited without written permission.

Images composed by Slimu using MS Paint Brush, Paint Shop Pro 4.12, and Corel Photo-Paint 8. This web site is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4 or Netscape 3+ with an 800 ╫ 600 resolution with 16 bit or above.

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